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流沙上的博弈  哈罗德·品特早期戏剧研究
流沙上的博弈  哈罗德·品特早期戏剧研究

流沙上的博弈 哈罗德·品特早期戏剧研究PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:孙琦编
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9787513520737
  • 页数:256 页
上一篇:黑志异青年下一篇:365夜儿歌 下
《流沙上的博弈 哈罗德·品特早期戏剧研究》目录

Introduction 1

0.1 Dramatic Setting for the Emergence of Harold Pinter 3

0.2 Pinter the Playwright 12

0.3 Thesis Apology 44

Chapter One Discourse of Ambiguity 53

1.1 Absurdity or Ambiguity 56

1.2 Ambiguity:Pinter's Thesis 71

1.3 Quicksand:Pinter's Epistemic Metaphor 94

1.4 Uncertainty:The Prerequisite for Games 100

Chapter Two The Symbiotic Contexture 105

2.1 Time and Space in Pinter's Drama 107

2.2 The Identity Dilemma 128

2.3 Paradigm of Identity:Inter-Subjectivity 139

Chapter Three Game Anatomy 155

3.1 Pozzo's Game in Perspective 157

3.2 Ben vs.Gus:Prisoners' Dilemma 160

3.3 Davies's Zero-Sum Game 170

3.4 The Last War of Ruth 182

Chapter Four Rhetoric of Strategies 193

4.1 Pinter's Rhetoric against Uncertainty 196

4.2 Ethic Encoding 209

4.3 Strategies for Will Accomplishment 220

Conclusion 233

Bibliography 240

Acknowledgements 255
