- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Cornelis van Schooneveld
- 出 版 社:
- 出版年份:2222
- ISBN:9027709874
- 页数:340 页
PARTⅠ-APERTURE SYNTHESIS METHODSE.B.FOMALONT/Fundamentals and Deficiencies of ApertureSynthesis (Invited paper) 3
Organizing Committee 11
R.H.FRATER/The Two Dimensional Representation of ThreeDimensional Interferometer Measurements 19
J.P.HAMAKER/Measurement Errors in Rotational Synthes isand their Effects in the Map Plane (Invited Paper) 27
J.P.HAMAKER/ Kneading :The Adjustment of InstrumentalPhase and Gain Parameters to Suppress Error Patternsin a Synthesis Map 47
A.H.ROTS/A Proposal to Obtain Short Spacing Informationby Interpolation 55
E.BAJAJA/The Short Spacings Problem in CorrelationInterferometers and a Procedure for Solving It(Abstract) 59
R.?.EKERS and A.H.ROTS/Short Spacing Synthesis from aPrimary Beam Scanned Interferometer 61
PARTⅡ-APERTURE SYNTHESIS WITH LIMITED OR NO PHASE INFORMATIONJ.E.BALDWIN and P.J.WARNER/Fundamental Aspects ofAperture Synthesis with Limited or No PhaseInformation (Invited paper) 67
P.N.WILKINSON and A.C.S.READHEAD/Map-making withNon-phase Stable Interferometers 83
W.D.COTTON and J.J.WITTELS/Image Reconstruction fromVLBI Amplitude and Phase Closure Data (Abstract) 93
J.C.DAINTY,M.A.FIDDY and A.H.GREENAWAY/On theDanger of Applying Statistical ReconstructionMethods in the Case of Missing Phase Information 95
A.OKATAN and J.P.BASART / Reduction of Phase Noise inInterferometry with State-space Analysis 103
PART Ⅲ-PROCESSING TECHNIQUES AND DISPLAY METHODSB.G.CLARK/Digital Processing Methods for ApertureSynthesis Observations (Invited paper) 113
R.H.FRATER/Digital Hardware Processing ofRotational Synthesis Data (Abstract) 121
T.W.COLE/Analogue Processing Methods for SynthesisObservations (Invited paper) 123
R.J.ALLEN/Exploring Methods of Effective DataDisplay in an Interactive Astronomical Data-processing Environment (Invited paper) 143
M.WRIGHT/Processing and Display of Spectral LineAbsorption Maps (Abstract) 157
D.J.McLEAN/A Proposed Correlator Back-end for theCulgoora Radio-heliograph 159
K.KAIand T.KOSUGI/An Acousto-optical ImageProcessor and Its Application to a 160 MHzInterferometer 165
PART Ⅳ-OPTICAL INTERFEROMETRIC METHODSC.RODDIER and F.RODDIER/Imaging with a CoherenceInterferometer in Optical Astronomy 175
R.H.T.BATES and M.O.MILNER/Towards Imaging of StarClusters by Speckle Interferometry 187
PART Ⅴ-MAXIMUM ENTROPY IMAGE RECONSTRUCTIONC.van SCHOONEVELD/Resolution Enhancement:the Maximum Entropy Method and the HighResolution Method (Invited paper) 197
s.F.GULL and G.J.DANIELL/The Maximum EntropyMethod (Invited paper) 219
T.J.CORNWELL/The Use of Bayesian Statistics inImage Estimation from Interferometer Data 227
J.E.B.PONSONBY/Problems with Maximum Entropy(Abstract) 235
J.A.HOGBOM/The Introduction of A Priori Knowledgein Certain Processing Algorithms 237
M.M.KOMESAROFF and I.LERCHE/Extending the FourierTransform-The Positivity Constraint 241
P.M.W.KALBERLA/The Information of Images and ItsDependence on Noise and Spatial Resolution 249
R.BHANDARI/Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis-SomeComments (Abstract) 257
PART Ⅵ-OTHER IMAGE IMPROVEMENT METHODSU.J.SCHWARZ/The Method CLEAN-Use,Misuse andVariations (Invited paper) 261
M.ISHIGURO and M.ISHIGURO/Fitting a GaussianModel to Aperture Synthesis Data by Akaike sInformation Criterion (AIC) 277
C.R.SUBRAHMANYA/An Optimum Deconvolution Method 287
P.L.BAKER/Application of the Simplex Algorithmto Image Restoration (Abstract) 291
D.T.EMERSON and U.KLEIN/Observations ofExtended Radio Sources Using a Multiple-beamTechnique 293
Y.BIRAUD,B.ESCUDIE,A.HELLION and J.MUNIER/Formation of Acoustic Images from Spatial CoherenceFunctions:Processing by Superresolution Techniques 299
PART Ⅶ-RELEVANT INPUTS FROM OTHER FIELDSR.GORDON/Reconstruction from Projections in Medicineand Astronomy (Invited paper) 317
Subject index 327
Name index 333
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