CME Information 1
Predicting and Monitoring Cancer Treatment Response with Diffusion-Weighted MRI 1
Review 2
CMEPredicting and Monitoring Cancer Treatment Response with Diffusion-Weighted MRI&Harriet C.Thoeny and Brian D.Ross 2
Original Research Neuroimaging 17
Intracranial Tumor Response to Respiratory Challenges at 3.0T:Impact of Different Methods to Quantify Changes in the MR Relaxation Rate R2*&Andreas Müller,Stefanie Remmele,Ingobert Wenningmann,Hans Clusmann,Frank Tr?ber,Sebastian Flacke,Roy K?nig,Jürgen Gieseke,Winfried A.Willinek,Hans H.Schild,and Petra Mürtz 17
Quantitative Analysis in Clinical Applications of Brain MRI Using Independent Component Analysis Coupled With Support Vector Machine&Jyh-Wen Chai,Clayton Chi-Chang Chen,Chih-Ming Chiang,Yung-Jen Ho,Hsian-Min Chen,Yen-Chieh Ouyang,Ching-Wen Yang,San-Kan Lee,and Chein-I Chang 24
Two-Dimensional MR Spectroscopy of Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy and Neuropsychological Correlates In Vivo&Aparna Singhal,Rajakumar Nagarajan,Charles H.Hinkin,Rajesh Kumar,James Sayre,Virginia Elderkin-Thompson,Amir Huda,Rakesh K.Gupta,Steven-Huy Han,and M.Albert Thomas 35
MR Elastography of the Ex Vivo Bovine Globe&Daniel V.Litwiller,Sung J.Lee,Arunark Kolipaka,Yogesh K.Mariappan,Kevin J.Glaser,Jose S.Pulido,and Richard L.Ehman 44
Visualization of Cerebral Microbleeds with Dual-Echo T2*-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 7.0 T&Mandy M.A.Conijn,Mirjam I.Geerlings,Peter R.Luijten,Jaco J.M.Zwanenburg,Fredy Visser,Geert Jan Biessels,and Jeroen Hendrikse 52
Reproducibility of In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Based Measurement of Myelin Water&Ives R.Levesque,Charmaine L.L.Chia,and G.Bruce Pike 60
Microstructural Changes in Patients with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy:A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study&JiunJie Wang,YauYau Wai,Wey-Yil Lin,ShuHang Ng,Chi-Hong Wang,RenHsiang Hsieh,ChungHuang Hsieh,Rou-Shayn Chen,and Chin-Song Lu 69
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Pediatric Optic Nerve:Intrinsic and Extrinsic Pathology Compared to Normal Controls&Joshua P.Nickerson,Michael B.Salmela,Chris J.Koski,Trevor Andrews,and Christopher G.Filippi 76
Vital Signs and Cognitive Function Are Not Affected by 23-Sodium and 17-Oxygen Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Brain at 9.4 T&Ian C.Atkinson,Rachel Sonstegaard,Neil H.Pliskin,and Keith R.Thulborn 82
Cardiovascular Imaging 88
Comparison of Dual to Single Contrast Bolus Magnetic Resonance Myocardial Perfusion Imaging for Detection of Significant Coronary Artery Disease&Jan G.J.Groothuis,Frans P.P.J.Kremers,Aernout M.Beek,Stijn L.Brinckman,Alvin C.Tuinenburg,Michael Jerosch-Herold,Albert C.van Rossum,and Mark B.M.Hofman 88
Thoracic Imaging 94
Morphological Features and Clinical Feasibility of Thoracic Duct:Detection With Nonenhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 3.0 T&Yu De-xin,Ma Xiang-xing,Zhang Xiao-ming,Wang Qing,and Li Chuan-fu 94
Breast Imaging 101
Freehand MRI-Guided Preoperative Needle Localization of Breast Lesions After MRI-Guided Vacuum-Assisted Core Needle Biopsy Without Marker Placement&Stephanie M.W.Y.van de Ven,Margaret C.Lin,Bruce L.Daniel,Priya Sareen,Jafi A.Lipson,Sunita Pal,Frederick M.Dirbas,and Debra M.Ikeda 101
Robust Segmentation of Mass-lesions in Contrast-Enhanced Dynamic Breast MR Images&Lina A.Meinel,Thomas Buelow,Dezheng Huo,Akiko Shimauchi,Ursula Kose,Johannes Buurman,and Gillian Newstead 110
Detecting Blood Oxygen Level-Dependent(BOLD)Contrast in the Breast&Rebecca Rakow-Penner,Bruce Daniel,and Gary H.Glover 120
Gastrointestinal Imaging 130
Value of Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Images for Discrimination of Focal Benign and Malignant Hepatic Lesions:A Meta-Analysis&Dong Xia,Jiyong Jing,Haiping Shen,and Jianjun Wu 130
Utility of Diffusion-Weighted MRI in Distinguishing Benign and Malignant Hepatic Lesions&Frank H.Miller,Nancy Hammond,Aheed J.Siddiqi,Sagar Shroff,Gaurav Khatri,Yi Wang,Laura B.Merrick,and Paul Nikolaidis 138
Noninvasive Quantification of Hepatic Steatosis in Rats Using 3.0 T 1H-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy&H.A.Marsman,J.R.van Werven,A.J.Nederveen,F.J.ten Kate,M.Heger,J.Stoker,and T.M.van Gulik 148
Genitourinary Imaging 155
Reproducibility and Correlation Between Quantitative and Semiquantitative Dynamic and Intrinsic Susceptibility-Weighted MRI Parameters in the Benign and Malignant Human Prostate&Roberto Alonzi,N,Jane Taylor,J.James Stirling,James A.d'Arcy,David J.Collins,Michele I.Saunders,Peter J.Hoskin,and Anwar R.Padhani 155
Musculoskeletal Imaging 165
Magnetic Resonance Histologic Correlation in Rotator Cuff Tendons&Florian M.Buck,Holger Grehn,Monika Hilbe,Christian W.A.Pfirrmann,Silvana Manzanell,and Juerg Hodler 165
Cartilage Morphology at 3.0T:Assessment of Three-Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Techniques&Christina A.Chen,Richard Kijowski,Lauren M.Shapiro,Michael J.Tuite,Kirkland W.Davis,Jessica L.Klaers,Walter F.Block,Scott B.Reeder,and Garry E.Gold 173
Vascular Imaging 184
In Vivo Vascular Hallmarks of Diffuse Leukoaraiosis&Jinsoo Uh,Uma Yezhuvath,Yamei Cheng,and Hanzhang Lu 184
Reproducibility of Black Blood Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Aortic Plaques of Atherosclerotic Rabbits&Claudia Calcagno,Esad Vucic,Venkatesh Mani,Gregg Goldschlager,and Zahi A.Fayad 191
Body Imaging 199
Pretreatment and Early Intratreatment Prediction of Clinicopathologic Response of Head and Neck Cancer to Chemoradiotherapy Using 1H-MRS&Ann D.King,David K.W.Yeung,Kwok-hung Yu,Frankie K.F.Mo,Kunwar S.Bhatia,Gary M.K.Tse,Alexander C.Vlantis,Jeffrey K.T.Wong,Chen-wen Hu,and Anil T.Ahuja 199
Adipose Tissue Distribution in Children:Automated Quantification Using Water and Fat MRI&Joel Kullberg,Ann-Katrine Karlsson,Eira Stokland,P?r-Arne Svensson,and Jouanna Dahlgren 204
Technical Developments 211
Iterative Image Reconstruction for PROPELLER-MRI Using the Nonuniform Fast Fourier Transform&Ashish A.Tamhane,Mark A.Anastasio,Minzhi Gui,and Konstantinos Arfanakis 211
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