红河流域的民族文化与生态文明 下PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郑晓云,杨正权主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国书籍出版社
- 出版年份:2222
- ISBN:9787506821254
- 页数:395 页
Speech Given in the International Conference on Ethnic Culture and Ecological Civilization of the Red River Basin&Deng Xianpei 1
Attend to the Red River's Origin,and Promote Ecological Civilization and Harmonious Social Construction&Na Qi 6
Join Hands to Strengthen Construction of Ethnic Culture and Ecological Civilization,Build Our Beautiful Shared Home—Keynote speech in the International Conference on Ethnic Culture and Ecological Civilization of the Red River Basin&Yang Hongwei 11
Welcome Speech&Nguyen Chi Ben 17
Ethnic Culture and Ecological Civilization of the Red River Basin&Zheng Xiaoyun 19
Changes of Ecological and Humanistic Environment in Hanoi along the Red River&Tu Thi Loan 42
Ethnic Cultural Diversity and Ecological Protection among the Red River Basin of China&Guo Na 56
Relationship between Natural Environment and Life in the Middle Reaches of the Red River—The case study of Tram Village,Tu Xa Commune,Lam Thao District,Phu Tho Province in Vietnam&Nguyen Thi Hong Nhung 68
Investigation on the Origination of Honghe Hani Terraces&Hou Yongjian 82
Utilization and Preservation on Wild Edible Plants of Mang People in China&Yang Liu-jin 103
Emigration of the Yue People from Lower Reaches to Upper Reaches of the Red River—The case study of the Yue people’s emigrants in Bat Xat District,Lao Cai Province&Pham Nam Thanh 117
Study of the Popular Beliefs of the Dai People in Jinping&He Shaoying 128
Indigenous Knowledge on the Protection of Water and Forest Resources of the Red River—The case study of Hani nationality in Bat Xat District,Lao Cai Province,Vietnam&Nguyen Thi Hien 150
Influence of the Living Environment on the Yue People's Culture in the Red River Delta—The case study of reproduction worship&Vu Anh Tu 170
Worship of Water Spirits in the Red River Delta&Vo Hoang Lan 182
Cultural Acculturation in a Town by the Red River—The case study of Nam Dinh&Bui Quang Thanh 191
Economic Exchange,Environment and Land Management Problems in a Village of the Red River Delta&Nguyen Lam Tuan Anh 204
Fishermen and Ecological Environment of the Red River Mouth—Changes in exploitation and use of aquatic resources&Nguyen Thi Thu Trang 221
Yao's Indigenous Knowledge on Cinnamon Cultivation in Kien Thanh Commune,Tran Yen District,Yen Bai Province&Le Thanh Hoa 234
Tourism and Cultural diversity:A case study of the Red River&Bui Hoai Son 246
Acculturation at the Red River Mouth Region&Do Lan Phuong 253
Formation and Evolvement Course of the Red River and the Population of Thai Binh Province&Nguyen Thanh 270
Research on Water through the Cultural Behaviors of the Red River Residents&Vu Tu Quyen,MA 282
International Cooperation in China's Environmental Protection at Multilateral,Bilateral and Regional Level&He Shengda 297
Folk Customs of History,Society,River System and Water Consumption in Lijiang Old Town&Yang Fuquan 311
Eco-Culture and Regional Social Economic Development of Mi Le County&Wang Jialin 339
Revival of Identity:Development of TAI & Ethnic Costume&Prayoot Wongpang 350
Culture along the Red River in Vietnam&Nguyen Chi Ben 360
Ethno-Ecology of Inhabitants at the Reaches of the Red River in Vietnam&Ngo Duc Thinh 361
Framework for the Protection & Development of the Ecological Cultural Resources in Honghe Tourist Corridor of Yunnan&Li Xiangchun Hui Huang 362
Argumentation on the Sources of the Red River&Chai Fengzi 364
Research on the Ecosystem Protection Norm in the Red River Area&Li Jixing 366
Relations between the Red River and City Civilization—In Terms of Jian Shui a Southern Ancient City in Yunnan&Chang Fei 367
Impact of the Water Culture Transition upon the Ecological Environment in the Upper Reaches of the Red River&Wang Yang 369
Ecological Protection Ideas of the Minority Groups along the Red River(China's part)&Yuan Chunsheng 370
Terrace Agriculture and Sustainable development in the Red River Area&Qin Wei 371
Harmonious Reconstruction of the Relation between Water Culture and Modernization—The case study of the Red River Basin&Liang Chuan 372
Behavior of the Yaoho Ethnic Group in Lao Cai Province toward the Water Sources&Tran Huu Son 373
Nationalities along the Upper Reaches and Middle Reaches of the Red River&Huang Guangcheng 374
Ecological Functions,Ecological Service Network and Evolution of the Forestry Tenureship of the Hani Regions in the Ailao Mounatin&Wang Qinghua 375
Characteristics of the Harmonious Ecology on Hani culture&He Zuoqing 377
Ecological Environmental Protection Research On Yunnan Yi People's Primitive Religious Faith—With Zhiju Yi people as the example&Li Xiaoli Li Na 378
Ethnic Cultural Intercommunication between China and Vietnam along the Red River Basin&Wang Jun 380
Research on the Relationship Construction or Ethnic Cuhure along the Red River and Regional Economic Development&Wang Xuanquan 381
Ecological View of the Azhe People of the Yi Nationality—Dragon sacrifice rites in Gaodian Village,Mile County&Peng Duoyi 382
Environmental Security and Sustainable Development in Villages—Case study of Shuitang Community,Xinping Yi-Dai Autonomous Prefecture&Li Yongxiang 384
Projecting Agricultural Supply from the Upper Red River Basin in Yunnan,Southwestern China&Manoj Potapohn 386
Water Colour Diversity and the Significance for Water Culture Communication Significance in Establishing Contemporary Technology and Environmental Ethics&Erik L?vgren Sylvia Sandelin 387
Revival of identity:Development of Tai & Ethnic Costume&Prayoot Wongpang 389
From the Local to the Global—For sustainable development in the Red River drainage area&Fujita A.Kazuko 391
Ethnic Cultural Corridor of the Red River in establishing"Two Corridors and One Belt"&Li Jianming 393
Civil Society and Sanitation Hydropolitics—Trend comparison in South Africa's Vaal River Barrage and the Red River in China&Johann Tempelhoff 394
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