1. Lesson One 1
Dialong :Meeting for the first time 1
Test: Sports 5
Grammar:(一)五大基本句型之一——主语+系动词+表语(包括there+be句型) 13
(二)让步状语从句 14
2. Lesson Two 21
Dialog: In an English Class 21
Text:A Talk on Learning Foreign Languages 24
Grammar:(一)条件状语从句 35
(二)五大基本句型之三——主语+及物动词+宾语 36
3. Lesson Three 44
Dialog: Extracurricular Activities 44
Text :Pollution 48
Grammar:(一)被动语态之一 61
(二)五大基本句型之二——主语+谓语(不及物动词)(包括被动语态) 62
4. Lesson Four 70
Dialog:Talking About Food and Drinks 70
Text:Fresh Water Factories 74
Grammar:(一)被动词态之二 87
(二)五大基本句型之四——主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语 88
5. Lesson Five 96
Dialog:Talking About Studies 96
Text: A Tourist Guide 100
Grammar:(一)五大基本句型之五——主语+及物动词+宾语+补语 113
(二)时间和地点状语从句 113
6. Revision Lesson One 114
7. Lesson Six 132
Dialog: At the Doctor’s 132
Text: Dangers in and near a House 137
Grammar:(一)目的状语从句 149
(二)结果状语从句 150
8. Lesson Seven 158
Dialog:What’s the weather like here? 158
Text: Understanding Bicycle Safety 162
Grammar: 情态助动词(一) 172
9. Lesson Eight 182
Dialog:Going To the Reading Room 182
Text:Practice Through PicturesDescribing two sets of pictures 186
Grammar:情态助动词(二) 200
10. Lesson Nine 211
Dialog:At a Sports Meet 211
Text :The Importance of Electricity 215
Grammar:情态助动词(三) 225
11. Lesson Ten 237
Dialog : At a League Meeting 237
Text: A Reply To a Letter 241
Grammar:(一)原因状语从句 248
(二)比较方式状语从句 249
12. Revision Lesson Two 259
13. Lesson Eleven 271
Dialog:How did you spend the Spring Festival? 271
Text:Problems of the computer age 275
Grammar:定语从句(一) 288
14. Lesson Twelve 298
Dialog :Taking a bus to do sight-seeing 298
Text :Going To a Theater in New York 302
Grammar:定语从句(二) 311
15. Lesson Thirteen 319
Dialog:Going Shopping 319
Text :The Genius of the Age 323
Grammar:定语从句(三) 333
16. Lesson Fourteen 345
Dialog:Helping Others 345
Text:Food and Health Eating 349
Grammar:定语从句(四) 362
17. Lesson Fifteen 375
Dialog:At the Post Office 375
Text:Delivering a speech or making an address 378
A:Introduction of a lecturer 378
B:Chairman’s opening address at a speech contest 379
C:Chairman’s closing address at a debating contest 380
Grammar:不定式的被动态、完成态和进行态 389
18. Revision Lesson Three 399
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- 《郑杭生主编《社会学概论新修》学习笔记与课后题详解 第4版》郑杭生主编;杨敏,王道勇副主编 2014
- 《社长总编辑 主编 论出版 第4辑》新闻出版署教育培训中心编 2000
- 《专业技术人员创新团队建设读本 主编 靳永慧 甄亚丽 张彦明》靳永慧,甄亚丽,张彦明主编 2012
- 《许国璋主编《英语》单词科学记忆法》李平武主编 1989
- 《柑桔手册 贺善文主编》贺善文主编 1988
- 《北京审计学会主编怎样查帐和调帐》刘大贤,傅磊 1990
- 《许国璋主编 英语自学手册 第3册》石孝殊主编 1985
- 《许国璋主编《英语》自学辅导 上》罗长炎,邢文军编 1986
- 《许国璋主编英语第1册 1979年重印本 练习答案》赵厚宪编 1982