断裂机理的研究 1
1.Advances in the mechanism of cleavage fracture of low alloy steel at low temperature.Part Ⅰ:Critical event,Int.J.Fract.Vol.83 No.2,p105~120,1997 1
2.Advances in the mechanism of cleavage fracture of low alloy steel at low temperature.Part Ⅱ:Fracture model,Int.J Fract.Vol.83 No.2,p121~138,1997 19
3.Advances in the mechanism of cleavage fracture of low alloy steel at low temperature.Part:Ⅲ Local fracture stress of,Int.J Fract.Vol.83 No.2,p139~157,1997 37
4.A Statistical Model for Cleavage Fracture of Low Alloy Steel,Acta Mater.Vol.44,p3979~3989,1996 56
5.The Local Fracture Stress of as a Fracture Toughness Parameter Characterize an Heterogeneous weld zone,Fatigue & Fract.of Engng Mater.& Struct.Vol.19,p807~819,1996 67
6.A Comparison of Fracture Behavior of Low Alloy Steels with Different Sizes of Carbide Particles,Metall.&Mater.Trans.Vol.27A,p1909~1917,1996 81
7.Micromechanism of the transition of fibrous cracking to cleavage of C-Mn base and weld steel,Metall.and Mater.Trans.Vol.25A,p1381~1390,1994 93
8.Further study on the mechanism of cleavage fracture at low temperature,Acta Metall.&Mater.Vol.42,p251~261,1994 106
9.Critical assessment of local Cleavage stress of in Notch Specimens of C-Mn steel,Metall.and Mater.Trans.Vol.24A,p1381~1389,1993 117
10.Further investigation of the critical events in cleavage fracture of C-Mn base and weld steel,Metall.and Mater.Trans.Vol.24A,p659~667,1993 129
11.Study on the impact toughness of the C-Mn Multilayer weld metal at-60℃,Welding Journal Vol.72,p19s~27s,1993 141
12.A Comparison of toughness of C-Mn steel with different grain sizes,Metall.Trans.Vol.23A,p2549~2556,1992 152
13.Study of Mechanism of Cleavage Fracture at Low Temperature,Metall.Trans.Vol.23A,p509~517,1992 163
14.Further study on the scattering of the local fracture stress and allied toughness values,Metall.Trans.Vol.22A,p2287~2296,1991 172
15.On the scattering of the local fracture stress of,Acta Metall.&Mater.,Vol.38,p2527~2535,1990 185
16.Fracture behavior of C-Mn steel and weld metal in notched and precracked specimens:Part Ⅰ.Fracture behavior,Metall.Trans.Vol.21A,p313~320,1990 194
17.Fracture behavior of C-Mn steel and weld metal in notched and precracked specimens:Part Ⅱ.Micromechanism of fracture,Metall.Trans.Vol.21A,p321~330,1990 205
18.Fracture behavior of C-Mn steel multipass MMA weld metals at-60℃ in Charpy V testing,Materials Science and Technology Vol.4,p732~739,1988 215
19.Micro-fracture behavior induced by M-A Constituent(Island Martensite)in simulated welding heat affected zone of HT80 high strength low alloying steel,Acta Metall.&Metall.Vol.32,p1779~1788,1984 224
20.高强力钢溶接部の破坏发生传ぽに及ぼす岛状マルテンサィトの影响,材料Vol.34,p18~22,1985 235
焊接电弧物理与化学冶金 240
21.Study on the mechanism of spatter produced by basic welding electrodes,Welding Journal Vol.75,p311s~316s,1996 240
22.The transfer of small amount of boron during SMA welding,Welding Journal Vol.70,p277s~285s,1991 248
23.Investigation of the kinetic process of metal-oxygen reaction during shielded metal arc welding,Welding Journal Vol.68,p245s~251s,1989 259
24.A Study of the mechanism for globular metal transfer from covered electrodes,Welding Journal Vol.68,p145s~150s,1989 268
25.手工电弧焊过程微量硼过渡及其稳定性研究,焊接学报Vol.10,No.3,p139~146,1989 276
26.手工电弧焊氧化还原反应动态过程的研究,焊接学报Vol.9,No.2,p59~68,1988 284
27.焊条电弧力的测定研究,焊接学报Vol.8,No.3,p107~112,1987 294
28.HT80高强钢模拟焊接HAZ透射电镜组织观察及位错密度测定,焊接学报Vol.6,No.4,p157~162,1985 300
29.碱性焊条发尘致毒影响因素的研究,焊接学报Vol.1,No.2,p53~65,1980 308
陶瓷连接 323
30.The Metallurgical behaviour during brazing of Ni-base alloy Inconel 600 to Si3N4 with Ag71Cu27Ti2 filler metal J.Materials Science Vol.28,p2933~2942,1993 323
31.Segregation of chromium at the interface between Ni-Cr-Si-Ti brazing filler metal and Si3N4 Ceramics J.Materials Science Letter Vol.12A,p87~89,1993 334
32.An observation of the overflow of Ag-Cu-Ti filler metal on the surface of Ni-base Alloy Inconel 600,J.Materials Science Letter Vol.11A,p1473~1475,1992 338
专著(简介及目录) 342
33.《焊接卫生与安全》机械工业出版社,北京,1987年 342
34.《焊接材料及其冶金》机械工程师进修大学,北京,1989年 359
35."Welding Joining Coating and Surface Modification Of Advanced Materials",Proceeding of the Pre-Assembly symposium of47th Annual Assembly of IIW,1-2 Sep 1994,Dalian,China(Vol.Ⅰ&Vol.Ⅱ) 364
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