法学英语 2PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李立主编
- 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787309090079
- 页数:181 页
Unit 1 Same-Sex Marriage 1
1. Search for Background Information 1
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning 3
3. Listen to the Debate 6
4. Read for Information 8
Text A Same-Sex Marriage, Civil Unions, and Domestic Partnerships 8
Text B Law Regarding Same-Sex Marriage, Civil Unions, and Domestic Partnerships 12
5. Practice for Enhancement 19
6. Write an Academic Essay 25
7. Make Your Presentation 25
Unit 2 Cybercrime 26
1. Search for Background Information 26
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning 28
3. Listen to the Lecture 31
4. Read for Information 33
Text A What Is Cybercrime? 34
Text B Federal Laws and Judicial Trends in the Prosecution of Cyber Crime Cases in the United States 38
5. Practice for Enhancement 48
6. Write an Academic Essay 53
7. Make Your Presentation 55
Unit 3 Death Penalty 56
1. Search for Background Information 56
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning 58
3. Listen to the Lecture 61
4. Read for Information 63
Text A Death Penalty and Sentencing Information 63
Text B Is the Death Penalty Fair? 68
5. Practice for Enhancement 74
6. Write an Academic Essay 81
7. Make Your Presentation 83
Unit 4 Gun Control 84
1. Search for Background Information 84
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning 86
3. Listen to the Lecture 89
4. Read for Information 92
TextA Mothers Against Guns 92
Text B Gun Control 96
5. Practice for Enhancement 102
6. Write an Academic Essay 107
7. Make Your Presentation 108
Unit 5 Informed Consent and Patients' Rights 109
1. Search for Background Information 109
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning 111
3. Listen to the Lecture 114
4. Read for Information 116
Text A Disclosure of Financial Interests 117
Text B Cosmetic Surgery and Informed Consent: Legal and Ethical Considerations 120
5. Practice for Enhancement 128
6. Write an Academic Essay 133
7. Make Your Presentation 134
Unit 6 Advertisement and Celebrity 135
1. Search for Background Information 135
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning 136
3. Listen to the Lecture 139
4. Read for Information 142
TextA Celebrities in Advertising 143
Text B False Advertising and Celebrity Endorsements: Where's My Script? 147
5. Practice for Enhancement 154
6. Write an Academic Essay 160
7. Make Your Presentation 161
Appendix 1 Sample Academic Essay 162
Appendix 2 Glossary 170
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