- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:亨氏营养科学研究所
- 出 版 社:亨氏营养科学研究所
- 出版年份:2222
- 页数:344 页
Title page 1
Proceedings,Organization and Programs 3
Faculty 12
Chairman's Remarks 14
Welcoming Remarks 15
Article Contents(1)Effects of Maternal Nutrition on Birth Outcome&Roger G.Whitehead.Ph.D. 18
(2)Energy and Macronutrient Requirements of Infants&George H.Beaton,Ph.D. 37
(3)Vitamin and Mineral Requirements of Infants&Stanley N.Gershoff,Ph.D. 59
(4)Nutritional Factors which Influence the Health and Growth of Infants and Young Children&Roger G.Whitehead,Ph.D. 67
(5)M onitoring of Infants Growth:What Standards to Use and How to Use Them&George H.Beaton,Ph.D. 84
(6)Feeding Practices and Nutritional Status of Infants in Mainland China&Liu Dong-sheng M.D. 104
(7)Growth Pattern of Infants in Chengdu&Yang Min,M.D.,M.P.H.and Zheng De-yuan,M,D. 117
(8)Growth Patterns of Infans in China&Prof.Zhang Xuan and Dr Ding Z.Y. 127
(9)Feeding Practices of Chinese Infants in Taiwan&Chingmin E.Tsai,Ph.D. 133
(10)Growth Patterns of Chinese Infants in Taiwan&Walter Chen,M.D.,M.S.and Mei-Ding Kao,M.S. 142
(11)Feeding Practices and Growth Development of Children in Selected Villages in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,Mainland China&Ms J.Friedrich-Kaiser 148
(12)Nutrition During Pregnancy and Its Effects on Growth and Development of The Fetus and Newborn in Chengdu&Zhang Mao-yu,M.D.and Huang Cheng-yu,M.D. 161
(13)Birth Weight of Chinese Infants:Comparison of Infants Born in Mainland China,Taiwan and the United States&Ray Yip,M.D.,M.P.H. 172
(14)Infant Feeding Practices and Growth of Chinese Infants in Hong Kong&Sophia S.F.Leung,MBBS,DCH,MRCP. 179
(15)Nutrition and Growth of Infants in Improving Economies&Somchai Durongdej,Ph.D. 189
(16)Growth of Chinese Children:Which Reference to Assess the Growth of Chinese Children?&Ray Yip,M.D.,M.P.H. 198
(17)Positive Deviance-A Tool for Examining Factors Influencing Growth&Georgia Guldan,Ph.D. 210
(18)Symposium Summary:Recommendation For Collaborative Research and Education to Improve Nutrition,Growth and Health of Chinese Infants&David L.Yeung,Ph.D.and Ho Zhi-chien,M.D. 220
(19)Students'Poster Session 223
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