1.Ironmaking 1
(1)Studies on a Blast Furnace Simulator and High Temperature Properties of Burdens&by Prof.Dr.Shin-ichi KONDO,Mr.Kuniyoshi ISHII and Mr.Yoshiaki KASHIWAYA 1
(2)Determination of Oxygen Potential in Blast Furnace by Means of Oxygen Probe Using Solid Electrolyte&by Prof.Dr.Minoru SASABE(Chiba Institute of Technology) 16
(3)Numerical Analysis of Inner Circumstances of Large Blast Furnace with Pulverized Coal Injection&by Mr.Mamoru KUWABARA,Mr.Jicheng HE and Mr.Prof.Dr.Iwao MUCHI(Nagoya University) 31
(4)Recent Operation of Large-Scale Blast Furnaces in Fukuyama Works&by Mr.Ryoji YAMAMOTO,Mr.Genji NAKATANI and Mr.Ryuichi NAKAJIMA(Nippon Kokan K.K.) 46
(5)Technique of a Large Bell-Less Blast Furnace Operation in Accordance with Energy Circumference&by Mr.Junsaku KURIHARA and Mr.Toshiro SAWADA(Kawasaki Steel Corporation) 60
(6)Model Studies on Burden Movement in Lower Part of Blast Furnace and Metal-Slag Drainage&by Du Hegui,Du Gang(Northeast University of Technology,P.R.C.) 73
(7)Mathematical Modeling of The Blast Furnace with Coal Injection&by Xie Yusheng,Che Xiuzhen and Li Qi(Institute of Chemical Metallurgy Academia Sinica) 82
(8)Industrial Experiment of Soda Injection Treatment on Hot Metal Containing Vanadium&by Lu Wulin,Zhi Shiu,and Li Weili(Central Iron&Steel Research Institute,Beijing)Yang Zhuanghua(Chengde Iron and Steel Plant) 95
(9)An Unique Stove Process for Obtaining High Blast Temperature with low Caloric Value BF Top Gas&by Dai Jie(Beijing Central Engineering and Research Incorporation of Iron and Steel Industry)Lu Lu-ping(Shandong Provincial Corporation of Metallurgy Industry)Zhang Xing-Zhuan(Jinan Blast Furnace Plant) 104
(10)The Effects of Gangue Minerals and Fluxes on The Quality of Iron Ore Pellets&by Lu Yang(Baoshan Steel Company)Kong Lingtan(Beijing University of Iron&Steel Technology)W-K Lu McMaster University,Canada 110
2.Steelmaking 129
1)Physical Chemistry of Steelmaking 129
(1)Thermodynamic Study of Fe-Ta Alloys by Means of the Knudsen Cell Mass Spectrometry&by Prof.Dr.Eiji ICHISE and Mr.Ken-ichi HORIKAWA(Kyoto University) 129
(2)Determination of the ActiVity of P2O5 in Slags&by Mass Spectrometry by Prof.Dr.Eiichi KATO,Mr.Shigeru KAMBAYASHI and Mr.Hirotoshi AWAKA(Waseda University) 143
(3)Phosphorus Distribution between CaO-CaF2-SiO2 Melts and Carbon-Saturated Iron&by Mr.Mineo MURAKI,Mr.Hironori FUKUSHIMA and Prof.Dr.Nobuo SANO(The University of Tokyo and Nippon Kokan K.K.) 158
(4)Kinetics of Water Vapor Dissolution in Liquid CaO-SiO2-MgO and Cao-SiO2-TiO2 Slags&by Prof.Dr.Shiro BAN-YA,Dr.Yasutaka IGUCHI and Mr.Seiji YAMAMOTO(Tohoku University and Nippon Steel Corporation) 172
(5)A Study of The Chemical Equilibrium between Arsenic and Calcium in Steel Melt&by Zhu Yuankai,Dong Yuanchi,Peng Yuqiang(Beijing University of Iron&Steel Technology) 187
(6)A Study on Oxidation Kinetics of Niobium in Liquid Iron&by Ferro-Oxide Containing Slags by Wang Laihua,Tang Zhonghe,Chen Yongding(Central Iron&Steel Research Institute,Beijing) 198
2)Pretreatment of Hot Metal and Ladle Metallurgy 215
(1)Experiences on Hot Metal Pretreatment and Application at Kure Works,Nisshin Steel&by Mr.Kiyoshi YASUI,Mr.HiroshiTAKAHASHI,Mr.Fumio HOSHI and Mr.Yasushige NIYAGAWA(Nisshin Steel Co.L?d) 215
(2)Recent Improvements of AOD Process for Stainless Refining at Nippon Yakin Kogyo Co,Ltd.&by Dr.Tetsuya WATANABE,Mr.Takeya TOHGE and Mr.Toshiaki KAWAHARA(Nippon Yakin Kogyo ?o.,Ltd.) 228
(3)Water Model Study of Gas Bubb?es'Behaviour and Gas-Liquid Interfacial Area in Gas Injection Process&by Yu-long Guan,Chen-Xin Xu,Yuan-Yi Sheng(Beijing University of Iron&Steel Technology) 243
3)Steelmaking Processes 254
(1)The Techniques of Combined Blowing in BOF Steelmaking Process&by Mr.Takuo IMMAI,Mr.Kanji EMOTO and Dr.Toshihiko EMI(Kawasaki Steel Corporation) 254
(2)Improvements of Electric Arc Furnace Operation(Supervision of EAF Operation Using Computer System)&by Mr.Goro YUASA,Mr.Kiyohide HAYASHI,Mr.Atsushi UKAI Mr.Yasutake KAWANOBE and Mr.Kenji TSUKUTA(Daido Steel Co.,Ltd) 271
(3)History of the Electric Arc Furnace Operation&by Mr.Nobuaki SUGIYAMA(Sanyo Special Steel Co.,Ltd) 286
(4)Preliminary Study of The Reaction Engineering of The Dephosphorization in The Combined Blowing Converter Process&by Zhang Shu-he(The Third Steelworks of Ma Anshan Iron&Steel Company) 301
(5)Permeability of Hydrogen Through Molten CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-MgO System&by Liu Peihuan,Feng Qicheng,Xu Yulu and Xu Shizheng (Northeast University of Technology) 312
(6)Dissolution Kinetics of Magnesitic Dolomite and Magnesite-Chrome Refractories in Secondary Steelmaking Slags&by Chen Zhao-you,Wu Xue-zhen,Ye Fang-bao(louyang Research Institute of Refractories) 319
(7)Evaporation Behaviour of Elements During The Large Section Consumable Electrode VAR of Alloy A286&by Fu Jie(Beijing University of Iron&Steel Technology) 336
(8)Researching Progress of ArsenjC Steel in China&by Li ang Ying Sheng(Guangzhou Steel Works) 347
4)Solidification 358
(1)On-line Measurement of Solidified Shell Thickness and Estimation of Crater End Shape of CC Slabs&by Electromagnetec Ultrasonic Method by Mr.Tadashi ATSUMI,Mr.Takeyuki FUKUDA,Mr.Tohru YOSHIDA and Dr.Katsuhiro KAWASHIMA(Nippon Steel Corporation) 358
(2)Prediction of"A"Segregation in Large Foring Ingot&by Mr.Hitohisa YAMADA,MR.Takashi SAKURAI and Dr.Tomoo TAKENOUCHI(The Japan Steel Works,Ltd.) 373
(3)An Investigation on The Solidification and The Quality of Continous Casting of Small Billets&by Cai Kaike Hou Xiao-an,Zhang Keqiang(Beijing University of Iron&Steel Technology)Wang Hao,Wang Zhong Yi(Handan Iron&Steel Works) 385
(4)Influence of Solidification Factors on The Soundness of Ingots&by Wanlin Li,Prof.Dr.Tadayoshi TAKAHASHI and Ken-ichi OHSASA(Beijing University,Sapporo,Japan) 398
(5)An Investigation on The Sticking of Powder Fluxes to The Ingot Mould Wall&by Jin Shan-tong(Beijing University of Iron&Steel Technology) 410
3.Automation 419
(1)Outline of Automation at Nippon Steel Corporation Focused on Computerization&by Mr.TadashiATSUMI,Mr.Takeyuki FUKUDA and Mr.Satoshi FUJII(Nippon Steel Corporation) 419
(2)Process Control System of Kokura No.2 Blast Furnace&by Mr.Yoshiyuki MATOBA,Mr.Koichi OTSUKA,Mr.Ken MOCHIZUKI and Mr.Yasunaga UENO(Sumitomo Metal Industries,Ltd.) 433
(3)The Computer Controlled Slab Caster at Kakogawa Works&by Mr.Masakazu Taguchi and Mr.Yoshio OHNISHI(Kobe Steel,Ltd.) 448
(4)The Model Identification of Automatic Control in BOF Steelmaking&by Pan Dehui,Zhao Xinan(Northeast University of Technology) 465
(5)The Slag Forming Coefficient and System Engineering in LD Converter Steelmaking&by Liu Xjang guan and Li Jiluan(Pan Zhihua iron&Steel Company) 475
(6)Automation of BF Process Control&by Wang Ruilan(Shoudu Iron&Steel Company) 483
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