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ASTM纱线及棉纺织技术标准 上
ASTM纱线及棉纺织技术标准 上

ASTM纱线及棉纺织技术标准 上PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:658 页
《ASTM纱线及棉纺织技术标准 上》目录

ASTM D 123-2003 1

纺织品标准术语 1

Standard Terminology Relating to Textiles 115

ASTM D 204-2002 198

缝纫线标准试验方法 198

Standard Test Methods for Sewing Threads 219

ASTM D 276-2000a 231

纺织品纤维鉴别的标准试验方法 231

Standard Test Methods for Identification of Fibers in Textiles 250

ASTM D 861-2001a 263

用tex制标识纤维、纱线中间产品及纱线线密度的标准方法 263

Standard Practice for Use of the Tex System to Designate Linear Density of Fibers,Yarn Intermediates,and Yarns 265

ASTM D 1059-2001 267

纱线支数的标准试验方法短试样法 267

Standard Test Method for Yarn Number Based on Short-Length Specimens 275

ASTM D 1336-1997(2003) 280

机织织物中纱线扭变的标准试验方法 280

Standard Test Method for Distortion of Yarn in Woven Fabrics 286

ASTM D 1388-1996(2002) 290

织物硬挺度的标准试验方法 290

Standard Test Method for Stiffness of Fabrics 300

ASTM D 1423-2002 306

纱线捻度的标准试验方法 直接计数法 306

Standard Test Method for Twist in Yarns by Direct-Counting 315

ASTM D 1440-1996(2002) 321

棉纤维长度及长度分布的标准试验方法(排列纤维法) 321

Standard Test Method for Length and Length Distribution of Cotton Fibers(Array Method) 329

ASTM D 1441-2000 335

棉纤维试验的取样标准方法 335

Standard Practice for Sampling Cotton Fibers for Testing 339

ASTM D 1442-2000 342

棉纤维成熟度的标准试验方法(氢氧化钠膨胀及偏振光法) 342

Standard Test Method for Maturity of Cotton Fibers(Sodium Hydroxide Swelling and Polarized Light Procedures) 350

ASTM D 1447-2000 356

棉纤维长度及长度均匀度的标准试验方法(纤维长度照影机法) 356

Standard Test Method for Length and Length Uniformity of Cotton Fibers by Fibrograph Measurement 363

ASTM D 1464-1990(2002) 368

棉的差异染色性能的标准试验方法 368

Standard Test Method for Differential Dyeing Behavior of Cotton 372

ASTM D 1518-1985(2003) 374

纺织材料的热传导标准试验方法 374

Standard Test Method for Thermal Transmittance of Textile Materials 385

ASTM D 1577-2001 393

纺织纤维线密度的标准试验方法 393

Standard Test Methods for Linear Density of Textile Fibers 408

ASTM D 1578-1993(2000) 417

绞纱时纱线断裂强力的标准试验方法 绞纱法 417

Standard Test Method for Breaking Strength of Yarn in Skein Form 429

ASTM D 1684-1996(2002) 437

色彩分级用发光棉分级室的标准方法 437

Standard Practice for Lighting Cotton Classing Rooms for Color Grading 442

ASTM D 1776-2004 446

纺织品调湿与试验的标准操作规程 446

Standard Practice for Conditioning and Testing Textiles 451

ASTM D 1777-1996(2002) 455

纺织材料厚度的标准试验方法 455

Standard Test Method for Thickness of Textile Materials 463

ASTM D 1907-2001 468

纱线密度(纱线支数)的标准试验方法 绞纱法 468

Standard Test Method for Linear Density of Yarn(Yarn Number)by the Skein Method 480

ASTM D 1909-2004 489

纺织纤维商业公定回潮率标准一览表 489

Standard Table of Commercial Moisture Regains for Textile Fibers 491

ASTM D 2102-2002 493

纺织纤维收缩性的标准试验方法(束纤试验) 493

Standard Test Method for Shrinkage of Textile Fibers(Bundle Test) 498

ASTM D 2255-2002 501

细纱外观分级的标准试验方法 501

Standard Test Method for Grading Spun Yarns for Appearance 508

ASTM D 2256-2002 513

纱线拉伸性能的标准试验方法 单纱法 513

Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Yarns by the Single-Strand Method 531

ASTM D 2259-2002 544

纱线收缩性能的标准试验方法 544

Standard Test Method for Shrinkage of Yarns 552

ASTM D 2260-2003 557

用不同细度制测定的等同纱线支数和换算系数的标准一览表 557

Standard Tables of Conversion Factors and Equivalent Yarn Numbers Measured in Various Numbering Systems 580

ASTM D 2261-1996(2002) 592

织物撕裂强力的标准试验方法 舌形法(等速伸长拉伸试验机) 592

Standard Test Method for Tearing Strength of Fabrics by the Tongue(Single Rip)Procedure(Constant-Rate-of-Extension Tensile Testing Machine) 601

ASTM D 2402-2001 606

纺织纤维保水率的标准试验方法 离心法 606

Standard Test Method for Water Retention of Textile Fibers(Centrifuge Procedure) 612

ASTM D 2494-2002 616

一批纱线或合成短纤维或纤维束商业质量的标准试验方法 616

Standard Test Method for Commercial Mass of a Shipment of Yarn of Manufactured Staple Fiber or Tow 624

ASTM D 2495-2001 630

棉花水分含量的标准试验方法 烘干法 630

Standard Test Method for Moisture in Cotton by Oven-Drying 638

ASTM D 2497-2001 643

人造有机基长丝单纱的标准公差 643

Standard Tolerances for Manufactured Organic-Base Filament Single Yarns 646

ASTM D 2591-2001 648

弹性纱线密度试验方法(短长度试样) 648

Standard Test Method for Linear Density of Elastomeric Yarns(Short Length Specimens) 655

ASTM D 2644-2002 659

粗纺系统纺出纱线的标准公差 659

Standard Tolerances for Yarns Spun on the Woolen System 662

ASTM D 2645-1995(2001) 664

棉纺或精纺系统纺出纱线的标准公差 664

Standard Tolerances for Yarns Spun on the Cotton or Worsted Systems 667

ASTM D 2731-2001 669

弹性纱弹力性能的标准试验方法(CRE拉伸试验机) 669

Standard Test Method for Elastic Properties of Elastomeric Yarns(CRE Type Tensile Testing Machines) 677

ASTM D 2812-1995(2002) 682

棉花含杂率的标准试验方法 682

Standard Test Method for Non-Lint Content of Cotton 690

ASTM D 2905-1997(2002) 695

纺织品试样数量表述的标准规程 695

Standard Practice for Statements on Number of Specimens for Textiles 707

ASTM D 2906-1997 2002

纺织品精度及偏差表述的标准规程 716

Standard Practice for Statements on Precision and Bias for Textiles 736

ASTM D 3025-2001 750

用标准棉样标定棉纤维试验结果的标准规程 750

Standard Practice for Standardizing Cotton Fiber Test Results by Use of Calibration Cotton Standards 754

ASTM D 3107-2003 757

弹力纱制品物伸展性能的标准试验方法 757

Standard Test Methods for Stretch Properties of Fabrics Woven from Stretch Yarns 764

ASTM D 3108-2001 770

纱线与固体材料之间摩擦系数的标准试验方法 770

Standard Test Method for Coefficient of Friction,Yarn to Solid Material 778

ASTM D 3181-1995(2002) 784

进行纺织品穿着试验的标准指南 784

Standard Guide for Conducting Wear Tests on Textiles 793

ASTM D 3217-2001a 798

环形或打结状合成纤维断裂强力的标准试验方法 798

Standard Test Methods for Breaking Tenacity of Manufactured Textile Fibers in Loop or Knot Configurations 805

ASTM D 3218-2001 809

聚烯烃单丝标准规范 809

Standard Specification for Polyolefin Monofilaments 822

ASTM D 3333-2001 831

试验用合成短纤维、纱条或纤维束取样的标准规程 831

Standard Practice for Sampling Manufactured Staple Fibers,Sliver,or Tow for Testing 836

ASTM D 3412-2001 839

纱线与纱线之间摩擦系数的标准试验方法 839

Standard Test Method for coefficient of Friction,Yarn to Yarn 846

ASTM D 3511-2002 851

纺织物抗起球性和其他相关表面变化的标准试验方法 毛刷式织物起球试验仪 851

Standard Test Method for Pilling Resistance and Other Related surface Changes of Textile Fabrics:Brush Pilling Tester 858

ASTM D 3512-2002 863

纺织物抗起球性和其他相关表面变化的标准试验方法 乱翻式起球试验仪 863

Standard Test Method for Pilling Resistance and Other Related Surface Changes of Textile Fabrics:Random Tumble Pilling Tester 871

ASTM D 3513-2002 877

化学短纤维中超长纤维含量的标准试验方法 877

Standard Test Method for Overlength Fiber Content of Manufactrued Staple Fiber 883

ASTM D 3693-2002 887

标示每卷缝纫线长度用的标准规范 887

Standard Specification for Labeled Length per Holder of Sewing Thread 890

ASTM D 3773-1990(2002) 892

机织物长度的标准试验方法 892

Standard Test Methods for Length of Woven Fabric 896

ASTM D 3775-2003a 899

机织物经纬密度的标准试验方法 899

Standard Test Method for Warp End Count and Filling Pick Count of Woven Fabric 904

ASTM D 3776-1996(2002) 907

织物单位面积质量(重量)的标准试验方法 907

Standard Test Method for Mass Per Unit Area(Weight)of Fabric 914

ASTM D 3780-2002 918

成年男子和男孩穿的礼服、运动夹克、便装及裤子用机织织物的标准性能规范 918

Standard Performance Specification for Men's and Boys'Woven Dress Suit Fabrics and Woven Sportswear Jacket,Slack,and Trouser Fabrics 923

ASTM D 3785-2002 927

领带及围巾用机织物的标准性能规范 927

Standard Performance Specification for Woven Necktie and Scarf Fabrics 931

ASTM D 3786-2001 934

纺织织物液压顶破强力的标准试验方法 薄膜顶破强力试验仪法 934

Standard Test Method for Hydraulic Bursting Strength of Textile Fabrics—Diaphragm Bursting Strength Tester Method 939

ASTM D 3787-2001 943

纺织织物顶破强力的标准试验方法 等速牵引(CRT)钢球顶破试验 943

Standard Test Method for Bursting Strength of Textiles—Constant-Rate-of-Traverse(CRT)Ball Burst Test 948

ASTM D 3822-2001 951

单股纺织纤维拉伸性能的标准试验方法 951

Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Single Textile Fibers 966

ASTM D 3823-2001 976

测定缝纫线樯号的标准规程 976

Standard Practice for Determining Ticket Numbers for Sewing Threads 979

ASTM D 3884-2001? 981

纺织织物耐磨性标准指南(旋转平台,双头法) 981

Standard Guide for Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics(Rotary Platform,Double-Head Method) 988

ASTM D 3885-2004 993

纺织织物耐磨性标准试验方法(曲磨法) 993

Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics(Flexing and Abrasion Method) 1003

ASTM D 3888-1995(2001) 1011

气流纺纱标准术语 1011

Standard Terminology Relating to Open-End Spinning 1014

ASTM D 3937-2001 1016

合成短纤维卷曲频率的标准试验方法 1016

Standard Test Method for Crimp Frequency of manufactured Staple Fibers 1022

ASTM D 4031-2001 1026

变形纱蓬松性能的标准试验方法 1026

Standard Test Method for Bulk Properties of Textured Yarns 1035

ASTM D 4032-1994(2001) 1041

织物硬挺度的标准试验方法 环状弯曲法 1041

Standard Test Method for Stiffness of Fabric by the Circular Bend Procedure 1047

ASTM D 4115-2002 1052

成年女子和女孩礼服手套用针织及机织织物的标准性能规范 1052

Standard Performance Specification for Women's and Girls' Knitted and Woven Dress Glove Fabrics 1057

ASTM D 4116-2001 1060

成年女子和女孩紧身胸衣—绑肚组合装用机织物和针织物的标准性能规范 1060

Standard Performance Specification for Women's and Girls' Knitted and Woven Corset-Girde-Combination Fabrics 1064

ASTM D 4118-2001 1067

女式连衣裤工作服、粗蓝布工作服、工装裤、车间工作外套用机织织物的标准性能规范 1067

Standard Performance Specification for Women's Woven Coverall,Dungaree,Overall,and Shop Coat Fabrics 1072

ASTM D 4120-2001 1075

动态试验中粗纱、纱条、毛条中纤维内聚力的标准试验方法 1075

Standard Test Method for Fiber Cohesion in Roving,Sliver,and Top in Dynamic Tests 1080

ASTM D 4154-2001 1083

成年男子和男孩沙滩服和运动衫用针织和机织织物的标准性能规范 1083

Standard Performance Specification for Men's and Boys' Kinitted and Woven Beachwear and Sports Shirt Fabrics 1089

ASTM D 4157-2002 1093

纺织织物耐磨性标准试验方法(摆动滚筒法) 1093

Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics(Oscillatory Cylinder Method) 1103

ASTM D 4158-2001 1109

纺织织物耐磨性标准指南(均匀磨损法) 1109

Standard Guide for Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics(Uniform Abrasion) 1120

ASTM D 4849-2002b 1128

纱线和纤维的标准术语 1128

Standard Terminology Relating to Yarns and Fibers 1140

ASTM D 4850-2003a 1149

织物的标准术语 1149

Standard Terminology Relating to Fabric 1159

ASTM D 5034-1995(2001) 1166

纺织织物断裂强力和伸长的标准试验方法(抓样法) 1166

Standard Test Method for Breaking Strength and Elongation of Textile Fabrics(Grab Test) 1177

ASTM D 5035-1995(2003) 1185

纺织织物断裂强力和伸长的标准试验方法(条样法) 1185

Standard Test Method for Breaking Force and Elongation of Textile Fabrics(Strip Method) 1197

ASTM D 5038-2001 1204

纺织品保存标准术语 1204

Standard Terminology of Textile Conservation 1206

ASTM D 5103-2001 1207

合成短纤维长度及长度分布的标准试验方法 单纤维试验 1207

Standard Test Method for Length and Length Distribution of Manufactured Staple Fibers(Single-Fiber Test) 1211

ASTM D 5104-2002 1214

纺织纤维收缩的标准试验方法 单纤维试验 1214

Standard Test Method for Shrinkage of Textile Fibers(Single-Fiber Test) 1220

ASTM D 5332-2000 1224

棉纤维长度及长度分布的标准试验方法 1224

Standard Test Method for Fiber Length and Length Distribution of Cotton Fibers 1231

ASTM D 5587-2003 1235

织物撕裂强力的标准试验方法 梯形法 1235

Standard Test Method for Tearing Strength of Fabrics by Trapezoid Procedure 1243

ASTM D 5647-2001 1248

用光电仪法测定纱线毛羽的标准指南 1248

Standard Guide for Measuring Hairiness of Yarns by the Photo-Electric Apparatus 1252

ASTM D 6554-2000 1255

100%全棉劳动布标准性能规范 1255

Standard Performance Specification for 100% Cotton Denim Fabrics 1260

ASTM D 6587-2000 1263

纱线支数的标准试验方法 自动试验仪法 1263

Standard Test Method for Yarn Number Using Automatic Tester 1271

ASTM D 6614-2000 1277

纺织织物拉伸性能的标准试验方法(CRE法) 1277

Standard Test Method for Stretch Properties of Textile Fabrics-CRE Method 1282

ASTM D 6717-2001 1285

弹力纱线密度的标准试验方法(绞纱试样) 1285

Standard Test Method for Linear Density of Elastomeric Yarns(Skein Specimens) 1290

ASTM D 6720-2001 1293

评价弹力纱弹性恢复能力的标准试验方法(绞纱法) 1293

Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Recoverable Stretch of Stretch Yarns(Skein Method) 1297

ASTM D 6774-2002 1300

变形纱线卷曲及收缩性能的标准试验方法 动态变形纱线试验仪法 1300

Standard Test Method for Crimp and Shrinkage Properties for Textured Yarns Using a Dynamic Textured Yarn Tester 1307

ASTM D 6797-2002 1312

织物顶破强力标准试验方法 等速伸长(CRE)钢球顶破试验 1312

Standard Test Method for Bursting Strength of Fabrics Constant-Rate-of-Extension(CRE)Ball Burst Test 1316
