Author's Preface 9
Chapter 1-Introduction 11
Chapter 2-Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks 13
2.1 Major groups of sedimentary rocks 13
2.2 Terrigenous sediments and rocks 14
2.2.1 Rudites-conglomerates and brec?ias 14
2.2.2 Sandstones-arenites and wackes 19
2.2.3 Siltstones 22
2.2.4 Lutites-mudstone,mudrock,claystone 22
2.3 Volcanic sedimentary deposits 25
2.3.1 Pyroclastic rocks 28
2.3.2 Hydroclastic and Hyaloclastic rocks 31
2.3.3 Phreatomagmatic rocks 31
2.3.4 Autoclastic rocks 31
2.3.5 Alloclastic rocks 32
2.3.6 Terrigenous sediments rich in volcanic fragments 32
2.4 Residual deposits 33
2.5 Organic deposits 33
2.5.1 Carbonaceous deposits 33
2.5.2 Carbonate sediments and carbonate rocks(limestones) 35
2.5.3 Dolomitic limestones and dolomites 44
2.5.4 Siliceous sediments and rocks 45
2.6 Chemical precipitates 46
2.6.1 Evaporites 46
2.6.2 Phosphorites 46
2.6.3 Ironstones 46
2.6.4 Caliche and calcrete 46
2.6.5 Silcrete 47
2.6.6 Chert and flint 47
2.7 Special groups 47
2.7.1 Deep sea sediments 47
2.7.2 Process name rock types 48
2.8 References 49
Chapter 3-Igneous Rocks 55
3.1 Plutonic rocks 55
3.1.1 M<90% 55
3.1.2 M>90%-ultramafic rocks 56
3.1.3 Charnockites 65
3.2 Hypabyssal rocks 65
3.3 Volcanic rocks 68
3.3.1 Glassy rocks 72
3.3.2 Igneous rock series 72
3.3.3 Metamorphosed volcanic rocks 73
3.4 References 74
Chapter 4-Metamorphic Rocks 77
4.1 Names based on texture 77
4.2 Names based on composition 78
4.3 Gneiss 80
4.4 References 83
Chapter 5-Mixed Rocks and Rock Associations5.1 Migmatite 84
5.1.1 Structural types 85
5.1.2 Metatexite and diatexite 86
5.2 Ophiolite 86
5.3 Rodingite 87
5.4 Kimberlite 87
5.5 References 87
Chapter 6-Stratigraphic Classification 89
6.1 Lithostratigraphy 89
6.2 Biostratigraphy 90
6.3 Chronostratigraphy 90
6.4 References 93
Chapter 7-Engineering Geology 94
7.1 Rock materials 97
7.2 Rock masses 100
7.3 Core logging 102
7.4 Aggregates 102
7.5 References 103
Index 105
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