英语趣味阅读系列 长寿的秘诀PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:朱宾忠主编;杨文慧,尚海蓉,代玉香副主编
- 出 版 社:武汉:武汉大学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787307095182
- 页数:308 页
01.A Smart Fishing Boy 1
02.Fish and Cat Story 2
03.How Mankind Earned Longevity 3
04.The Cost of Woman 4
05.God Made Man 5
06.Giving Away a Horse 6
07.Gathering Chickens 7
08.How Are You Feeling? 8
09.Dem'Smart City Folk 9
10.Ten Dollars Is Ten Dollars 10
11.What Is Two Plus Two? 11
12.Death of a Partner 12
13.Talented Dog 14
14.Warm,Soft,&Gooey 15
15.Grocery Shopping 16
16.Don't Step on Them 17
17.Irish Wife 18
18.Smart Irishman 19
19.Dying Confession 20
20.Baked Beans 21
21.Legless Frog 22
22.Knowing the Facts 23
23.The Rabbit and the Snake 24
24.I Want to Take Money with Me 26
25.Advice from Lawyers 27
26.Elk Hunting 28
27.Rabbit Test 29
28.Getting Out of a Ticket 30
29.Back Seat Driver 31
30.I Know You Were Drunk Yesterday 32
31.An Atheist 33
32.Lacking All Religion 34
33.Finally Got to Heaven 35
34.What Is Easter 36
35.Blonde Escapee 37
36.Bear with Me 38
37.Settling a Cow Case 39
38.The Bushes and Clintons on a Train 40
39.Election Tie-Breaker 41
40.Take the Bait 42
41.The Nonconformist Bird 43
42.Chatty Parrot 44
43.Not Quite Ready 45
44.You Need to Have a Bad Day to Get into Heaven 46
45.A Slap in the Dark 47
46.Olympic Ice Skating 48
47.Do You Know Me? 49
48.Lawyers on a Jury 50
49.Letters to Lawyers 51
50.The Brass Rat 52
51.Blind Pilots 54
52.How Are You Doing? 55
53.Accident 56
54.If Architects Had to Work like Programmers 57
55.Mother-in-Law Killed 59
56.Send Her Back to the US 60
57.Bush's Tragedy 61
58.A Moral Dilemma 62
59.Texans in Hell 63
60.Sherlock Holmes and Watson 64
61.3rd Grade 65
62.Blonde and Her Job Interview 66
63.A Blonde Finally Wins 67
64.Bad Luck Finding a Place to Hide 68
65.Blonde Painter 70
66.I Think I'll Try a Nicer Approach 71
67.In the Big City 72
68.Wrong Cell Phone 73
69.Genie in the Lamp 74
70.Nerd Season 75
71.Upgrading Bill Gate's Hell 76
72.Proud to Be a Democrat 78
73.Things That Make You Go Hmmmmm! 79
74.At the Hospital 80
75.Baby Light 81
76.Behaviorist Solution 82
77.Going Crazy with Confusion 83
78.Winning Nobel Prize 84
79.Barroom Bet 85
80.Blonde and the Witch 86
81.A Blonde's Visit to D.C 87
82.Bush,Einstein and Picasso at the Pearly Gates 88
83.Bush and Saddam 89
84.A Guide to U.S.Newspapers 90
85.Polish Sausage 91
86.Did You Make a Donation? 92
87.Unable to Go to Sleep 93
88.A Surprise Bet 94
89.Official Drinking Test 95
90.The Little Rabbit 97
91.Seventeen 98
92.A Smart Student 99
93.You Are What You Eat 100
94.Hoya 101
95.Just a Common Potato 102
96.Running for Safety 103
97.Finding Religion 104
98.The Good Samaritan 105
99.Billy Bob's New Job 106
100.The Football Exam 107
101.Using the FBI 108
102.Just Cut Your Hair First 109
103.Travel in the Far East 110
104.The Worst Bank Robbery 111
105.The Vet 112
106.Clinton and the Genie 113
107.Einsteinium 114
108.Murphy Laws for Frequent Flyers 115
109.Rabbi and Priest in a Car Accident 116
110.An Unlikely Stop 117
111.Try to Get Some Rest 118
112.Rolls-Royce vs.Yugo 119
113.God Ends the World 120
114.Overturned Wagon 121
115.Getting into the Olympics 122
116.Is the Cat There? 123
117.Last Words 124
118.An Airliner 125
119.Scared Straight...for Math 125
120.Lunch Break 126
121.Dream Job 127
122.Medical Miracles 128
123.Haircut before a Trip 129
124.I Own the Fastest Car 130
125.Jesus and the Redneck 132
126.Green,Pink and Yellow 133
127.Redneck Hotel 134
128.Farmer's Divorce 135
129.A Gauddam Fish 136
130.Deaf Lady in Trouble 137
131.Hillary Clinton Visits School Children 138
132."X"Marks the Spot 139
133.Alabama Mom to Alabama Son 140
134.Are Your Parents at Home? 141
135.A Fishy Story 142
136.If Restaurants Functioned like Microsoft 143
137.Mexican Jews 144
138.The Old Golfer 145
139.Get Me off This Train 146
140.Mexican Smuggler 147
141.No Cops Available 148
142.I Need a Vacation 149
143.Saving the Wrong Woman 150
144.Slow Cop 151
145.Swimming Head 152
146.Can't Breathe 153
147.Jesus Saves 154
148.Bill Gates Goes to Heaven 155
149.Internet Addict's Test 156
150.Two Bear Hunters 159
151.Working on the Road 160
152.Consultants 161
153.Almost Caught 162
154.Sandbox Humor 163
155.The Hotel Bill 164
156.King of the Jungle 165
157.An E-mail Mistake 166
158.The Cause of Arthritis 167
159.Drunk Driving Test 168
160.Got Any Grapes? 169
161.My Dog's Smarter 170
162.A Quick Job 171
163.So Many Fathers 172
164.The Soccer Stars 173
165.The Spelling Test 174
166.First Time Skydiver 175
167.Johnny's Morals 176
168.The Pizza 177
169.Airline Announcements 178
170.The Shy Guy 181
171.God Comprehends Lawn Maintenance 182
172.Car Company Names 184
173.Dressing Up to Go Out 186
174.The Final Exam 187
175.The Secret of Fishing 188
176.Save the Dead Rabbit 189
177.A Theory on Hell 190
178.The Difference between"Stop"and"Slow Down" 191
179.The Polish Passenger 192
180.How to Identify(识别)Professors 193
181.A Really Bad Day 195
182.Adopted by the Boston Red Sox 196
183.Give Bubba a Chance 197
184.Pet Fish 198
185.The Bible Says It 199
186.The Unlucky Man 200
187.One Too Many 201
188.Fishing for Steelheads 202
189.The Three Astronauts 203
190.A Drunk Orders Himself a Beer 204
191.A Sinner's Time Off 205
192.Drop Dead 206
193.Hey Man,I'm a Panda 207
194.Chinese Delegate 208
195.What Are Men Like 209
196.For Heaven's Sake 210
197.Advice to the Mexican from an American 210
198.Whom Will I Depend on? 212
199.Golden Urinals 213
200.Scared to Life 214
201.Two Drops of Water 215
202.I'd Love to Be Ten Again 216
203.His Disease 217
204.Nudist Colony 217
205.Secret of Long Life 219
206.I Hope Very Much to Interview You on Your Hundredth Birthday 220
207.The Drunk's Prize 220
208.Why I Lied! 221
209.How Guys Select the Girl They Want to Marry 223
210.Wonder Why Your Wife's Not Speaking to You? 224
211.Not So Bad! 225
212.Who Did the Work? 226
213.Girls vs.Grown Women 228
214.The Convicted Felon Returns 230
215.Lawyer vs.Insurance 231
216.Karate Chop 232
217.Applying for a Job at the CIA 233
218.Think Positive 235
219.Difference between Women and Men 236
220.Bad Management 237
221.You Have Not Worked for Even One Day 238
222.How to Answer the Toughest 5 Questions a Woman Can Ask a Man 240
223.The Rabbit's Thesis 242
224.The Most Harmful Food 243
225.Why Women Are So Special! 244
226.The Problems with"HE"as Thought by"SHE" 245
227.Interviews 246
228.No Fooling around This Time 249
229.Sympathy for the Statue 249
230.The Interview for a Governmental Position 250
231.Farmer's Rules 251
232.How Old Is Grandma? 252
233.What If Titanic Sank Today? 254
234.How to Make a Woman Happy 255
235.Ten Reasons Why Life Is Happy Without a Girlfriend 257
236.English Is a Funny Language! 258
237.Punctuation Is Powerful 260
238.Dumb Fishermen 261
239.How to Catch a Lion? 261
240.HRD Notice of a Company to Employees 262
241.MEN and WOMEN 264
242.Secrets of a Successful Marriage 265
243.Ten Reasons Why a Dog Is Better than a Wife 266
244.You Can Try Again 266
245.Jealous Husband 267
246.You Have to Go to School 268
247.The Everybody Somebody Anybody Nobody Story 269
248.Beggars of Today 269
249.Prescription Needed 270
250.Two Elderly Ladies 271
251.I Want to Open a Fuckin'Checking Account 272
252.Future Fireman 273
253.How Old Am I? 274
254.Slow Reaction 275
255.Laws of Life 276
256.Flattery 277
257.Some Important Laws Which Newton Forgot to State 278
258.Stupid Guy 279
259.Check Out the Attitude 280
260.Free Drinks! 281
261.Rapid Promotion 282
262.Microsoft&Tomatoes 282
263.Doing Extra Speech 284
264.Where Do You Get a Good Wife? 284
265.Who Is Deaf? 286
266.Memo of a Company 287
267.Let Your Boss Have the First Say 288
268.The CEO's Envelopes 289
269.What's the Right Thing to Do with the Donkey? 290
270.Camel in the Zoo 291
271.What a Coincidence! 292
272.Presence of Mind 293
273.God Answers the Prayer 294
274.Politician on the Airplane 295
275.Kids and Animals 296
276.The Highway Patrolman and the Juggler 297
277.Heaven's Shining Waters 298
278.Genie and Osama Bin Laden 298
279.Bill Gates and General Motors 299
280.Mighty Mouse 300
281.Bartender vs.IRS Agent 301
282.Good Dog! 302
283.Watching You Always 303
284.Bin Laden's Trip to the Pearly Gates 304
285.Can You Give Me a Push? 305
参考文献 307
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- 《高级英语阅读与听说教程》刘秀梅编著 2019
- 《看书琐记与作文秘诀》鲁迅著 2019
- 《阅读指要》陈艺鸣编著 2020
- 《语文阅读与写作教学研究》李玉红,陈晓玲,王芬著 2018
- 《世界名著阅读经典 欧也妮·葛朗台 高老头 全译本 12-16岁》(法)巴尔扎克著 2017
- 《美国小学分级阅读 二级D 地球科学&物质科学》本书编委会 2016
- 《观察、阅读、写作小学作文整体教学与思维训练》马芯兰主编 2016
- 《阅读与心理健康》王波主编 2019
- 《能源英语阅读》高然编著 2019
- 《高考快速作文指导》张吉武,鲍志伸主编 2002
- 《建筑施工企业统计》杨淑芝主编 2008
- 《钒产业技术及应用》高峰,彭清静,华骏主编 2019
- 《近代旅游指南汇刊二编 16》王强主编 2017
- 《汉语词汇知识与习得研究》邢红兵主编 2019
- 《黄遵宪集 4》陈铮主编 2019
- 《孙诒让集 1》丁进主编 2016
- 《近代世界史文献丛编 19》王强主编 2017
- 《昼颜》李燕蓉著 2019
- 《激光加工实训技能指导理实一体化教程 下》王秀军,徐永红主编;刘波,刘克生副主编 2017
- 《大学计算机实验指导及习题解答》曹成志,宋长龙 2019
- 《大学生心理健康与人生发展》王琳责任编辑;(中国)肖宇 2019
- 《大学英语四级考试全真试题 标准模拟 四级》汪开虎主编 2012
- 《大学英语教学的跨文化交际视角研究与创新发展》许丽云,刘枫,尚利明著 2020
- 《复旦大学新闻学院教授学术丛书 新闻实务随想录》刘海贵 2019
- 《大学英语综合教程 1》王佃春,骆敏主编 2015
- 《大学物理简明教程 下 第2版》施卫主编 2020
- 《大学化学实验》李爱勤,侯学会主编 2016
- 《中国十大出版家》王震,贺越明著 1991
- 《近代民营出版机构的英语函授教育 以“商务、中华、开明”函授学校为个案 1915年-1946年版》丁伟 2017