上海交通大学文治堂学术著作丛书 法律语言研究PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(澳)马丁著;王振华编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787313077608
- 页数:306 页
The Author's Introduction 1
Acknowledgements 5
Introduction:Semantic Variation—Modelling Realization,Instantiation and Individuation in Social Semiosis(2010) 7
'Just Like Sort of Guilty Kind of':The Rhetoric of Tempered Admission in Youth Justice Conferencing(with Michele Zappavigna and Paul Dwyer)(2008) 40
Syndromes of Meaning:Exploring Patterned Coupling in a NSW Youth Justice Conference(with Michele Zappavigna and Paul Dwyer)(2008) 58
Realisation,Instantiation and Individuation:Some Thoughts on Identity in Youth Justice Conferencing(2009) 75
Negotiating Shame:Exchange and Genre Structure in Youth Justice Conferencing(with Michele Zappavigna and Paul Dwyer)(2009) 102
Negotiating Narrative:Story Structure and Identity in Youth Justice Conferencing(with Michele Zappavigna and Paul Dwyer)(2007/2009) 129
Negotiating Evaluation:Story Structure and Appraisal in Youth Justice Conferencing(with Michele Zappavigna and Paul Dwyer)(2010) 160
The Coupling of Gesture and Phonology(with Michele Zappavigna,Chris Cléirigh and Paul Dwyer)(2010) 192
Visualizing Appraisal Prosody(with Michele Zappavigna,Chris Cléirigh and Paul Dwyer)(2010) 210
Beyond Redemption:Choice and Consequence in Youth Justice Conferencing(with Michele Zappavigna and Paul Dwyer)(to appear) 227
Users in Uses of Language:Embodied Identity in Youth Justice Conferencing(with M.Zappavigna,C.Cleirigh and P.Dwyer)(to appear) 258
References 289
Index 304
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