- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王勇编
- 出 版 社:济南:山东大学出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787560745596
- 页数:211 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research orientation 2
1.2 Objectives 3
1.3 Definitions of key terms 4
1.3.1 L2 vocabulary knowledge 4
1.3.2 Lexical semantic relations 4
1.3.3 Canonicity of antonymous pairs 6
1.4 Organization of the book 7
Chapter 2 Literature Review 9
2.1 Overview 9
2.2 Studies on word knowledge types 10
2.2.1 An influential agenda for research into word knowledge types 10
2.2.2 A revised and well-accepted framework of word knowledge 12
2.2.3 Advocates of "framework" position and related studies 16
2.3 Studies on "receptive" vs. "productive" word knowledge 17
2.3.1 Early discussions on receptive vs.productive distinction 18
2.3.2 Current discussions on receptive and productive vocabulary 19
2.4 Studies on word knowledge measurement of vocabulary knowledge 21
2.4.1 Early conceptions about the vocabulary measurement and its test development 22
2.4.2 Further development of vocabulary knowledge measurement 23
2.4.3 A large-scale quantitative test on L2 English vocabulary in the 1980s 25
2.4.4 Test instruments developed on the basis of "continuum" 26
2.4.5 A recent challenge to the quantitative vocabulary measurement 28
2.4.6 A new approach to vocabulary measurement in a word knowledge framework 30
2.5 Studies on L2 vocabulary development 33
2.5.1 A macro theory of vocabulary development and acquisition:A unified Competition Model 33
2.5.2 Micro theories of L2 vocabulary acquisition 36
2.5.3 Empirical studies on L2 vocabulary development 43
2.6 Lexical semantic relations:Theories 48
2.6.1 Congruence relations 48
2.6.2 Hierarchical relations 49
2.6.3 Non-hierarchical relations 51
2.7 Lexical semantic relations:Related empirical research 55
2.7.1 Research related to acquisition of L2 synonymous relations 55
2.7.2 Research related to antonymy 56
2.8 Summary 61
2.8.1 Current research related to L2 vocabulary acquisition and L2 lexical semantic relations 61
2.8.2 Strengths of the current research related to L2 vocabulary acquisition and L2 lexical semantic relations 63
2.8.3 Weaknesses of the current research related to L2 vocabulary acquisition and L2 lexical relations 64
Chapter 3 A Developmental Model for Acquisition of L2 Lexical Semantic Relations in Advanced Chinese ESL Learners 66
3.1 Prior considerations 66
3.2 The development of lexical semantics 67
3.3 Development of L2 lexical semantic relations among advanced ESL learners in the classroom setting:A developmental model 76
Chapter 4 Research Methodology 79
4.1 Research questions 79
4.2 Research design 81
4.2.1 Nature of the design 81
4.2.2 Research procedures 82
4.2.3 Participants 82
4.3 Variables for investigation and their operational definitions 86
4.4 Instrumentation 87
4.4.1 Design of the sentence completion task for synonym differentiation 87
4.4.2 Design of the antonymous pair canonicity judgment test 88
4.4.3 Productive vs.receptive vocabulary knowledge tests 92
4.4.4 Word associates test 93
4.5 A pilot study 93
4.6 Data collection 105
4.7 Data preparation and analysis 106
4.7.1 Setting up norms 106
4.7.2 Scoring scheme 106
4.7.3 Statistics for quantitative analysis 107
Chapter 5 Results of the Empirical Study 109
5.1 Quantitative results 109
5.1.1 The correlation of the scores on synonym differentiation test with the overall L2 proficiency and aspects of vocabulary development 110
5.1.2 The difference between NSs' and NNSs' performance on the synonym differentiation test 113
5.1.3 The enhancing effect of semantic processing on the acquisition of synonymy 114
5.1.4 The difference between NSs'and NNSs'results of judgments of the canonicity of the antonymous pairs 118
5.1.5 Possible factors influencing the scores on antonym canonicity judgment test 123
5.1.6 The relation between NNSs'discrepancy from NSs' antonym canonicity judgment scores and NNSs' overall L2 proficiency and specific lexical proficiency 125
5.2 An extension of the present study 128
5.3 Two case studies 134
5.3.1 A case study of big,little,large and small 134
5.3.2 A case study of correct,right,incorrect,and wrong 142
5.4 Summary 144
Chapter 6 Discussion 145
6.1 Acquisition of synonymy by Chinese advanced ESL learners—status quo and beyond 146
6.2 Acquisition of antonymy by Chinese advanced ESL learners—discrepancy and its probable causes 148
6.3 Approach to help acquisition of synonymy and antonymy—frequency effect,enhanced input and increased engagement 149
6.4 Canonical antonymous pairs:Dichotomy vs.continuum 150
6.5 Theorizing acquisition of L2 lexical semantic relations in the classroom instruction setting 151
Chapter 7 Conclusion 153
7.1 Major findings 154
7.1.1 The nature of acquisition of L2 lexical semantic relations in the classroom setting 155
7.1.2 Effects of instruction on the acquisition of L2 lexical semantic relations 156
7.2 Implications 156
7.3 Recommendations for further research 157
7.3.1 Choice of test items in both synonymous pairs and antonymous pairs 157
7.3.2 Research instrument 157
7.3.3 Research design 158
Appendices 159
Appendix Ⅰ Deese's List of 40 Antonymous Pairs 159
Appendix Ⅱ Initial Stimulus List Used for the Rating Task(Sabourin,1998) 161
Appendix Ⅲ Frequency and Mutual Information Value of Antonymous Pairs(Information Retrieved from COCA on November 11,2009) 163
Appendix Ⅳ The Antonym Canonicity Judgment Test 166
Appendix Ⅴ Sentence Completion Test(Synonym Differentiation Test) 169
Appendix Ⅵ ANOVA of NNS09 vs.NNS07 vs.NS:Significant and Marginally Significant Antonymous Pairs 173
Appendix Ⅶ The Results of a One-Way ANOVA between NNS07 and NS 177
Appendix Ⅷ The Results of a Multiple Regression Analysis on NNS and NS Antonym Results 185
Appendix Ⅸ A Rank of Antonym Canonicity by NS Scores 189
Appendix Ⅹ The Independent Samples t-test between the Scores of Subgroups of Synonym Differentiation Test by Native Speakers and Nonnative Speaker Pilot Group 192
Appendix Ⅺ The Independent Samples t-test between Perceived Difficulty of Subgroups of Synonym Differentiation Test by Native Speakers and Nonnative Speaker Pilot Group 194
Bibliography 196
Acknowledgements 211
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