- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王湘玲编
- 出 版 社:长沙:湖南大学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787566701596
- 页数:260 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Defining two terms 2
1.1.1 Translation competence(TC) 2
1.1.2 Market-oriented translation competence 3
1.2 Research significance 5
1.2.1 In discipline building 5
1.2.2 In meeting translation market needs 6
1.2.3 In developing translation pedagogy 10
1.3 Purpose and questions: a framework 13
1.4 The feasibility of the research: a rationale 15
1.5 A brief description of methodology 17
1.6 The general organization of the thesis 20
Chapter 2 A review of previous research 25
2.1 Research on translation competence 26
2.1.1 An evolution of definition 27
2.1.2 Models of translation competence 34
2.2 Research on professional translation competence 40
2.3 Research on developing translation competence 42
2.4 Empirical research 44
2.4.1 Main concerns 45
2.4.2 PACTE 47
2.4.3 Mariana Orozco (2000) 51
2.5 Summary 57
Chapter 3 Constructivism and translation education 61
3.1 Constructivism and its philosophical implications 62
3.1.1 Origin and development 62
3.1.2 Basic concepts 64
3.1.3 Social constructivism 69
3.2 Objectivism versus constructivism in education 73
3.2.1 Objectivism and its philosophical implications 73
3.2.2 Constructivist learning theories 76
3.2.3 Objectivist versus constructivist pedagogy 79
3.3 Constructivist project-based approach in translation education 85
3.3.1 The project-based approach(PBA) 86
3.3.2 The project-based approach and constructivism 87
3.3.3 Building a constructivist PBA model 89
Chapter 4 Evolving a pedagogy model for developing translation competence 93
4.1 The notion of market-oriented translation competence 94
4.1.1 A review of existing studies 94
4.1.2 Components of market-oriented translation competence 100
4.2 A pedagogy for improving market-oriented translation competence 106
4.2.1 Using real-life or real-life-like situations 108
4.2.2 Market-oriented and project-based 113
4.3 Building a workable translation pedagogy model 113
4.3.1 The traditional translation classroom 114
4.3.2 A model of constructivist project-based translation pedagogy 116 Preliminary consideration 116 The model and its plausibility 119 The model as compared with traditional translation teaching(TT) 122
4.4 Measuring market-oriented translation competence 125
Chapter 5 An empirical study on developing translation competence 139
5.1 Research purpose 140
5.2 Research hypotheses 140
5.3 Research design 141
5.3.1 Research subjects 142
5.3.2 The project 144 The background 144 The job,the organization and the participants 146 The process:four periods 148
5.3.3 Research methods 156 Literature studies 157 Questionnaires 157 Follow-up interviews 158
5.3.4 Research instruments 158 Questionnaire on translation competence 158 Questionnaire on translation quality assessment(TQA) 161
5.3.5 Research procedures 163
5.3.6 Validity control 166
5.3.7 Data collection 168
5.3.8 Data processing 170
Chapter 6 Results and discussions 173
6.1 Statistical analyses of the students' translation competence questionnaires 174
6.1.1 Comparative analyses of the students' translation competence 174
6.1.2 Ranks of translation competence components 178
6.2 Statistical analysesof the students' translation quality(TQ) 183
6.2.1 Statistical analyses of the translation quality assessment questionnaire for the client 183
6.2.2 Comparative analyses of translation quality assessment 186
6.3 Correlation analyses of students' translation competence and translation quality 188
Chapter 7 Conclusion 195
7.1 Findings: revisiting the research questions 196
7.2 Beyond the research questions: pedagogical implications of the study 203
7.3 Limitations of the study and suggestions for further research 206
Bibliography 208
Appendix 222
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- 《英汉翻译理论的多维阐释及应用剖析》常瑞娟著 2019
- 《中央财政支持提升专业服务产业发展能力项目水利工程专业课程建设成果 设施农业工程技术》赵英编 2018
- 《当代翻译美学的理论诠释与应用解读》宁建庚著 2019
- 《微生物培养与显微检验》李晶主编 2018
- 《社会文化系统中的翻译》姜秋霞,杨正军 2019
- 《2020考研英语大趋势 历年真题完形+翻译+新题型精讲精练》商志 2019
- 《国家教师资格考试辅导教材 思维导图全解 教育教学知识与能力 小学》师大教科文教材编写组 2020
- 《智能制造高技能人才培养规划丛书 ABB工业机器人虚拟仿真教程》(中国)工控帮教研组 2019
- 《潜文本的阐释与翻译》刘早著 2019
- 《育儿宝典》陈玲编 1994
- 《视频会议系统原理与测试》王湘宁,顾晓鹏,陈华磊,卢洪勇编著 2014
- 《近代西方汉语研究论集》张西平,杨慧玲编 2013
- 《最美的老师书系 教师的责任》关月玲编 2012
- 《教师品质教育》关月玲编 2013
- 《电力电子技术 第2版》石新春,王毅,孙丽玲编 2013
- 《18岁前禁止涉足的18个地方 转身邂逅青春》王湘月编 2013
- 《红楼梦新探》王湘浩著 1993
- 《小学普通话教材 来说普通话 二年级下 教师用书》刘筱玲编 1998
- 《台湾研究新视界:青年学者观点》梅家玲编 2012