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  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:杨瑾瑜,陈汉白主编(昆明理工大学外国语言文化学院)
  • 出 版 社:重庆:重庆大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:7562461159
  • 页数:394 页

Unit 1 Sports 1

Text It's That Time of the Year Again,Again 1

翻译技巧(一) 翻译概述 10

Writing Skills How to Write a Resume 12

Further Reading Women's Olympic Events Cost Less to See London 2012 Organisers Accused of Sex Bias 2012 13

Unit 2 Tourism 18

Text Travel to Central and Southern America 18

翻译技巧(二) 直译与意译 26

Further Reading Travel in the North America 28

Unit 3 GMS&ASEAN 34

Text ADB'S GMS Program 34

翻译技巧(三) 增译与减译 45

Writing Skills How to Write a Statement of Purpose 46

Further Reading The Similarities and Differences between GMS and ASEAN 48

Unit 4 Social Issues 56

Text What Does Class Mean 56

翻译技巧(四) 分译与合译 66

Further Reading Two Governments,One Bad Plan 67

Unit 5 Marriage 73

Text Why Marriages Fail 73

翻译技巧(五) 转译 82

Writing Skills How to Write an E-mail 85

Further Reading Essence of Infidelity 86

Unit 6 Transportation 93

Text Tackling Those Traffic Jams-Win-Win Transportation Solutions 93

翻译技巧(六) 词语的翻译(1) 指称意义与内涵意义 102

Further Reading Cars of the Future 105

Unit 7 Environment 110

Text Global Warming Heats Up 110

翻译技巧(七) 词语的翻译(2) 词义的引申 122

Writing Skills How to Write an Invitation Letter 123

Further Reading Should Geo-Engineering Be Used to Address Global Warming? 125

Unit 8 Education 134

Text Prospects for Higher Education 134

翻译技巧(八) 词语的翻译(3) 专业术语的翻译 145

Further Reading Global,Mobile,Virtual,and Social:the College Campus of Tomorrow 147

Unit 9 Economy 156

Text Globalization and China 156

翻译技巧(九) 词语的翻译(4) 习语的翻译 164

Writing Skills How to Write a Letter of Apology 167

Further Reading The Economics of Karate 168

Unit 10 Language 173

Text Local Englishes 173

翻译技巧(十) 词语的翻译(5) 国俗词语的翻译 182

Further Reading The Tragedy of Dying Languages 185

Unit 11 Health 192

Text Sometimes It's Hard to Be a Woman,or a Man,or Human 192

翻译技巧(十一) 句子的翻译(1) 长句的翻译 201

Writing Skills How to Write a Conference Agenda 204

Further Reading Why Perfect Is Not Always Best 206

Unit 12 Chinese Culture 211

Text Yin and Yang:A Basic Introduction 211

翻译技巧(十二) 句子的翻译(2) 正反互译法 220

Further Reading Chinese Cooking 223

Unit 13 Western Culture 230

Text The Age of Show Business 230

翻译技巧(十三) 句子的翻译(3) 虚实对译 238

Writing Skills How to Write a Summary 240

Further Reading Virtuous Reality 242

Unit 14 Internet 249

Text Is the Internet Broken? 249

翻译技巧(十四) 句子的翻译(4) 英语特殊句式的翻译 259

Further Reading Global Ethics in the Age of the Internet 262

Unit 15 Ethnic Minority 269

Text Misty Valleys 269

翻译技巧(十五) 句子的翻译(5) 汉语特殊句式的翻译 277

Writing Skills How to Write an Abstract 281

Further Reading Mosuo People 282

Unit 16 Agriculture 290

Text Does Intercropping Have a Role In Modern Agriculture? 290

翻译技巧(十六) 文本的翻译(1) 英语商贸信函的翻译 299

Further Reading Intercropping Principles 302

Unit 17 Literature 310

Text A Hamster's Tale 310

翻译技巧(十七) 文本的翻译(2) 简历的翻译 317

Writing Skills How to Write a Literature Review 323

Further Reading The Frog Prince 325

Unit 18 Art 331

Text Dance in China Today 331

翻译技巧(十八) 文本的翻译(3) 摘要的翻译 338

Further Reading Todd Oldman-A Famous Designer 342

Unit 19 Law 346

Text A Market for Ideas 346

翻译技巧(十九) 外宣翻译中应注意的问题 356

Writing Skills How to Write a Research Proposal 359

Further Reading Keeping Pirates at Bay 365

Unit 20 Philosophy 373

Text The Snob-free Zone 373

翻译技巧(二十) 误译解析 384

Further Reading On Happiness in Marriage 387
