国际贸易法 英汉对照PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:吴淑娟编
- 出 版 社:广州:华南理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787562334453
- 页数:222 页
Chapter 1 Brief Introduction 1
1.1 Definition of ITL 1
1.2 The Source of ITL 2
1.3 Subjects of ITL 8
Exercises 16
Chapter 2 International Sales of Goods Laws 18
2.1 Brief Introduction of the Relevant Laws 18
2.2 Formation of an International Sales of Goods Contract 29
2.3 Executing an International Contract of Sales of Goods 36
2.4 Transfer of Property and Risks 49
2.5 Breaches&Remedies 53
Exercises 75
Chapter 3 Laws for International Transportation 80
3.3 Definitions 80
3.2 Laws on B/L 82
3.3 Comparing the Conventions 86
3.4 Functions and Classification of B/L 108
3.5 Shipper's Obligations and Claim 113
3.6 Laws of Other Kinds of Transportation 115
Exercises 125
Chapter 4 Marine Insurance Law 129
4.1 Brief Introduction 129
4.2 Perils and Losses 141
4.3 Insurance Coverage 143
4.4 Indemnify the Loss 144
Exercises 151
Chapter 5 International Settlement 154
5.1 Brief Introduction 154
5.2 Instruments 155
5.3 Methods of Remittance 160
5.4 Collections 162
5.5 Documentary Credits 165
Exercises 175
Chapter 6 International Trade Dispute Settlements 180
6.1 Prevention from Legal Disputes 180
6.2 Steps of Dispute Settlement 181
6.3 International Commercial Arbitration 188
6.4 Litigation Involving Foreigners 200
Exercises 217
参考文献 221
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