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任务型研究  变现,评定与教学法
任务型研究  变现,评定与教学法

任务型研究 变现,评定与教学法PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(英)斯基汉著
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9787544624916
  • 页数:442 页
图书介绍:本书汇集了世界知名语言学家Peter Skehan自1996至2009年间发表的优秀论文,内容围绕二语习得与教学的任务型研究展开。
《任务型研究 变现,评定与教学法》目录

Chapter 1 Sidesteps towards Applied Linguistics 1

Section One THEORY 47

Section One:Prologue 47

Chapter 2 A Frameworkfor the Implementation of Task-based Instruction 49

Chapter 3 Modelling Second Language Performance:Integrating Complexity,Accuracy,Fluency and Lexis 81

Section One:Epilogue 112

Section Two EMPIRICAL WORK 121

Section Two:Prologue 121

Chapter 4 The Influence of Planning and Task Type on Second Language Performance(with Pauline Foster) 125

Chapter 5 Lexical Performance by Native and Non-native Speakers on Language-Learning Tasks 161

Chapter 6 Complexity,Accuracy,Fluency and Lexis in Task-based Performance:A Meta-analysis of the Ealing Research(with Pauline Foster) 185

Section Two:Epilogue 217


Section Three:Prologue 223

Chapter 7 Tasks and Language Performance Assessment 227

Chapter 8 Models of Speaking and the Assessment of Second Language Proficiency 251

Section Three:Epilogue 267

Section Four PEDAGOGY 273

Section Four:Prologue 273

Chapter 9a Implementing Task-based Instruction 277

Chapter 9b Adapting Instruction for Learner Differences 319

Chapter 10 Focus on Form,Tasks,and Technology 331

Chapter 11 Task Research and Language Teaching:Reciprocal Relationships 355

Chapter 12 A Non-marginal Role for Tasks 375

Section Four:Epilogue 386

Chapter 13 The Final Epilogue 397

Bibliography 419
