- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:舒力编著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:1989
- ISBN:7313005601
- 页数:204 页
To the Student 1
Chapter one Writing at the sentence level 4
Ⅰ The simple sentence and the sentence fragment 4
Ⅱ Subject-verb agreement 13
Ⅲ Pronoun form and agreement with antecedent 23
Ⅳ Parallel structure in sentences 33
Ⅴ The expansion of simple sentences 42
Ⅵ Compound sentences 52
Ⅶ Complex sentences 59
Ⅷ Punctuation and capitalization 69
Chapter Two Writing at the paragraph level 79
Ⅰ Topic sentence 83
Ⅱ Unity 92
Ⅲ Logical order 101
Ⅳ Connectors 110
Ⅴ Sentence variety 120
Chapter Three Writing at the composition level 126
Ⅰ Writing based on topic sentences 133
Ⅱ Writing based on given situations 141
Ⅲ Writing based on visual aids 150
Ⅳ Proofreading 165
Appendices 178
Ⅰ Capitalization rules 178
Ⅱ Punctuation marks 185
Ⅲ Model compositions 195
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