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365天每天读个英文好故事  英汉对照
365天每天读个英文好故事  英汉对照

365天每天读个英文好故事 英汉对照PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:吴菲衡主编
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9787561165867
  • 页数:301 页
《365天每天读个英文好故事 英汉对照》目录
标签:主编 故事

春 1

三月 2

第一周 播种希望 3

1.The Miracle of Mother's Love 3

2.Maggie 5

3.The Seeds of Hope 6

4.A Bag of Seeds 7

5.Gradually Brighter Heart 8

第二周 感悟春天 9

1.Don't Wait Till the Flowers Wilt 9

2.Spring Is Coming and I Cannot See It 10

3.Spring 11

4.Spring Had Come Early 11

5.Spring Has Come 12

第三周 感受幸福 13

1.A Thousand Times 13

2.Jenny's Antique 14

3.Golf Course Romance 15

4.Rice Pudding 17

5.What Does Happiness Come From? 19

第四周 感悟自然 20

1.A Maple 20

2.When the Moon Follows Me 21

3.The Revelation of Lilacs 22

4.A Fine Prospect 23

5.The Sound of Waterfalls 24

四月 25

第一周 感悟生命 26

1.Life Is the Cookie 26

2.Medical Cat 26

3.The Worth of Life 28

4.The Flowers on the Ruins 29

5.The Smile Penetrating the Soul 29

第二周 学会快乐 30

1.One Door at A Time 30

2.I Chooseto Be Cheerful 32

3.The Postman Who Planted Flowers 33

4.Push the Son to Set 34

5.Happiness of Saying Thanks 34

第三周 平和心态 35

1.The Fence 35

2.Feathers in the Wind 36

3.Please Help Tie It 37

4.One-dollar Trip 38

5.Tolerance Is Gold 39

第四周 改变自我 40

1.Polish the Stone in Your Heart 40

2.To Be A Lake 40

3.The Paper Cup 41

4.A Hug for Your Thoughts 42

5.Dating With My Mother 43

五月 44

第一周 结交新友 45

1.Finding Forrester 45

2.The Right Moves 47

3.My Favorite Lady 48

4.Flying 50

5.The Light in the Window 51

第二周 感悟母爱 53

1.Mother Donates Ears for Son 53

2.Blind Mother's Love 54

3.There Is No Mountain You Cannot Climb 55

4.Love Can Also Inspire the Potential 55

5.Mother's Love Is Free 56

第三周 正确选择 57

1.The Most Successful Lesson 57

2.A Story of the Angel 58

3.Growing Roots 59

4.The Door Swings Open 60

5.Presents to Mother 62

第四周 懂得坚持 62

1.Dig Three Feet Deeper 62

2.Don't Quit 63

3.Will Inspires Life 64

4.No Road Is Longer Than Your Feet 65

5.The Warm Pebbles 66

第五周 人生要义 67

1.The Next Step to Life 67

2.The Tiger's Whisker of Life 68

3.No One But Yourself Can Defeat You 70

4.The Pavilion in the Heart 71

5.Life Isn't A Dress Rehearsal 72

夏 74

六月 75

第一周 孩童世界 76

1.The Boy Who Cupped the Sunshine in His Hands 76

2.A Flower of Love 77

3.Good Deed 79

4.Son's Pure Heart 80

5.Please Bury Me Shallowly 81

第二周 爱的奇迹 82

1.A Miracle 82

2.Detour to Romance 83

3.A Beautiful Story 85

4.Love:The One Creative Force 86

5.The Miracle of Love 87

第三周 感悟父爱 88

1.The Best Niourishment of Life 88

2.Father 89

3.Reaching the Top of the Mountain 90

4.The Winner 91

5.Love in Bloom 92

第四周 夏之凉意 94

1.A Nine-Year-Old's Brush With Magic 94

2.I'll Have the Plain Ice Cream 95

3.Simple Gesture 96

4.Blind 97

5.Girls of Summer 98

七月 100

第一周 懂得赞美 101

1.Love Wizard 101

2.The Praise That Changed The Life 101

3."Beautiful"She Said 102

4.Flying the First Class 104

5.Thank You:The Two Little Words That Are Better Than A Pay Rise 105

第二周 学会原谅 106

1.Chinese Cinderella 106

2.To Leave the Grudge Behind 107

3.Send You A Moon 108

4.A Child's Love 109

5.Don't Go Through Your Life So Quickly 110

第三周 微笑魅力 111

1.The Power of Smile 111

2.Smile That Is Difficult to Refuse 112

3.Warm in the Heart 112

4.World of Smiles 114

5.The Power of A Smile 115

第四周 感悟生活 116

1.Mr.Gillespie 116

2.An Unexpected Insight 117

3.When the Wind Blows 118

4.Do One Thing Every Day 118

5.Your Mind Is A Garden 119

八月 121

第一周 儿女的爱 122

1.Mom,How Cold You Are for So Many Years 122

2.Tommy's Homework 123

3.Daughter's Valentines Gift 124

4.Son's Soaked Noodles 125

5.Play for My Mother 126

第二周 认识孩子 127

1.Never Underestimate 127

2.I'm the White Cloud And You're the Blue Sky 128

3.The Boy And the Huge Rock 129

4.A Box of Kiss 130

5.The Boy And A Drop of Dew 131

第三周 勇敢面对 131

1.Sam's Purpose 131

2.Who to Believe 132

3.The Tree of Life Also Has Fallen Leaves 134

4.Without the Excuse to Abandon the Efforts 134

5.The Shared Love 135

第四周 历经艰险 136

1.A Broken Lantern 136

2.God's Gift 138

3.Love of Life 140

4.The Way I Meet God 141

5.Shake Dirt Off And Take A Step Up 142

第五周 动物启示 143

1.Don't Be A Frog in the Well 143

2.The Pointless Competition 144

3.Armadillo's Song 145

4.Rabbit Plays Tug-of-War 147

5.Heron And the Hummingbird 148

秋 150

九月 151

第一周 感悟成功 152

1.The Medal of Life 152

2.The Dreamer's Secret of Success 153

3.The Story of Big Rocks 154

4.The Royal Road to Greatness 155

5.Give the Defeated Opponent Flowers 156

第二周 师生情深 157

1.The Teacher's Love Changed the Boy's Life 157

2.We're All Here to Learn 159

3.The Miracle of A Dress 160

4.The Sunday School Teacher 162

5.How I Discovered Words 164

第三周 感悟友情 165

1.The Little Boy Who Gave Blood 165

2.Worth It or Not 167

3.Unexpected Friendship 168

4.True Friendship 169

5.Value of Friend 170

第四周 秋之收获 171

1.The Gold in the Orchard 171

2.The Catch of Lifetime 172

3.Autumn—The Harvest Season 174

4.Is My Life Really Bad? 174

5.He Needed Me 175

十月 177

第一周 懂得给予 178

1.A Young Apple Tree 178

2.Happiness Is the Scent of Soul 178

3.He Opened My Mind 179

4.Sunshine on A Rainy Day 181

5.Growing Good Corn 181

第二周 相信别人 182

1.Observe the Sky With Salt 182

2.It Is As You Will 183

3.The Clear Spring of Soul 184

4.The Candlewick 184

5.Pennies From Heaven 185

第三周 懂得感激 187

1.The Only Attitude Is Gratitude 187

2.Thank the Hand of Life 188

3.Another Secret to Success 189

4.Thank Poverty 189

5.Gift From the Heart 190

第四周 传奇爱情 191

1.The Maid of the Mist 191

2.Phantom Lovers of Dismal Swamp 192

3.Wild Goose Island 193

4.White Horse 194

5.Guardian of Yosemite 195

十一月 197

第一周 善于发现 198

1.The Secret Behind A Painting 198

2.The Gold Watch in the Barn 198

3.Acres of Diamond 199

4.The Discovery At the Bend 200

5.Allow Your Own Inner Light to Guide You 201

第二周 懂得放弃 202

1.Move Back Is Also A Success 202

2.Put Down the Parcel And Hurry On 202

3.The Cobbler And the Banker 203

4.My Mother's Gift 204

5.Learn to Give Up 206

第三周 学会自信 207

1.The Smiling Rose 207

2.The Poor Girl Who Became A Queen 208

3.Think Highly of Yourself 210

4.Please Focus on Me 210

5.Open Your Mind 211

第四周 感恩生活 213

1.We Are Not Alone 213

2."There"Is No Better Than"Here" 214

3.The Blind Boy 215

4.When We Give Thanks 216

5.A Special Occasion 217

第五周 爱的传递 218

1.A Person Who Changed My Life 218

2.Deliver Loving Heart 220

3.In the Spirit:A Story for A Friend 221

4.Special Friendship Between Black People And White 222

5.Rose Used Only For Sent 223

冬 224

十二月 225

第一周 学会珍惜 226

1.Lady,Are You Rich? 226

2.The Richest Woman in the World 226

3.Butterfly Kisses 228

4.Mother's Hands 229

5.Childhood 229

第二周 礼物奇缘 231

1.Sister's Christmas Gift 231

2.Bobby's Christmas Gift 233

3.Memory in Yellow Rose 234

4.Rose Sent to Mother 235

5.Violin 236

第三周 圣诞记事 238

1.Making Others Happy 238

2.A Blue Christmas 239

3.Mother And Child 241

4.A Sailor's Christmas Gift 242

5.Christmas Love 244

第四周 温情此刻 245

1.Silent Guider 245

2.Beautiful Scene Outside the Window 246

3.Two Lost Souls 247

4.Geraniums of Love 248

5.Woodwork Angel 249

一月 251

第一周 感悟亲情 252

1.Herbal Smell 252

2.The Praying Hands 252

3.Grandma's Red Mahogany Piano 254

4.Remember Love Was More Important Than Remember Someone's Name 256

5.The Miracle of A Brother's Song 257

第二周 感悟真情 258

1.A Silent Handshake That Speaks Volumes 258

2.If So for Birds Why Not for Man 259

3.The Rule of Ten 260

4.Squeeze My Hand 262

5.Love Is A Thread 263

第三周 点亮智慧 264

1.The Reason of Einstein's Success 264

2.To Be Your Own Goddess of Mercy 265

3.The Prince And the Judge 266

4.The Real Courage 268

5.The Splashes of Life 268

第四周 感悟幸福 269

1.The Secret of Happiness 269

2.Bring Happiness Home 270

3.The Source of Happiness 271

4.Happiness Doesn't Need A List 272

5.Happiness Is A Feeling 273

二月 275

第一周 认识自己 275

1.Get A Thorough Understanding of Yourself 275

2.Look Downward And Look Upward 276

3.Don't Think Highly of Yourself 276

4.Are You A Carrot,An Egg or Coffee Bean 277

5.Lilies Valley 278

第二周 感悟人生 280

1.The Patch of Life 280

2.Life Is A Handful of Candy 281

3.The Tent of Life 282

4.The Three Boxes of Life 282

5.A Miracle Changes Life 283

第三周 追随梦想 284

1.Follow Your Dream 284

2.Preparation Leads to Success 286

3.A Pair of Socks 287

4.Encouragement Can Work Miracles 288

5.Difference 289

第四周 无限友情 290

1.The Standard of Going to Heaven 290

2.Mama Ostrich's Friend 291

3.Special Friend 292

4.Friends 294

5.Inviting the Bears 295

第五周 感悟真爱 296

1.Let Me Speak for You 296

2.Coward or Love 297

3.See How Much I Love You 298

4.Love Should Stand the Ordinary Days 300

5.Unopened CDs 301
