办公管理 初级PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:苏格兰学历管理委员会著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国时代经济出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7802210275
- 页数:215 页
1 Introduction to the unit 1
1.1 What this unit is about 1
1.2 Outcomes 1
1.3 Unit structure 1
1.4 How to use these learning materials 2
1.5 Symbols used in this unit 2
2 Other resources required 7
3 Assessment information 9
3.1 How you will be assessed 9
3.2 When and where you will be assessed 10
3.3 What you have to achieve 10
3.4 Opportunities for reassessment 10
4 Section 1:Lead and organise the core activities of office management 11
4.1 Introduction to this section 11
4.2 Assessment information for this section 12
4.3 Office manager's role 13
4.4 Leading,controlling and organising activities 15
4.5 Operational planning and taking operational decisions 27
4.6 Top-down and bottom-up communication 34
4.7 Motivating employees 36
4.8 Generating new activities 47
4.9 Quality management 50
4.10 Budgets 56
4.11 Delegation 59
4.12 Summary of this section 68
5 Section 2:Implement and manage change within the strategic/operational objectives of an organisation 91
5.1 Introduction to this section 91
5.2 Assessment information for this section 92
5.3 Evaluating existing services and systems 93
5.4 Managing the change process 119
5.5 Strategic/operational objectives 129
5.6 Communication implementation 142
5.7 Managing resistance to change 147
5.8 Summary of this section 165
6 Answers to SAQs and Activities 183
7 Glossary 209
8 Acknowledgements 215
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