肺癌临床手册 中英文对照版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:吴怀申主编
- 出 版 社:澳门特别行政区征服卫生局
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:9993763004
- 页数:246 页
1.The New Concepts of the Oncogenesis and Development of Lung Cancer&ZHOU Qing-Hua 2
2.Epidemiology of Lung Cancer&Huai-Shen WU,HO long Ngai 18
3.Prevention of Lung Cancer&Huai-Shen WU,ZHANG Zu-Yi 30
4.Pathology of Lung Cancer&SIU Kai Suen 46
5.Imaging of Lung Cancer&KUOK Cheong U 62
6.Diagnosis of Lung Cancer&CHEONG Tak Hong 78
7.Surgery of Lung Cancer&Huai-Shen WU,Orlando VIEIRA 92
8.Radiotherapy of Lung Cancer&WANG Luhua,YIN Weibo, 112
9.Chemotherapy of Lung Cancer&LEI Wai Seng 128
10.Other New Treatment of Lung Cancer&Ti DING,Zhi-bin XI 146
11.Prognostic Factors of Lung Cancer&WU Ming-Bai 172
12.Advance in Lung Cancer Research&Yi-Long WU 188
Appendix 204
1.TNM Classification of Lung and Pleural Tumours (UICC,1997) 204
2.Histological Classification of Lung and Pleural Tumors (WHO,1999) 218
3.International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) 224
4.Introduction for Journal of (Lung Cancer) of IASLC 236
5.Introduction for (Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer) 240
6.Lung,Sites of Lymph Nodes (Map by Dr.Tsuguo Naruke) 244
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