- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王守元著
- 出 版 社:济南:山东大学出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7560722261
- 页数:353 页
前言 1
上编:英语教学 3
英语听力教学的理论与实践 3
英语口语教学探讨 16
试谈英语文体学教学 28
外语课堂教学研究述评 43
《交际英语口语》的理论依据、特点和单元结构 55
简评《英语修辞与写作》 65
Review of CALLA Handbook 70
中编:英语学习(习得) 77
海外语言学习观念综评 77
The Conceptual Background to Beliefs about Language Learning and Language Learning Strategies 89
Review of Literature on Language Learning Strategies 95
The Relevance of Learning Strategy Training to English-major Education 123
语言学习策略训练刍议 135
评Krashen习得—学习假说 143
A Critical Review of Krashen's Second Language Acquisition Theory 156
对比分析评析 177
下编:A Course Guide to Overview of TESL(《英语作为第二语言教学概论》学习指导)Course Introduction 207
Introduction:TESL vs.TEFL,Providers and Programs 216
Learner Variables:Age,Proficiency Level and Culture of Origin 230
Learning Styles,Strategies,and Motivation 246
How Language Works 263
How a Second Language is Learned 274
The Teaching Process 287
Teaching Pronunciation,Vocabulary,and Grammar 297
Topics,Situations,Notions,Functions,and Communi-cative Language Teaching 307
Teaching the Four Skills-Listening,Speaking,Reading,and Writing 318
Syllabus/Curriculum and Materials 331
Classroom Management 341
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