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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:王成宇,李丙申主编;张铭勤,柴香菊,叶艳华等副主编
  • 出 版 社:天津:天津人民出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7201037250
  • 页数:246 页

Unit 1 Getting Started 1

Part A Gathering Ideas 1

1.Freewriting 1

2.Focused Freewriting 2

3.Brainstorming 3

4.Clustering 4

5.Asking Questions 5

6.Keeping a Journal 6

Part B The Writing Process 9

1.Prewriting 9

2.Writing 9

3.Revising and Proofreading 9

Part C Relationship between Key Factors 10

1.Relationship between Writer and Subject 10

2.Relationship between Writer and Readers 10

3.Relationship between Purpose and Writing 11

Part D Differences between Chinese Writing and Western Writing 11

1.Difference in Thought Pattern 12

2.Difference in Objectivity 12

3.Difference in Evaluation 13

4.Difference in Stating a Moral 13

Unit 2 Diction 14

Part A Using Appropriate Words 14

1.Formal Words 14

2.Common Words 15

3.Colloquial Words 15

4.Avoiding Slang 15

5.Avoiding Chinglish 15

Exercises 16

Part B Using Exact Words 17

1.Denotation and Connotation 17

2.Synonyms 18

3.Abstract,Concrete,General and Specific Words 19

Exercises 21

Part C Using Idiomatic and Fresh Words 22

1.Idioms 23

2.Avoiding Cliches 24

3.Avoiding Nonce Words 25

Exercises 25

Part D Using Figurative Language 27

1.Simile 27

2.Metaphor 27

3.Personification 28

4.Metonymy 28

5.Synecdoche 28

6.Euphemism 29

7.Irony 29

8.Overstatement 30

9.Understatement 30

10.Transferred Epithet 31

11.Oxymoron 31

Exercises 32

Unit 3 The Sentence 35

Part A Rhetorical Types of Sentences 35

1.Loose Sentences 35

2.Periodical Sentences 36

3.Balanced Sentences 36

Exercises 37

Part B Revising for Sentence Structure 38

1.Sentence Fragment 38

2.Comma Splices 39

3.Run-On Sentences 39

Exercises 40

Part C Revising for Sentence Unity 42

Exercises 43

Part D Revising for Sentence Coherence 44

1.Misplaced Modifiers 44

2.Dangling Modifiers 45

3.Faulty Parallelism 46

Exercises 47

Part E Revising for Sentence Clarity 48

1.Ambiguous Reference 48

2.Confusing Shifts 49

Exercises 51

Part F Revising for Sentence Conciseness 52

1.Revising Deadwood 53

2.Changing Sentence Structure to Avoid Wordihess 53

3.Avoiding Unnecessary Passive Voice 54

4.Avoiding Unnecessary There Be Construction 54

Exercises 55

Part G Revising for Sentence Emphasis 56

1.Emphatic Word Order 56

2.Emphatic Sentence 56

3.Active Voice 58

4.Repetition 58

Exercises 58

Part H Revising for Sentence Variety 59

1.Vary Sentence Beginnings 59

2.Vary Sentence Length 60

Exercises 61

Unit 4 The Paragraph 62

Part A Internal Structure of a Paragraph 62

1.The Topic Sentence 62

2.Unity 64

3.Coherence 65

Exercises 66

Part B Transition 69

1.Transitions within a Paragraph 69

2.Transitions between Paragraphs 71

Exercises 72

Part C Paragraph Development 73

1.Development by Time 73

Exercises 74

2.Development by Space 76

Exercises 77

3.Development by Illustration 79

Exercises 80

4.Developmernt by Process 82

Exercises 84

5.Development by Definitions 86

Exercises 88

6.Development by Comparison and Contrast 89

Exercises 92

7.Development by Classification 93

Exercises 95

8.Development by Cause and Effect 98

Exercises 100

Unit 5 The Composition 103

Part A The Process of Writing a Composition 103

1.Looking at the Composition 103

2.Selecting a Subject 104

3.Narrowing the Topic 104

4.Writing the Thesis Statement 105

5.Finding Ideas 106

6.Outlining Ideas 106

7.Writing and Revising 108

Exercises 109

Part B Description 110

1.Establish a Dominant Impression 110

2.Arrange the Description Impression 110

3.Point of View 110

4.Revising 111

5.Describing a Person 111

6.Describing a Place 115

7.Describing an Obiect 117

8.Describing a Scene 120

Exercises 123

Part C Narration 123

1.Purpose 124

2.Background 124

3.Selection of Details 125

4.Point of View 125

5.Organization 125

6.Focus on the Character 125

7.Revising 125

Exercises 131

Part D Exposition 131

1.Illustration 133

2.Comparison and Contrast 136

3.Cause and Effect 141

4.Classification and Division 146

5.Definition 152

Exercises 156

Part E Argumentation 159

1.Debatable Points 160

2.Facts 161

3.Examples 161

4.Referring to an Authority 161

5.Predicting the Consequence 161

6.Answering the Opposition 161

7.Ways of Reasoning 161

8.Clear Logic 162

9.Revising 162

Exercises 164

Unit 6 Paraphrases,Summaries and Book Reports 166

Part A The Paraphrases 166

1.Requirements of Paraphrase Writing 166

2.Steps in Paraphrasing 166

Part B The Summary 167

1.Uses of Summary Writing 167

2.Steps in Summarizing 168

3.Requirements of Summary Writing 168

4.Ways of Compression 169

Part C The Book Report 173

1.Uses of a Book Report 173

2.Structure of a Book Report 173

3.Steps in Writing a Book Report 173

4.Requirements of Writing a Book Report 173

Exercises 175

Unit 7 Practical Writing 179

Part A Notices 179

Part B Greetings,Good Wishes,Congratulations and Condolences 185

1.Greetings 186

2.Good Wishes 187

3.Congratulations 188

4.Condolences 189

Part C Notes 189

1.Written Request for Leave 190

2.Appointments 192

3.Apologies 192

4.Requests 192

5.Thanks 193

6.Informal Invitations 193

7.Messages 194

Part D Bills 194

1.Forms of I.O.U 194

2.Forms of Receipt 195

3.Student Transcript 196

Part E Resumes and Letters 196

1.Resumes 196

2.Letters 204

Exercises 223

Appendix 224

Appendix 1 Mechanics 224

Appendix 2 Spelling 226

Appendix 3 Look-Alikes/Sound-Alikes 229

Appendix 4 Punctuation 235

Appendix 5 Correction Symbols in Alphabetical Order 243

Bibliography 245
