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世界建筑  NO.53
世界建筑  NO.53

世界建筑 NO.53PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:6 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:陈桂英
  • 出 版 社:胡氏图书出版社
  • 出版年份:1983
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:47 页
《世界建筑 NO.53》目录
标签:建筑 世界


帝国大饭店(全部建筑已於1968年拆除,入口部份则移往明治村重建) The Imperial Hotel (The entire complex was demolished in 1968.Entrance lobby was reconstructed at Meiji village) 9

饭店全景鸟瞰 Aerial view 9

西侧之主要入口及其前面的水池 Westside main entrance and the pool in front 10

透视图 Perspective 12

由花园水池畔所见客房及南厢房入口的景象 View of the entrance to the guest room and the south wing from the garden poolside 14

从西侧主入口看南厢房之电梯间 View of the elevator tower of the south wing from the westside main entrance 16

北厢房墙上阳台与窗户的组合 Interplay of balcony and windows on the north wing wall 17

东向立面所见景象,中间高起部份为大宴会厅* View of the eastern side.In the middle is the banquet hall 18

北厢房之西向立面 Western facade of the north wing 20

北厢房侧面之主要入口* Main side-entrance to the north wing 22

餐厅前面的日本庭园* Japanese garden in front of the main dining room 23

入口大厅 Main lobby 24

入口门厅 Entrance foyer 26

从二楼迴廊看大厅正面 View of the main lobby from the gallery 27

大厅西南角落 View of the southwestern corner of the main lobby 28

从二楼迴廊看大厅西南角落,灯具嵌在柱子里面 View of the south western corner of the main lobby from the gallery Lights are built in the pillar in the center 29

边柱上的大谷石雕刻 Curved Oyaishi side columns 30

餐厅的柱列 Columns of the main dining room 31

宴会楼二楼的舞廊 Second-floor promenade of the banquet hall 32

主要餐厅 Main dining room 34

宴会楼(孔雀厅) Banquet hall (Peacock Room) 35

会客室北侧之壁炉与壁画 Northside fireplace and mural painting in the parlor 36

宴会楼门厅南侧的壁炉 Southside fireplace of the banquet hall foyer 37

客厅* Guest room 38

宴会楼门厅 Banquet hall foyer 39

音乐厅之观众席 Audience seats in the auditorium 40
