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  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:张同乐编著
  • 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9787309090789
  • 页数:443 页

第一部分 动词 1

1.如何正确使用一般现在时和现在进行时?为什么说“金星夜晚很明亮”不能译成“The Venus is shining bright(ly)at night”? 1

2.“He is honest”和“He is being honest”有何不同? 3

3.一般过去时和现在完成时有何异同? 3

4.现在完成时和现在完成进行时有何区别? 5

5.能否讲“If you will do something…”? 8

6.用于表示将来时的三个结构to be going to,to be to和to be about to在意义上有何区别? 9

7.could+have+P.P有哪几种用法? 10

8.为什么说“We could finish the job before it rained”中的could应改为“We were able to…”? 11

9.为什么对must进行否定有时用must not?有时用need not?有时则用can not? 13

10.动词不定式的主动式和被动式在there be结构中有何区别? 14

11.“The coffee is ready to drink”是否应写成“The coffee is ready to be drunk”? 15

12.在“He was seen to take the book away from the library”这句话中,take之前的to能否省去? 16

13.help somebody to do something中的to何时可以省去?像“This book will help me to understand the French Revolution”中的to能否省? 17

14.动名词与不定式充当主语时,它们之间有何区别? 18

15.如何使用动名词的完成体?为什么说“Esmond denied breaking the cup”这句话不正确? 19

16.如何理解和正确使用There is+no+动名词结构? 21

17.如何理解和使用下列例句中的reading和the reading?①Reading the book is a great enjoyment.②The reading of the book is a great enjoyment. 22

18.go skating和go looking for trouble结构在用法上是否相同?例如:①I decided to go skating next week. ②Do not go looking for trouble. 23

19.need+v-ing表示被动含义,英语中还有哪些动词具有这样的用法? 24

20.如何辨用动名词作表语和用于进行时态中的v-ing?例如:①His job is looking after children.②He is looking after children. 25

21.哪些动词后接动词不定式作宾语?哪些动词后只接动名词作宾语? 27

22.have gone和have been有何区别? 29

23.为什么说“He is having his dinner”是正确的,但“He is having a book in his hand”却是错误的? 29

24.哪些动词不能用进行时态?为什么说以下各句中的时态都不对?①She is possessing two cars.②I'm still remembering what you said.③The parents are disliking their little daughter.④She was seeing my painting.⑤They are finishing their work. 30

25.如何正确使用行为动词(action verb)和状态动词(state verb)? 31

26.“We often swim in the pool(我们常在游泳池里游泳)”与“We often have a swim in the pool(我们常在游泳池里游泳)”有区别吗? 33

27.使用被动语态应注意哪些事项? 35

28.情态动词can有哪些基本语义? 36

29.哪些及物动词可接用as…短语充当其宾语补足语? 37

30.如何理解和使用“Given notes in detail to the texts,the readers can study by themselves”这句话中的given notes in detail短语? 38

31.如何正确理解和使用believe和believe in? 39

32.为什么说“This picture reminds me to think of the days when I was in Beijing University”这句话不对? 40

33.make someone of someone与make someone someone在意义上有无区别?例如:①His parents want to make an engineer of him.②His parents want to make him an engineer. 41

34.为什么说“教堂的钟已停了三天了”不能译为“The church clock has stopped for three days”? 42

35.“Being not read for a long time,the book became dusty”这句话错在什么地方? 42

36.the kitchen cabinet painted,the kitchen cabinet being painted,the kitchen cabinet to be painted这三个短语在语法上如何分析?它们的区别何在? 43

37.“A terrible accident was happened the day before yesterday”这句话错在何处? 44

38.单词do和make在使用中有何规律可循? 45

39.explain在下列两句中是否都成立?①I asked Roy to explain me his idea.②Iasked Roy to explain his idea to me. 47

40.如何正确使用单词hang?下句中应选择哪个答案?The room was__with beautiful pictures.A)hanged B)hung 48

41.如何正确使用have someone do something这一结构?下述两例在意义上有无区别?①Themanager had the servant mop the floor.②I'll have the architect design a new building. 49

42.如何正确使用have something done这一结构? 50

43.have sb.doing something用于何种场合? 51

44.动词hope在使用中应注意哪几点?为什么说hope在以下三句中都不成立?①We hope a favourable reply from you.②He hopes getting married next month. 52

③Mr.Smith hoped us to finish the job within three days. 53

45.单词wish在使用中应注意哪些事项? 54

46.如何正确理解动词make与介词of,from以及out of搭配时的确切含义? 55

47.marry一词在使用中应注意哪几点?为什么说以下几句用法都不正确?①Dick got married with Susan last year.②They got married for twenty years.③Have you got married? 56

48.meet和meet with有区别吗? 58

49.need在使用中应注意哪几点? 59

50.如何正确使用动词persuade?以下例句错在何处?We persuaded him to go there by bus,but he wouldn't listen. 60

51.如何理解和使用slow up和slow down这两个短语? 61

52.如何翻译“We think a lot of Ted Robinson”这句话? 62

53.used to和be used to在使用中应注意哪几点?下句中应选择哪一个答案?My father__smoke,but now he does not.A)was used to B)used to 63

54.would like与want有何区别? 65

55.如何区分bear和endure? 66

56.destroy和ruin是否可以互换使用? 66

57.如何正确使用discover和invent? 67

58.finish和complete均表示“结束”,两者在用法上有何区别? 69

59.join和take part(in)的用法一样吗? 70

60.receive和accept的区别何在? 71

61.如何辨用remember和recall? 72

62.请介绍一些常用的动词同义词如begin/start/commence之间的区别? 73

63.哪些动词后接宾语从句时,从句中的谓语动词应使用虚拟语气? 82

64.wish后接从句时,从句中的动词有哪几种形式?如何正确使用这几种形式? 83

第二部分 形容词、副词 85

65.形容词比较级和最高级的构成有哪些规则? 85

66.多个形容词充当修饰语时的顺序如何排列?下一句中应选择哪一个答案?The singer is a__Chinese college student.A)handsome tall young B)tall handsome young C)young handsome tall D)young tall handsome 88

67.哪些形容词可用作或只用作后置定语? 90

68.为什么说“The asleep girl is Mary”中的asleep和“Mary is very asleep”中的very都用错了? 92

69.哪些形容词不能用于比较级或最高级?为什么说以下两句都不成立?①This film is more wonderful than the last one.②This is the most wonderful film that I have ever seen. 93

70.为什么说…longer than any river和…longer than any other rivers都不正确?例如:①The Yangtze River is longer than any river in China.②The Yangtze river is longer than any other rivers in China. 94

71.如何理解和翻译“I had a trying experience last month in Japan”这句话中的trying? 95

72.为什么说“The ears of a rabbit are longer than a cat”这句话不对? 95

73.如何理解和翻译“His speech is all too disappointing”中的all too? 96

74.能否说someone is convenient to do something?例如:He is not convenient to send money through the mail. 97

75.due to有哪几种用法?下例中的意思与用法是否一样?①The train is due to arrive in a few minutes.②The accident is due to careless driving. 98

76.在使用enough时应注意哪些事项?为什么说以下几句都不正确?①We have seats enough for everyone.②He didn't run enough fast to catch the train.③Did you get enough of bread?④The wine isn't enough. 99

77.ill能否用作定语? 101

78.为什么说“The price is dear”这句话不对? 101

79.如何正确使用less和fewer这两个词? 102

80.同根形容词在使用中应注意哪些事项? 102

81.何谓可分等级和不可分等级的形容词?为什么说“It's very freezing today”这句话不正确? 122

82.如何正确使用the+形容词,如the blind,the dead? 123

83.如何辨用much too和too much?下句中应选择哪一个答案?It is__hot today.A)much too B)too much 123

84.为什么说only few students和no little effect的讲法都不正确?例如:①There are only few students in the lecture hall.②The medicine has no little effect on my disease. 124

85.如何正确使用such和so这两个词? 125

86.为什么说“Many critics consider Browning more superior than Tennyson as a poet”这句话不对? 126

87.如何正确理解和使用单词whatsoever?例如:Most curious of all,there is no quality control whatsoever. 127

88.almost与nearly有何异同? 128

89.为什么说“I always go to the museum on Sundays”这句话不妥?英语中表示频率方面的副词还有哪些? 129

90.altogether和all together的含义及用法一样吗? 130

91.certain(ly)和sure(ly)在用法上有何差异? 131

92.如何正确使用continual和continuous这两个词? 132

93.empty和vacant的用法是否一样? 133

94.fatal和fateful的区别何在? 135

95.如何区分sensible和sensitive这两个词? 136

96.content和contented用法一样吗?以下两句中的content和contented是否都成立?①The chief engineer nodded with a content smile.②The chief engineer nodded with a contented smile. 137

97.如何辨用credible和credulous?下句中应选择哪个词?She is so__that she will believe almost anything you tell her.A)credible B)credulous 138

98.如何正确使用interesting和interested这两个词? 139

99.请介绍一些常用形容词同义词之间的区别,如adequate enough/sufficient之间的区别? 140

100.成对的副词其语意是否相同?如hard,hardly;deep,deeply? 151

第三部分 介词 153

101.如何正确使用短语according to?为什么说“According to me,the watch is rather expensive”这句话不对? 153

102.between和among在使用中应注意哪些事项? 154

103.为什么说“We had to go across the forest”这句话不对? 156

104.above和over的区别何在? 157

105.如何理解和使用以下两句中的介词at?①Her face brightened at once at such praise.②Heyman shouted at me. 158

106.为什么说before在“We stopped just before the building”这句话中的用法不对? 159

107.on the contrary和on the other hand是否同义?两者能否互换使用? 159

108.如何理解“The question is quite beyond me”中的beyond? 160

109.在“I have no choice but to go”句中,but是什么词性?to能否省去? 161

110.如何理解和正确使用by turns和in turn?下句应选择A还是B?His fortune is favorable and un favorable__.A)byturns B)inturn 162

111.如何正确使用by和till?为什么说下面两句中的介词by和till用法不对?①He said he would come back till seven o'clock.②Mary stayed in Nanjing by the end of September. 163

112.怎样区分by和with这两个词?下句中应选择哪一个答案?I killed the fly__a news paper.A)by B)with 164

113.except与except for有何不同? 166

114.如何辨用短语be responsible for中的for和be responsible to中的to?下面句子错在何处?You should be responsible to the accident. 167

115.为什么说介词for在“We moved forward for getting a good seat”中的用法不正确? 168

116.good之后可接哪些介词?下句选择哪一个答案是正确的?Mary is good__making excuse.A)for B)to C)with D)at 169

117.in和into有何区别? 170

118.介词on和about作“谈论、论述”解时有何不同? 171

119.是on to还是onto? 172

120.在表示时间概念时,from和since都译为“自从&”,它们能否互换使用? 173

121.如何理解和使用by half,by halves和in half这三个介词短语? 174

122.如何理解和正确使用短语to our great surprise(delight,disappointment,etc.)? 175

123.如何正确使用be familiar with和be familiar to这两个结构? 176

124.为什么说“I'm satisfied with that he has done a good job”这句话不对? 177

125.on the whole和as a whole之间有何区别? 178

126.with+宾语后还可以再接哪些成分构成复合结构? 179

127.如何正确使用单词worth?为什么说以下的句子都不正确?①This book is worth.②The question is worth being discussed.③His proposal is worth considering it. 181

第四部分 名词 183

128.如何正确使用集合名词? 183

129.名词的复数形式有哪些变化?他们的读音有哪些规则? 184

130.在“The statistics__available on the Internet(这些统计资料可以通过互联网获得)”这句话中的名词statistics用作主语时,谓语动词用单数还是复数?A)is B)are 185

131.常见的只有复数形式的名词有哪些?谓语动词用复数还是单数? 186

132.请谈谈名词所有格的构成及用法? 187

133.名词充当定语时应注意哪些情况? 188

134.复合名词的复数构成有何规律? 190

135.使用不可数名词要注意哪些问题? 193

136.物质名词的量如何表示? 194

137.同一名词的单、复数在意义上是否一样? 197

138.复合名词如何书写?它与自由词组如何区分? 199

139.为什么说two baggages不能成立? 200

140.为什么说“Henry has many experiences in teaching”中的many experiences用法不正确? 201

141.下句应该用woman doctors还是用women doctors?All the__are required to attend the meeting. 201

A)woman doctors B)women doctors 202

142.怎样辨用percent和percentage?下句中应选用哪一个词?Sixty__of my time is spent in preparing my lessons.A)percent B)percentage 202

143.couple和pair同义吗? 203

144.如何正确使用custom和habit? 204

145.mistake和error区别何在? 205

146.reason和cause的用法有何区别? 207

147.act和action在含义及用法上是否相同? 207

148.怎样区别和使用base和basis? 209

149.weather和climate区别在哪里? 210

150.work/job在用法上有何区别? 211

151.clothing,clothes和dress之间的区别何在? 213

152.如何正确使用advantage,benefit和profit这三个单词? 214

153.affect,effect和influence之间的区别何在? 215

154.如何正确使用center和middle这两个词? 216

155.哪些名词后接表语从句或同位语从句时,从句中需要使用虚拟语气?下句应选择哪一个答案?I agreed to his proposal that we__tomorrow.A)go to the Great Wall B)shall go to the Great Wall C)went to the Great Wall D)will go to the Great Wall 217

第五部分 冠词、代词 218

156.如何使用定冠词? 218

157.不定冠词有哪些用法? 223

158.如何使用冠词来表示一类人或物?要注意哪些事项? 224

159.哪些固定搭配中需要使用不定冠词、定冠词和零冠词? 225

160.China(中国)之前没有冠词,但The People's Republic of China(中华人民共和国)之前为什么要加冠词?有何规律可循? 228

161.the next week和next week有何不同?例如:①Today is Wednesday.I shall be away for the next week.②Today is Wednesday.I shall go out next week. 229

162.在“Eggs are sold by the dozen”这句话中,定冠词能否改为不定冠词? 229

163.in the way和in a way同义吗?下句中应选择哪一个介词短语?I like Robert__,but he is conceited.A)in the way B)in a way 230

164.在泛指人(们)的场合,one,you,they这三个词有何区别? 232

165.当no one,someone,everyone充当主语时,其附加疑问句用one还是用they? 233

166.使用代词one时应注意哪些事项?为什么说以下几句中的one用法都不正确?①I'd like to look at that album.May I borrow one? ②I ask him for some tea,and he gives me one. ③Let's compare the new flat with out one. 234

167.anybody与anyone,any body与any one它们之间有何区别? 235

168.如何正确使用another和other这两个词? 236

169.为什么说“That kind of a person is not to be trusted”这句话是错的? 237

170.在“Mary was sitting beside him”和“He was beside himself”的人称代词宾格和反身代词在用法上有何差异? 238

171.如何理解“He is something of an artist”中的something of短语? 239

172.如何正确使用its和it's?下一句错在哪里?We must put everything in it's place. 240

173.怎样辨用someone else's和someone's else?例如:—Whose else is this pen?—It is not mine.It is__.A)someone else's B)someone's else 241

174.为什么说a war's film不能够成立,但a science's contribution却是正确的? 242

175.如何理解和翻译“He went to the doctor's'? 243

176.如何理解“There is no rule but has exceptions”这句话中的but? 244

177.如何理解“If you work diligently,you'll make it”中的it? 244

178.关系代词that能否用于非限制性定语从句中?下列两例句中的that是否都成立?①She always dresses in colors that are not striking.②Marriage,that differs from other social relations,is based on love between a man and a woman. 246

179.为什么说“The man whom I said was in charge of the investigation…”这句话中的whom用法不正确? 247

180.一句话中有若干个人称代词如何排序? 247

第六部分 连词 249

181.because,as,since都可用来表示原因,它们在用法上有何异同? 249

182.如何辨用和翻译in that?例如:The light beam from a laser seems like a pencil of light in that it has nearly parallel sides. 251

183.等立连词for与从属连词because在意义及用法上应注意哪些问题? 251

184.为什么说not only…but also…在“Not only he can speak English but also Chinese”这句话中的用法不对? 253

185.如何理解“Now that you are well again,you can travel by plane”这句话中的now that? 254

186.为什么说“Besides English,he knows two languages,such as Japanese and French”这句话中的such as用法不对? 254

187.如何理解和使用unless一词?为什么说以下例句不正确?One can't learn a foreign language well unless he doesn't study hard. 255

188.while充当连词时有哪几种用法? 256

第七部分 主谓一致 258

189.在“He,not I”充当主语时,谓语动词应和哪一个词保持一致?例如:He,not I__to be punished.A)is B)am 258

190.单数主语后接along with或together with等+复数名词时,谓语动词用单数还是复数?如“Bill,along with his friends,goes(go)swimming every day”。 258

191.当class,family,party,crew等词用作主语时,其谓语动词用单数还是复数? 259

192.表示金额或距离的词如twenty dollars或three miles充当主语时,其谓语动词用单数还是用复数? 260

193.当half或a part,all,most等+of+名词(代词)充当主语时,谓语动词的单复数如何选择? 261

194.what引起的从句充当主语时,谓语动词如何选择?例如:What puzzled the teacher__the questions raised by that little girl.A)is B)are 262

195.在one of+复数名词+定语从句的结构中,定语从句中的谓语动词用复数还是用单数?例如:This is one of the best books that has/have appeared. 263

196.定冠词+形容词充当主语时,谓语动词用复数形式还是单数形式?以下两句如何选择谓语动词的数?①The living morns/mourn for the dead.②The agreeable is/are not always useful. 264

第八部分 否定词语的理解与应用 266

197.英语中以肯定形式表达否定意义的句型及单词主要有哪几种? 266

198.哪些词与not连用构成部分否定? 269

199.no和not在使用中以及在含义上有何差异? 270

200.no more和no longer之间的区别何在? 272

201.no more…than和not more…than有何区别? 273

202.如何正确使用双重否定结构? 274

203.“否定转移”是怎么回事?为什么说“I think you haven't met before”这句中的not位置不对? 275

204.before与not能否连用?下句话错在何处?? went ? the bell had ? rung. 276

205.英语中哪些词与否定词连用可以加强否定内容? 277

第九部分 结构及表达 279

206.“读书对于思想好比运动对于身体”这句话有几种译法? 279

207.如何理解和翻译含有be+all+名词结构的句子?例如:①I shall be all anxiety till I hear from you.②His Royal Highness was all smiles and his consort all diamonds. 280

208.怎样辨用anything but和all but?例如:①He is anything but a fool.②He is all but a fool. 281

209.as well as有几种含义?如何翻译?例如:①You play as well as that man. 282

②Our library is sunny as well as large. 283

③As well as teaching and studying French,he translates novels. 283

210.如何正确辨认long before和before long这两个短语间的差异? 283

211.如何理解和翻译“Apologize to her,and she'll forgive you”这个结构? 284

212.“Its importance cannot be emphasized too much”这句话是否译为“其重要性不能过分强调”? 285

213.如何正确理解和使用would rather(sooner)这一结构? 286

214.如何正确使用how about这一结构?以下句中哪个选择项是正确的?—we have been working on it all morning,butwe have not found any solution so far.—__?A)How about to use another way B)Howabout use another way C)How about using another way 287

215.如何正确使用if only和only if结构? 288

216.怎样使用It is not until…that…结构?例如:It is not until 1985 thatwebegan studying English. 290

217.在“It is+形容词+of(or for)someone to do something”句型中,何时使用of?何时使用for? 291

218.如何分析和翻译“It is reported that another earth satellite has been put into orbit”这句话? 293

219.be important和be of importance有区别吗?例如:①This matter is very important.②This matter is ofgreat importance. 294

220.be+不定式有哪几种用法? 295

221.能否讲“No matter however imperfect the machines may be…” 297

222.not a little和not a bit在“He was not a little surprised”以及“He was not a bit surprised”这两句话中的含义是否一样? 298

223.“So he is”和“So is she”在下述两个例句中在意义上有何差异?①He is a student.So he is.②He is a student.So is she. 299

224.such…as和such as在意义及用法上有何区别?例如:①Such animals as this can't be found in this district.②Animals such as this can't be found in this district. 301

225.如何正确理解和使用as it is,as it was,as it were这三个短语? 302

226.“What is…like”和“What does…look like”有何区别? 303

227.如何正确使用too…to…结构? 305

228.如何正确理解和使用so…that…和such…that…句型? 305

229.如何正确理解和使用might as well这一短语? 306

230.如何使用had better这一结构? 307

231.如何正确理解和使用be supposed to结构? 308

232.如何正确使用since? 309

233.unless和if…not…在用法上有区别吗? 310

234.以否定形式表示肯定含义的短语有哪些?如何理解“His work left nothing to be desired”。 311

235.there+be结构在使用中应注意哪些事项? 313

236.如何正确使用It is high time+从句结构? 314

237.如何正确使用It is most urgent/essential/strange+从句结构? 315

238.如何正确理解和使用短语but for?例如:But for your interference,things should have looked very black indeed. 316

239.何谓赘词?下一句话错在哪里?We shall gather together at our school tomorrow morning. 317

240.如何使用平行结构?下面的句子错在何处?I like swimming,fishing and to play basketball. 320

241.如何避免歧义词(句)?下句话错在何处?Frank told his brother that he should go there. 321

242.英文中的“长、宽、高”如何表达? 322

243.如何正确表达日期? 323

244.英语中的加、减、乘、除如何表达? 324

245.“每隔若干时间一次”如何表示? 325

246.在用数字或文字表达数目时应注意哪些事项? 326

247.什么叫做垂悬不定式短语?英语中还有哪些成分最易造成垂悬? 327

248.在表示“等等”概念时,应注意哪些事项? 329

249.限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句在形式及意义上有何不同?如:①The potatoes which were in the cellar were all rotten.②The potatoes,which were in the cellar,were all rotten. 330

250.如何正确使用附加疑问句?在使用中应注意哪几点? 331

251.如何理解和翻译round the corner这一短语? 333

252.独立主格结构有哪几种形式?以下例句中应选择哪一个答案?He__his work,we went out to play basketball. 334

A)has finished B)finished C)hadfinished D)havingfinished 335

253.引起句子部分倒装的有哪几种情况? 336

254.句子完全倒装有哪几种主要模式?如何理解和翻译“Up went the rocket,carrying the satellite on top of it”? 340

254.句子完全倒装有哪几种主要模式?如何理解和翻译“Up went the rocket,carrying the satellite on top of it”? 340

255.如何正确理解和使用表“推测”的一些情态(或助)动词及词组? 341

256.为什么说“我弄伤了自己的腿”译成“I've hurt the leg”不正确? 343

257.介绍一下分数的读法和用法。 343

258.请谈一下时间表示方法。为什么说以下两句都不正确?It's nine past seven.It's twenty to six o'clock. 344

第十部分 写作常用句型及表达法 346

259.请介绍一下英语写作中的常用句型及表达法? 346

第十一部分 阅读技巧篇 381

260.请介绍一下有关阅读技巧、解词技巧及测试时的临场技巧等有关内容? 381

附录一 414

附录二 431
