- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:林尚立主编
- 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787309088878
- 页数:424 页
上篇:城市化与城市发展 1
Rural-Urban Migration and Migrant Integration:A Comparison of China and US/Mexico Migration&E.Helen Berry 3
论中国“农民非农化”与“农地非农化”的协调&简新华 张国胜 18
Achieving Affordable Housing through the Land Use Planning System&Christine ME Whitehead Sarah Monk 32
Urban Infrastructure Financing and Economic Performance in China&Weiping Wu 61
全球化作用下中国沿海多层次港—城关系的演变过程及其影响&王缉宪 91
Inter-city Cooperation and Competition between Hong Kong and Shenzhen:Institutional Constraints and Asymmetric Urban Governance&Jianfa Shen 103
Creating Edge Cities with Chinese Characteristics:Transforming Global City-regions in Beijing and Shanghai&Fulong Wu Nick Phelps 129
The Role of Cities in Asia's Economic Emergence:China and India Compared&Yue-man Yeung 159
Shanghai and Global City Research&Xiangming Chen Anthony Orum 184
Globalization and Indian Cities&Usha P.Raghupathi 201
上海全球城市建设中的环境挑战&顾朝林 陈璐 221
外企和中国全球城市的形成:上海、北京和深圳的比较研究&魏也华 237
下篇:人口态势与社会发展 253
全球化形势下低生育率及其对中国的挑战&王丰 顾宝昌 255
Very Low Fertility in East Asian Countries and Regions:Causes and Policy Responses&Gavin W.Jones 266
以整合的社会政策应对超低生育水平&彭希哲 295
Sustainable Economic Policies in an Aging World&Andrew Mason 304
Aging Society:Threat or Opportunity Toward Second Demographic Dividend&Kua Wongboonsin Patcharawalai Wongboonsin 330
Income Inequality in Beijing and Shanghai:A Comparison&Dai Erbiao Wang Guixin Shen Xulei 349
Health Impact of Climate Change&Yasushi Honda 366
中国加入WTO以后的产业结构调整和劳动保护&杨宜勇 顾严 374
The New Regulatory Governance:Prospects in a Changing World&Bridget M.Hutter 399
Sustainable Development in a Balanced Way:A Case of Thai Tourism&Prapin Manomaivibool 419
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