- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 出版年份:1980
- ISBN:9028600795
- 页数:353 页
PART 1. Extradition between Foreign States and the United Kingdom 3
CHAPTER Ⅰ. Definition. Jurisdiction. Source of Obligation 3
1. Introduction 3
2. Definitions 4
3. Jurisdictional scope of the Extradition Acts 9
4. The source of the obligation 12
CHAPTER Ⅱ. The Initial Stages 19
1. Introduction 19
2. The request 19
3. Simultaneous or concurrent requests 22
4. The Order of the Secretary of State 24
5. The issue of the warrant of arrest 25
6. Execution of the warrant 29
7. The arrest 33
8. The rights of the fugitive criminal on arrest 38
9. Property 39
10. The remand 40
11. The period of time in which "sufficient evidence" must be produced 41
12. The obtaining of evidence in the United Kingdom by foreign States 43
CHAPTER Ⅲ. Committal Proceedings 45
Introduction 45
A. The applicant state's case 46
1. Representation 46
2. Extradition offences 47
3. Evidence and documents to be proved 51
B. The fugitive's rights and his case 58
1. Sovereign, Diplomatic or Consular immunity 59
2. Autrefois convict and autrefois acquit 60
3. Prisoners on trial or serving sentences in Great Britain 63
4. The principle of speciality 65
5. The lapse of time rule 68
6. The exception of nationals from surrender 69
7. Offences of a political character 73
8. Fitness to plead, insanity and the health of the fugitive 88
9. Alibi 89
10. Conclusion 90
C. Magistrate: powers, duties, discretion 93
1. On the hearing of the application for extradition 93
2. The duty to inform 95
3. The magistrate's discretion 95
CHAPTER Ⅳ. Convicted Persons 99
A. Definition 99
B. Procedure 103
CHAPTER Ⅴ. Habeas Corpus and Appeal 107
A. Introduction 107
B. Habeas Corpus applications 108
1. Before committal 108
2. Following committal 109
3. Applications upon fresh evidence and other applications 115
C. Certiorari and Mandamus 116
D. Prohibition 117
E. Case stated 118
F. Appeal to House of Lords 119
1. The House of Lords functions 119
2. Procedure 120
3. Locus standi of the prison Governor 121
G. Arrest following discharge 122
H. Civil proceedings 123
I. Further proceedings in Scotland 124
CHAPTER Ⅵ. Surrender 125
1. The discretion of the Secretary of State 125
2. The time in which surrender should be made 128
3. Surrender warrant 131
4. Miscellaneous considerations 131
CHAPTER Ⅶ. Extraditions to the United Kingdom from Foreign States 133
1. Introduction 133
2. Origin of the application 134
3. Form of request and the obtaining of evidence 134
4. Fugitive's position abroad and procedures for challenging breaches of the rules 136
5. Unlawful delivery of fugitive to the U.K 136
6. Trial of the offender in the U.K 139
PART 2. Extradition between Commonwealth and Dependent Countries and the United Kingdom 147
CHAPTER Ⅷ. Fugitive Offenders Act 1967 147
1. Introduction 147
2. Initial stages 155
3. Hearing 163
4. Habeas corpus, review or other relief 183
5. Return 194
6. Miscellaneous 199
CHAPTER Ⅸ. Extraditions to the United Kingdom from the Commonwealth States 201
1. Introduction 201
2. Countries and types of legislative situation 201
3. Origin of application 204
4. How application is made 205
5. Trial of offender in the U.K 205
PART 3. Extradition between the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom 209
CHAPTER Ⅹ. The Backing of Warrants (Republic of Ireland) Act 1965 209
1. Introduction 209
2. Extent of the 1965 Act 210
3. Provisional warrants 212
4. Remand, custody, bail 215
5. Endorsement 217
6. The offence 221
7. Hearing at the Magistrates' Court 230
8. Appeal further appeal and return 234
9. Delivery and Discharge 235
CHAPTER Ⅺ. Extradition to the United Kingdom from the Republic of Ireland 237
1. Introduction 237
2. Endorsement 238
3. Arrest 240
4. Order for delivery up 240
5. Evidence 242
6. Trial of the offender in the United Kingdom 242
PART 4. The future of Extradition Law in the United Kingdom 245
CHAPTER Ⅻ. Reform of the Law 245
1. Need for consolidation 245
2. Definitions 246
3. Committal proceedings 247
4. Exclusions from surrender 252
5. Is Habeas Corpus sufficient? 256
6. Miscellaneous 259
7. Merging the Extradition Acts and the Fugitive Offenders Act 261
Part 1 265
Ⅰ. Extradition Act 1870 265
Ⅱ. Extradition Act 1873 276
Ⅲ. Extradition Act 1895 278
Ⅳ. Extradition Act 1906 279
Ⅴ. Extradition Act 1932 280
Ⅵ. Extradition Act 1935 (Counterfeit Currency Act) 281
Ⅶ. Tokyo Convention Act 1967 s.l & s.2 282
Ⅷ. Children and Young Persons Act 1969 s.60 283
Ⅸ. Genocide Act 1969 s.l, s.2 & s.3 and schedule 284
Ⅹ. Hijacking Act 1971 s.l 285
Ⅺ. Protection of Aircraft Act 1973 s.l 286
Ⅻ. Suppression of Terrorism Act 1978 s.1-3 & s.5 and schedule 287
ⅩⅢ. Summary of Extradition Offences 291
ⅩⅣ. Extradition Treaties and Orders 295
ⅩⅤ. Treaties excluding surrender of Nationals 299
ⅩⅥ. Requests by the U.K. for extradition without Treaty 300
Part 2 301
ⅩⅦ. Fugitive Offenders Act 1967 301
ⅩⅧ. Fugitive Offenders (forms) 1967 s. 1 No. 1257 (regulations) 311
ⅩⅨ. Summary of Relevant Offences under the Fugitive Offenders Act 1967 314
ⅩⅩ. A Scheme relating to the Rendition of Fugitive Offenders within the Commonwealth 315
Part 3 323
ⅩⅪ. Backing of Warrants (Republic of Ireland) Act 1965 323
ⅩⅫ. Magistrates' Courts (Backing of Warrants) Rules 1965 s. 1. 1965 No. 1906: English forms (1-3) 330
ⅩⅩⅢ. Act of Adjournal (Backing of Warrants) (Republic of Ireland) 1965 s. 1. 1965 No. 1947: Scottish forms (1-3) 332
ⅩⅩⅣ. Magistrates' Courts (Backing of Warrants) (Republic of Ireland) Rules 1965 s. 1. No. 231: Northern Ireland forms (1-3) 334
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