北京市大学生英语演讲比赛优秀演讲选集 第1-5届PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:北京市大学生英语演讲比赛组委会编
- 出 版 社:北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787566312099
- 页数:150 页
Full Script of the Speech 3
Full script ofthe speech by the speical awardw inner 3
Global Financial Crisis—Opportunity&Wang Xuan(Outstanding Winner University of International Business and Economics) 5
My Ways to Develop Entrepreneurship in a Globalized Age&Xing Zheming(Outstanding Winner Communication University of China) 8
My Green Living in the Nuclear Age&Peng Peng(Outstanding Winner Beijing Foreign Studies University) 11
Traditional Chinese Culture in the Global Age&Kang Ruotong(Outstanding Winner Communication University of China) 14
Roads to My Chinese Dream&Zhang Yuqian(Outstanding Winner China Foreign Affairs University) 17
Full script of the speech by the first award winner 19
Silver Lining in the Crisis&Guo Wenna(First Award Beijing Foreign Studies University) 21
Global Financial Crisis:Opportunities for Change&Feng Fan(First Award Capital Normal University) 24
Global Opportunity Lies in Everybody's Effort&Lin Zhi(First Award Communication University of China) 27
My Ways to Develop Entrepreneurship in a Global Age&Wang Bo(First Award China Foreign Affairs University) 30
My Ways to Develop Entrepreneurship in the Globalized Age&Yah Jun(First Award Beijing Language and Culture University) 32
My Green Living in the Nuclear Age&Wang Qiwei(First Award Communication University of China) 34
My Green Living in the Nuclear Age&Meng Yao(First Award Renmin University of China) 36
My Green Living in the Nuclear Age&Luo Zhengying(First Award Minzu University of China) 38
Saving Chinese Chic&Qiu Bojian(First Award University of International Business and Economics) 40
Traditional Chinese Culture in the Global Age&Zhang Yaozhong(First Award Beijing Language and Culture University) 43
Traditional Chinese Culture in the Global Age&Lang Song(First Award China University of Political Science and Law) 46
Roads to My Chinese Dream&Chen Jiehao(First Award Communication University of China) 49
Roads to My Chinese Dream&Yang Huameng(First Award Tsinghua University) 51
Roads to My Chinese Dream&Jia Huirong(First Award China University of Political Science and Law) 53
Full script ofthe speech by the second award winner 55
Financial Crisis and Global Opportunity&Yan Jiaying(Second Award China Foreign Affairs University) 57
Financial Crisis and Global Opportunity&Hu Guangzhao(Second Award Beijing Forestry Universtity) 60
Financial Crisis and Global Opportunity&Lang Yuping(Second Award Beijing Union Universtity) 63
Financial Crisis and Global Opportunity&Su Chang(Second Award Beijing Jiaotong University) 65
Financial Crisis and Global Opportunity&He Peiling(Second Award Central University of Finance and Economics) 68
Financial Crisis and Global Opportunity A better chance to go out&Sun Chufan(Second Award Capital Medical University) 71
My Ways to Develop Entrepreneurship in a Globalized age&Chao Yi(Second Award Peking University) 73
My Ways to Develop Entrepreneurship in the Globalized age&Bo Shaoying(Second Award Beijing University of Chinese Medicine) 76
My Ways to Develop Entrepreneurship in the Globalized Age&Kang Zheng(Second Award Beijing Jiaotong University) 79
My Ways to Develop Entrepreneurship in a Global Age&Li Shanglong(Second Award Armed Force Engineering Institute) 82
My Ways to Develop in the Globalized Age&Zhu Yifan(Second Award University of International Business and Economics) 85
My Green Living in the NuclearAge&Wang Miao(Second Award Beijing University of Chinese Medicine) 87
My Green Living in the NuclearAge&Fang Shaoming(Second Award Beijing Forestry University) 90
My Green Living in the Nuclear Age&Li Niping(Second Award Beijing Union University) 92
My Green Living in the Nuclear Age&Su Yanchong(Second Award North China Electric Power University) 94
My Green Living in the Nuclear Age&Duan Xinyan(Second Award Capital Normal University) 96
My Green Living in the Nuclear Age&Wang Xu(Second Award University of International Business and Economics) 99
Traditional Chinese Culture in the Global Age&Dang Yun(Second Award Renmin University of China) 102
Traditional Chinese Culture in the Global Age&Zhang Wenzhao(Second Award Beijing University of Chinese Medicine) 105
Traditional Chinese Culture in the Global Age&Li Niping(Second Award Beijing Union University) 108
Globalization:Time for Cultural Diversity&Yang Fei(Second Award Armed Force Engineering Institute) 110
Traditional Chinese Culture in the Global Age&Guan Peng(Second Award China University of Petroleum) 112
Traditional Chinese Culture in the Global Age&Chent Han(Second Award Beijing Sport University) 115
The Road to My Chinese Dream&Yu Jie(Second Award Peking University) 117
Roads to my Chinese dream&Kang Zhe(Second Award University of Science&Technology Beijing) 120
Roads to My Chinese Dream&Wang Bingqian(Second Award Beijing Normal University) 123
Roads to My Chinese Dream&Li Xiaotao(Second Award Beijing Language and Culture University) 125
Working at the UN is My Road to My Chinese Dream&Wu Benyang(Second Award University of International Relations) 128
The Road to My Chinese Dream&Ye Yinling(Second Award Beijing Foreign Studies University) 131
附录1 历届演讲主题及获奖名单 133
附录2 历届组委会名单 139
附录3 北京市大学生英语演讲比赛方案 145
附录4 北京市大学生英语演讲比赛章程 147
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