- 电子书积分:21 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:CRC PRESS
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:1439826587
- 页数:786 页
Section 1-Chemical Criminalistics&Technical co-ordinator: Prof. Kimmo Himberg, National Institute of Forensic Science, Finland 1
Chapter 1 The Forensic Examination of Fibres 2
Chapter 2 Firearms 19
Chapter 3 The Forensic Examination of Marks 51
Chapter 4 Forensic Geology 70
Chapter 5 Paint and Glass 89
Section 2-Drugs and Toxicology&Technical co-ordinator: Mr. Thomas Janovsky, Drug Enforcement Agency, USA 152
Chapter 6 Drugs 153
Chapter 7 Toxicology 281
Section 3-Electronic Evidence&Technical co-ordinator: Dr. Peter Pfefferli, Kantonspolizei, Zurich, Switzerland 352
Chapter 8 Forensic Audio and Visual Evidence 353
Chapter 9 Digital Evidence 393
Section 4-Fire, Explosives, and Hazardous Materials&Technical co-ordinator: Dr. Niamh Nic Daeid, Centre for Forensic Science, University of Strathclyde, Scotland, UK 413
Chapter 10 Hazardous Materials: Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear 415
Chapter 11 Environmental forensic science 455
Chapter 12 Analysis and Detection of Explosives and Explosives Residues 529
Chapter 13 Fire Scene and Fire Debris Analysis 562
Section 5-Individual Evidence&Technical co-ordinator: Mr Kevin O'Sullivan, Forensic Sc ience Service, UK 590
Chapter 14 Biological Evidence and Forensic DNA Profiling 591
Chapter 15 Questioned Documents 673
Chapter 16 Fingermarks, Bitemarks and Other Impressions (Barefoot, Ears, Lips) 695
Index 779
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