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应用Microsoft.NET平台编程 原版
应用Microsoft.NET平台编程 原版

应用Microsoft.NET平台编程 原版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:〔美〕Jeffrey Richter编
  • 出 版 社:北京/西安:世界图书出版公司
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7506254581
  • 页数:591 页
《应用Microsoft.NET平台编程 原版》目录

part Ⅰ Basics of the Microsoft .NET Framework 3

1 The Architecture of the .NET Framework Development Platform 3

2 Building, Packaging, Deploying, and Administering Applications and Types 35

3 Shared Assemblies 71

Part Ⅱ Working with Types and the Common Language Runtime 115

4 Type Fundamentals 115

5 Primitive, Reference, and Value Types 127

6 Common Object Operations 153

Part Ⅲ Designing Types 169

7 Type Members and Their Accessibility 169

8 Constants and Fields 177

9 Methods 181

10 Properties 215

11 Events 227

Part Ⅳ Essential Types 249

12 Working with Text 249

13 Enumerated Types and Bit Flags 299

14 Arrays 309

15 Interfaces 325

16 Custom Attributes 345

17 Delegates 365

Part Ⅴ Managing Types 393

18 Exceptions 393

19 Automatic Memory Management (Garbage Collection) 451

20 CLR Hosting, AppDomains, and Reflection 507
