- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9004172335
- 页数:452 页
Part Ⅰ Overviews 1
Extraterritorial Immigration Control: What Role for Legal Guarantees?&Bernard Ryan 3
Extraterritorial Immigration Control in the 21st Century:The Individual and the State Transformed&Valsamis Mitsilegas 39
Part Ⅱ International Law Aspects 67
The Concept of State Jurisdiction and the Applicability of the Non-refoulement Principle to Extraterritorial Interception Measures&Anja Klug and Tim Howe 69
The International Law of the Sea and Migration Control&Richard Barnes 103
The Legal Framework Concerning the Smuggling of Migrants at Sea under the UN Protocol on the Smuggling of Migrants by Land,Sea and Air&Tom Obokata 151
Part Ⅲ European Union Aspects 167
Europe beyond its Borders: Refugee and Human Rights Protection in Extraterritorial Immigration Control&Maarten den Heijer 169
Extraterritorial Migration Control and Human Rights: Preserving the Responsibility of the EU and its Member States&Evelien Brouwer 199
Extraterritorial Border Controls in the EU: The Role of Frontex in Operations at Sea&Anneliese Baldaccini 229
The Transformation of European Border Controls&Elspeth Guild and Didier Bigo 257
Part Ⅳ State Practice 279
Migration Control at Sea: The Italian Case&Alessia di Pascale 281
Extraterritorial Strategies to Tackle Irregular Immigration by Sea:A Spanish Perspective&Paula Garcia Andrade 311
Controlling Migration by Sea: The Australian Case&Susan Kneebone 347
US Migrant Interdiction Practices in International and Territorial Waters&Niels Frenzen 375
The UK and Extraterritorial Immigration Control: Entry Clearance and Juxtaposed Control&Gina Clayton 397
Bibliography 431
Index 447
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