- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:0415459672
- 页数:183 页
Introduction 1
PART Ⅰ Theoretical orientations 9
1 The social theory of Henri Lefebvre 11
Lefebvre and Marxist philosophy 13
Lefebvre and critical social theory 19
The critique of everyday life 23
The everyday, rhythmanalysis and social struggle 31
2 The production of space 37
Space and philosophy 38
Space and production 42
The historical emergence of abstract space 45
The contradictions of abstract space 51
PART Ⅱ Spatial politics, everyday life and the right to the city 55
3 Space, abstraction and law 57
Abstract space and the logic of visualisation 58
Abstraction revealed: visualisation and aesthetic form 61
Abstraction evaded?: the myth of institutional transparency 63
Abstraction embodied: space, mirror and language 65
Abstraction imposed: space, violence and law 72
Beyond the violence of abstraction 75
4 State power and the politics of space 81
The state and the production of space 82
The state mode of production, urban governance and neoliberalism 89
The politics of space 97
5 Modernity, inhabitance and the rhythms of everyday life 104
Everyday life and the crisis of modernity 107
Suburbia, habitat and bureaucratic power 113
Dwelling and inhabitance 121
The body, inhabitance and mobility 125
Tragedy and Utopia in the everyday 130
6 The right to the city and the production of differential space 133
Concrete Utopia and the politics of space 134
The right to the city 143
The right to difference 152
The production of differential space 156
Conclusions and openings 158
Bibliography 160
Index 179
- 《第三帝国的兴亡》(英)克里斯·毕晓普(Chris Bishop),(英)戴维·乔丹(David Jordan)著 2019
- 《当代国际政治理论》(美)布朗 (Chris Brown)著;邓凯元,张裕斌译;国家教育研究院译 2013
- 《基础毒理学》Chris Kent原著;赖俊雄总校阅;江秀梅,段蕴雯,赖珊湖,侯钰琪,张月惠,王耀宏译 2012
- 《自造者时代:启动人人制造的第三次工业革命》克里斯·安德森(CHRIS ANDERSON)著;连育德译 2013
- 《后现代主义》(英)Richard Appignanesi著;Chris Garratt绘画;黄训庆译 1996
- 《文化研究智典》CHRIS BARKER著;许梦芸译 2007
- 《另类世界史 打开历史广角》(英)克里斯·布雷瑟(Chris Brazier)著;黄中宪译 2002
- 《快速销售法》(英)Mike Southon,(英)Chris West著 2010
- 《魔术师的报复》(加)利科克(Leacock,Stephen Butler)著;刘 裕选编 1991
- 《国际营销战略教程 英文版》(英)伊斯贝尔·杜尔(Isobel Doole),(英)罗宾·劳尔(Robin Lowe),(英)克利斯·菲利普斯(Chris Phillips)著 1998