• 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 出 版 社:ROUTLEDGE
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:0415459672
  • 页数:183 页

Introduction 1

PART Ⅰ Theoretical orientations 9

1 The social theory of Henri Lefebvre 11

Lefebvre and Marxist philosophy 13

Lefebvre and critical social theory 19

The critique of everyday life 23

The everyday, rhythmanalysis and social struggle 31

2 The production of space 37

Space and philosophy 38

Space and production 42

The historical emergence of abstract space 45

The contradictions of abstract space 51

PART Ⅱ Spatial politics, everyday life and the right to the city 55

3 Space, abstraction and law 57

Abstract space and the logic of visualisation 58

Abstraction revealed: visualisation and aesthetic form 61

Abstraction evaded?: the myth of institutional transparency 63

Abstraction embodied: space, mirror and language 65

Abstraction imposed: space, violence and law 72

Beyond the violence of abstraction 75

4 State power and the politics of space 81

The state and the production of space 82

The state mode of production, urban governance and neoliberalism 89

The politics of space 97

5 Modernity, inhabitance and the rhythms of everyday life 104

Everyday life and the crisis of modernity 107

Suburbia, habitat and bureaucratic power 113

Dwelling and inhabitance 121

The body, inhabitance and mobility 125

Tragedy and Utopia in the everyday 130

6 The right to the city and the production of differential space 133

Concrete Utopia and the politics of space 134

The right to the city 143

The right to difference 152

The production of differential space 156

Conclusions and openings 158

Bibliography 160

Index 179