- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:ASHGATE
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:0754628612
- 页数:514 页
1 Guanghua Yu and Hao Zhang (2008), 'Adaptive Efficiency and Financial Development in China: The Role of Contracts and Contractual Enforcement',Journal of International Economic Law, 11, pp. 459-94. 1
2 Xin He (2009), 'Enforcing Commercial Judgments in the Pearl River Delta of China', American Journal of Comparative Law, 57, pp. 419-55. 37
3 Donald C. Clarke (2005), 'How Do We Know When an Enterprise Exists?Unanswerable Questions and Legal Polycentricity in China', Columbia Journal of Asian Law, 19, pp. 50-71. 75
4 James V. Feinerman (2007), 'New Hope for Corporate Governance in China?,China Quarterly, 191, pp. 590-612. 97
5 Bruce M. Owen, Su Sun and Wentong Zheng (2008), 'China's Competition Policy Reforms: The Anti-Monopoly Law and Beyond', Antitrust Law Journal 75,pp. 231-65. 121
6 Salil K. Mehra and Meng Yanbei (2008), 'Against Antitrust Functionalism: Reconsidering China's Antimonopoly Law', Virginia Journal ofInternational Law, 49, pp. 379-430. 157
7 Xueguo Wen (2008), 'Market Dominance by China's Public Utility Enterprises',Antitrust Law Journal, 75, pp, 151 71. 209
8 Sida Liu (2008), 'Globalization as Boundary-Blurring: International and Local Law Firms in China's Corporate Law Market', Law andSociety Review, 42,pp. 771 804. 231
9 Julia Ya Qin (2007), 'Trade, Investment and Beyond: The Impact of WTO Accession on China's Legal System', China Quarterly, 191, pp. 720-41. 265
10 Daniel C. Crosby (2008), Banking on China's WTO Commitments: "Same Bed,Different Dreams" in China's Financial Services Sector', Journal of International Economic Law, 11, pp. 75-105. 287
11 Ping Wang (2009), 'China's Accession to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement—Challenges and the Way Forward', Journal of International Economic Law, 12, pp. 663-706. 319
12 Yuhong Zhao (2007), 'Trade and Environment: Challenges after China's WTO Accession', Columbia Journal of Environmental Law, 32, pp. 41-97. 363
13 Donald P. Harris (2008), 'The Honeymoon is Over: The U.S.-China WTO Intellectual Property Complaint', Fordham International Law Journal, 32,pp. 96-187. 421
Name Index 513
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