- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:316150870X
- 页数:403 页
Part 1 Enforcement in Civil Matters 3
Chapter 1: Systems of Civil Enforcement 3
Civil Enforcement as a Fundamental of Effective Justice -Introductory Remarks on Comparative Study of Civil Enforcement -&Masanori Kawano 3
The System of Enforcement of Civil Judgments in England&Neil Andrews 13
The Right to Effective Enforcement of Civil Judgments and Orders:Lessons from the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights&Nicolo Trocker 21
Different Enforcement Structures&Burkhard Hess 49
The Greek Law of Execution According to the Code of Civil Procedure - An Introduction&Dimitris N.Maniotis 68
Enforcement in Finland - Some Special Views&Laura Ervo 74
System of Civil Enforcement in Hungary&Miklos Kengyel 82
Civil Enforcement in Italy: A Comparative Perspective&Michele Angelo Lupoi 90
Chapter 2: Current Special Topics 103
Problems of Public Sale in Japan&Kayo Nishikawa 103
Obtaining Information in Support of Enforcement Proceedings under English Law&Neil Andrews 112
Chapter 3: Enforcement of Non -Judgment Titles 121
Civil Enforcement of Non-Judgment Titles - European Law&Astrid Stadler 121
Enforcement of Non-judicial Instruments in Spain&Carlos Esplugues-Mota 134
Civil Enforcement of Non-Judgment Titles in Hungary&Viktoria Harsagi 150
Chapter 4: Enforcement of Security Interests in Insolvency Procedures 163
French Bankruptcy Law and Enforcement Procedures&Georges Cavalier 163
Debtors' Insolvency and Security Interest&Masanori Kawano 172
Enforcement of Security Interests in U.S.-American and German Insolvency Procedures&Rolf Stiirner 176
Part 2 Provisional Measures 183
Chapter 1: Comparative Studies 183
Provisional Measures in European Civil Procedural Laws -Preservation of Variety or Need for Harmonisation?&Alexander Bruns 183
Provisional Measures as a Necessary Instrument for Effective Justice&Masanori Kawano 192
Provisional measures: Protective and Interim Relief in Greek Law&Spyros Tsantinis 200
Provisional Measures in Spanish Civil Procedure&Carlos Esplugues-Mota 207
Current Problems of Provisional Measures in Japan&Yasunori Honma 219
Comment on International Provisional Measures -A Japanese Perspective&Masaaki Haga 223
Provisional Measures in U.S.Civil Justice&Peter L.Murray 229
Provisional Measures in the Hungarian Civil Procedure Law&Viktoria Harsagi 241
Provisional Measures in Hungarian Judicial Practice&Miklos Kengyel 247
The Finnish System of Provisional Measures - A Forest of Norms&Laura Ervo 256
Chapter 2: Problems of Jurisdiction and Enforcement 271
Provisional Remedies in Transnational Litigation: A Comparative Outline of Forms of Judicial Cooperation&Nicolo Trocker 271
Provisional Remedies in the European Space of Justice: Issues of Transnational Jurisdiction and Enforcement&Michele Angelo Lupoi 308
Chapter 3: Provisional Matters and Proceedings on the Merits 319
Injunctions in Support of Civil Proceedings and Arbitration&Neil Andrews 319
Provisional and Protective Measures in Globalized Transnational Litigation and their Relationship with Proceedings on the Merits&Marco De Cristofaro 345
Provisional Measures Relating to Procedural Matters&Masanori Kawano 357
Chapter 4: Special Problems 365
Oversimplified Proceedings as “Alternatives” to the Ordinary Proceedings of First Instance&Dimitris N.Maniotis 365
In the Matter of “Arrest of Ships”&Domenico Dalfino 369
Provisional Measures and Taking of Evidence: A European Perspective&Chiara Besso Marcheis 390
Speakers' Profile 399