- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:METHUEN
- 出版年份:1983
- ISBN:0416348106
- 页数:408 页
Introduction Definitions and Connexions 1
1 The idea of the book 1
2 Why it is not about ‘just war’ 3
3 fus ad bellum and jus in bello 8
4 The jus in bello vindicated 1o 16
5 A word to the international lawyers 16
6 A word to the military 22
7 A word to my fellow-historians 27
Chapter Ⅰ The Later Enlightenment Consensus 31
1 The publicists 32
2 Variety within their consensus 38
3 Fundamentals concerning war and peace 41
4 Definitions of ‘enemy’ 53
5 The laws and customs of the professionals 59
6 The sparing of civilians 63
7 Sea war and the neutral 67
Chapter Ⅱ First Steps in Modern War: Revolutionary,National and Popular 75
1 The Revolution’s early preoccupation with legality and humanity 77
2 Nations in arms, first mode: France in and after 1793 84
3 Civilians in the way of war 89
4 Civilians as enemies 96
5 Neutrals in the way of war 100
6 Bombardment and destruction 108
7 Nations in arms, second mode: partisans and national resistance 112
8 Conventional armed forces in conventional operations 121
Chapter Ⅲ The Legislative Foundations, 1815-914:Conscience, Codes and Compromise 128
1 The cultural context 128
2 The protection of combatants 147
3 The principle of limitation and restraint 157
4 Reprisals and military necessity 166
5 Invasion, occupation and ‘the peaceful population’ 179
6 Resistance: the limits of lawfulness 190
7 The civilian as enemy: bombardment and destruction 200
Chapter Ⅳ The Trials of Total War 216
1 Soldiers and civilians 217
2 The civilian and land war: occupation and resistance 224
3 Sea war and the civilian 244
4 Aerial bombardment 262
Chapter Ⅴ The Law of War in a World of Co-existences 286
1 The post-war reconstruction, 1945-9 289
2 The world turned upside down 301
3 The Additional Protocols of 1977 315
Chronological Guide 331
Notes 333
Bibliography 376
Postscript to the Paperback Edition 389
Index 397
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