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  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:J.P.HOLMAN
  • 出版年份:1969
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:446 页

1 introduction 1

1-1 The nature of thermodynamics 1

1-2 Relation between classical mechanics and thermodynamics 2

1-3 Temperature and heat 4

1-4 Temperature scales 5

1-5 The state principle 8

1-6 Work 9

1-7 Micro/macro thermodynamics 9

1-8 Thermodynamic properties 11

1-9 Fundamental thermodynamic laws 12

1-10 Applications of thermodynamics 13

1-11 Unit systems 13

1-12 The ideal gas 20

1-13 The ideal-gas thermometer 23

1-14 Simple kinetic theory of an ideal gas 24

2 the first law of thermodynamics 30

2-1 Introduction 30

2-2 Work 31

2-3 Internal energy 38

2-4 The first law of thermodynamics 41

2-5 Heat and specific heat 43

2-6 Summary 48

3 macroscopic properties of pure substances 51

3-1 Introduction 51

3-2 Properties of pure substances 53

3-3 Equations of state 57

3-4 Specific heats 62

3-5 Coefficient of expansion 67

4 principles of energy analysis 73

4-1 Introduction 73

4-2 Energy balances and sign conventions 74

4-3 The closed system 74

4-4 The open system 74

4-5 Processes involving ideal gases 84

4-6 The Joule-Thomson coefficient 90

5 principles of statistical thermodynamics 97

5-1 Introduction 97

5-2 Probability 98

5-3 Phase space 104

5-4 Microstates and macrostates 105

5-5 Quantum considerations 105

5-6 Physical models 108

5-7 Degeneracy 109

5-8 Purpose of statistical analysis 111

5-9 Stirling’s approximation 112

5-10 Bose-Einstein statistics 113

5-11 Fermi-Dirac statistics 115

5-12 The classical Maxwell- Boltzmann model 116

5-13 The equilibrium distribution 116

5-14 Entropy 119

5-15 The second law of thermodynamics 119

5-16 The partition function 120

5-17 The constants A and β 122

6 the second law of thermodynamics 125

6-1 Introduction 125

6-2 Physical description of the second law 126

6-3 Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statements 127

6-4 Reversible processes and cycles 128

6-5 Thermodynamic temperature 130

6-6 The Carnot cycle 132

6-7 The inequality of Clausius 133

6-8 Macroscopic definition of entropy 134

6-9 Principle of increase of entropy 135

6-10 Microscopic interpretation of entropy 144

6-11 Maxwell’s demon and information theory 144

7 equations of state and general thermodynamic relations 149

7-1 Introduction 149

7-2 Some mathematical preliminaries 149

7-3 Helmholtz and Gibbs functions 151

7-4 The energy equation 151

7-5 The Maxwell relations 152

7-6 Enthalpy,internal energy,and entropy 153

7-7 Specific heat relations 155

7-8 The gas tables 156

7-9 Specific heats at elevated pressures 160

7-10 The Clausius-Clapeyron equation 160

7-11 Development of tables of thermodynamic properties 162

7-12 Equations of state 164

7-13 The generalized compressibility factor 169

7-14 Energy properties of real gases 174

7-15 Thermodynamics of magnetism 181

7-16 Magnetocaloric effect 183

8 applications of statistical thermodynamics 187

8-1 Introduction 187

8-2 The constants β and k 188

8-3 Properties and partition functions 189

8-4 The ideal monatomic gas 192

8-5 Diatomic and polyatomic gases 195

8-6 Equipartition of energy 203

8-7 The solid state 204

8-8 The electron gas 208

8-9 Conductors and semiconductors 215

8-10 The photon gas(blackbody radiation) 220

8-11 Ensembles and interacting systems 224

9 kinetic theory and transport phenomena 229

9-1 Introduction 229

9-2 The Maxwell- Boltzmann velocity distribution 230

9-3 Molecular flux 234

9-4 Mean free path 238

9-5 Influence of collisions on molecular flux 240

9-6 Average collision distance 241

9-7 Generalized transport coefficient 241

9-8 Thermal conductivity 242

9-9 Dynamic viscosity 243

9-10 Mutual diffusion of like molecules 245

9-11 Mutual diffusion of unlike molecules 247

9-12 Thermal diffusion 248

9-13 Electron transport in gases 250

9-14 Influence of molecular force fields on transport processes 253

10 gaseous mixtures 259

10-1 Introduction 259

10-2 The Gibbs-Dalton law 259

10-3 Energy properties of mixtures 263

10-4 Mixtures of an ideal gas and a vapor 267

10-5 Adiabatic saturation 269

10-6 The psychrometric chart 271

10-7 Air-conditioning processes 273

11 chemical thermodynamics and equilibrium 285

11-1 Introduction 285

11-2 Combustion reactions 285

11-3 Enthalpy of formation 288

11-4 Heat of reaction 292

11-5 Adiabatic flame temperature 294

11-6 Equilibrium 296

11-7 Chemical equilibrium of ideal gases 300

11-8 The chemical potential 308

11-9 The third law of thermodynamics 310

11-10 The concept of maximum work 311

12 conventional power and refrigeration cycles 317

12-1 Introduction 317

12-2 General considerations 318

12-3 Vapor power cycles 319

12-4 Deviations from theoretical vapor cycles 329

12-5 Air compressors 332

12-6 Internal-combustion-engine cycles 339

12-7 The Otto cycle 340

12-8 The diesel cycle 342

12-9 Gas-turbine cycles 346

12-10 The gas turbine for jet propulsion 353

12-11 The ramjet 356

12-12 The rocket 357

12-13 Specific impulse 357

12-14 Vapor refrigeration cycles 358

12-15 Absorption refrigeration cycles 361

13 thermodynamics of irreversible processes 367

13-1 Introduction 367

13-2 Phenomenological laws 368

13-3 Onsager reciprocity relation 369

13-4 Applicability of the phenomenological relations 370

13-5 Heat flux and entropy production 370

13-6 Thermoelectric phenomena 372

13-7 Thermoelectric circuits 376

14 direct energy conversion 382

14-1 Introduction 382

14-2 Fuel cells 383

14-3 Thermoelectric energy-conversion devices 388

14-4 Thermionic devices 397

14-5 Magnetohydrodynamic generators 400

appendix 409

Table A-1 Important physical constants 409

Table A-2 Conversion factors 409

Table A-3 Critical constants 410

Table A-4 Heat of formation,absolute entropy,and free energy of forma- tion at 25°C(77°F)and 1 atm 411

Table A-5 Properties of water—saturation-temperature table 412

Table A-6 Properties of water—saturation-pressure table 414

Table A-7 Properties of water—superheated vapor table 416

Table A-8 Properties of water—compressed-liquid table 421

Table A-9 Properties of saturated ammonia—temperature table 422

Table A-10 Properties of saturated ammonia—pressure table 423

Table A-11 Properties of superheated ammonia 424

Table A-12 Properties of Freon-12(dichlorodifluoromethane)—saturation-temperature table 426

Table A-13 Properties of superheated Freon-12 428

Table A-14 Thermodynamic properties of air at low pressure 430

Table A-15 Thermodynamic properties of gases at low pressure 433

index 439
