![PRIVATE SECURITY AND THE INVESTIGATIVE PROCESS THIRD EDITION](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/92/s6e1d278.jpg)
![PRIVATE SECURITY AND THE INVESTIGATIVE PROCESS THIRD EDITION](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/92/s6e1d278.jpg)
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:CRC PRESS
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:1420085697
- 页数:340 页
Chapter 1 Introduction to the Private Security Industry and the Investigative Process 1
Ⅰ. The Trend toward Privatization 1
Ⅱ. The Investigative Process: Private Security's Role 5
A. Types of Investigative Activities 8
B. General Investigative Methods 10
Notes 14
Chapter 2 General Characteristics of a Competent Investigator 17
Ⅰ. Introduction 17
Ⅱ. Objectivity and Investigative Practice 17
Ⅲ. Logic and Investigative Practice 18
Ⅳ. Perseverance, Diligence, and Investigative Practice 20
Ⅴ. Human Relations Skills and Investigative Practice 23
Ⅵ. Ethics and the Investigative Process 24
Notes 34
Chapter 3 Initial Interview and Case Evaluation 37
Ⅰ. Introduction 37
Ⅱ. Initial Interview 37
A. Miscellaneous Matters at Initial Interview 41
1. Authorization and Release 41
2. Information or Fact Sheets 41
3. Follow-Up Letter 60
B. Recording Interview Impressions 60
Ⅲ. Case Evaluation 60
Notes 67
Chapter 4 Witnesses 69
Ⅰ. The Purpose of Witnesses 69
Ⅱ. Types of Witnesses 69
A. Missing or Unknown Witnesses 70
B. Lay Witnesses 71
C. Expert Witnesses 74
D. Character Witnesses 80
Ⅲ. Processing Witnesses 80
Ⅳ. Conclusion 82
Notes 85
Chapter 5 Collection of Information 87
Ⅰ. The Nature of Information and the Rules of Collection 87
Ⅱ. Leads and Contacts for the Private Investigator 90
Ⅲ. Public Sources of Information 93
A. Federal Agencies 95
B. State and Local Agencies 96
Ⅳ. Private Sources of Information 96
A. Directories, Databases, and Atlases 98
1. Business Databases 98
2. Miscellaneous Databases 99
B. Libraries 99
C. Newspapers 100
D. The Internet 101
E. Professional Associations and Groups 101
F. Auto Records 102
Ⅴ. The Background Investigation 103
Ⅵ. Real Property Title Search 105
Notes 108
Chapter 6 Collection of Evidence and Preservation of the Scene 109
Ⅰ. Introduction 109
Ⅱ. Preliminary Strategies and Responses 109
Ⅲ. Scene Sketches and Other Graphic Portrayals 114
A. Rules for Sketching 115
B. Rules for Measuring 117
Ⅳ. Photographic Evidence 118
A. Location of Crime Scene 120
B. Photography and Special Applications 122
1. Vehicular Accidents and Related Auto Claims 122
2. Bodily Injuries and Photographic Method 126
3. Arson/Insurance Fraud 126
4. Burglary/Criminal Trespass/Forcible Theft 126
5. Comparative Micrography 127
Ⅴ. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Evidence 127
Ⅵ. Documentary Evidence 128
A. Police Records 128
1. Alcohol or Chemical Reports 128
2. Accident Reports 130
3. Domestic Relations Documentation 130
4. Radio Logs 130
5. Arrest Reports—Narcotics 130
6. Violence in the Workplace 130
7. Missing Person Reports 130
8. Disposition Sheets 134
9. Suspect Descriptions 134
B. Medical Records 135
Ⅶ. Records Involving Economic Damages 143
Ⅷ. Preservation of Evidence 144
Notes 167
Chapter 7 Surveillance Techniques 169
Ⅰ. Purposes and Functions 169
Ⅱ. Tactics and Strategy in Surveillance 170
A. What Are the Steps of Surveillance? 170
B. What Is the Exact Objective of Surveillance? 171
C. Where Is the Location of Surveillance? 171
D. When Will Surveillance Occur? 172
E. Who or What Will Be Surveilled? 172
Ⅲ. Surveillance: Preparatory Steps 173
A. Personal Behavior and Attire 174
B. Surveillance Equipment 174
1. Closed-Circuit Television Equipment 175
2. Photographic/Video Equipment 177
Ⅳ. Types of Surveillance 180
A. Stationary Surveillance 180
B. Moving Surveillance 180
1. Foot Surveillance 180
2. Auto Surveillance 182
C. Hybrid and Other Special Surveillance Techniques 189
1. Foot and Auto Surveillance 189
2. Surveillance at Bus Stops 190
3. Use of Pretext 191
Ⅴ. Surveillance Forms and Reports 193
Notes 198
Chapter 8 Report Writing 199
Ⅰ. Introduction 199
A. Efficiency in the Investigative Process 199
B. Reports and Memory 199
C. Reports and Organizational Method during the Investigation 200
D. Reports as Proof of Services Rendered 200
Ⅱ. Characteristics of Solid Report Writing 201
A. The Role of Note Taking 201
B. The Essential Qualities of a Solid Report: Accurate, Brief, and Complete 203
C. Report Design or Format 204
Ⅲ. Standard Reports for the Private Investigator 204
A. Activity Reports 204
1. Daily Reports 204
2. Review Reports 205
3. Patrol and Observation Reports 206
4. Surveillance Reports 207
5. Missing Person Reports 207
6. Undercover Investigation Reports 208
7. Bomb Search Reports 208
8. Inspection Reports 208
9. Security Incident Reports 211
10. Investigative Reports 211
11. Traffic Reports 211
Chapter 7 Surveillance Techniques 169
Ⅰ. Purposes and Functions 169
Ⅱ. Tactics and Strategy in Surveillance 170
A. What Are the Steps of Surveillance? 170
B. What Is the Exact Objective of Surveillance? 171
C. Where Is the Location of Surveillance? 171
D. When Will Surveillance Occur? 172
E. Who or What Will Be Surveilled? 172
Ⅲ. Surveillance: Preparatory Steps 173
A. Personal Behavior and Attire 174
B. Surveillance Equipment 174
1. Closed-Circuit Television Equipment 175
2. Photographic/Video Equipment 177
Ⅳ. Types of Surveillance 180
A. Stationary Surveillance 180
B. Moving Surveillance 180
1. Foot Surveillance 180
2. Auto Surveillance 182
C. Hybrid and Other Special Surveillance Techniques 189
1. Foot and Auto Surveillance 189
2. Surveillance at Bus Stops 190
3. Use of Pretext 191
Ⅴ. Surveillance Forms and Reports 193
Notes 198
Chapter 8 Report Writing 199
Ⅰ. Introduction 199
A. Efficiency in the Investigative Process 199
B. Reports and Memory 199
C. Reports and Organizational Method during the Investigation 200
D. Reports as Proof of Services Rendered 200
Ⅱ. Characteristics of Solid Report Writing 201
A. The Role of Note Taking 201
B. The Essential Qualities of a Solid Report: Accurate, Brief, and Complete 203
C. Report Design or Format 204
Ⅲ. Standard Reports for the Private Investigator 204
A. Activity Reports 204
1. Daily Reports 204
2. Review Reports 205
3. Patrol and Observation Reports 206
4. Surveillance Reports 207
5. Missing Person Reports 207
6. Undercover Investigation Reports 208
7. Bomb Search Reports 208
8. Inspection Reports 208
9. Security Incident Reports 211
10. Investigative Reports 211
11. Traffic Reports 211
Ⅲ. Alternative Methods of Background Review 301
A. References 301
B. Consultative Services 303
C. The Polygraph Test 305
Ⅳ. Comprehensive Background Report 306
Notes 312
Chapter 12 The Security Office: Administrative Issues 313
Ⅰ. General Principles of Office Administration 313
Ⅱ. Time-Keeping Methods 314
Ⅲ. The Value of Administrative Documents 315
Ⅳ. Filing Systems 318
A. Set-Up and Maintenance 318
B. Tickler Files 319
Ⅴ. Software Considerations 321
Ⅵ. Billing 321
Ⅶ. Conclusion 324
Notes 335
Index 337
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