![RESTORATIVE JUSTICE CRITICAL CONCEPTS IN CRIMINOLOGY](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/92/s63752b6.jpg)
![RESTORATIVE JUSTICE CRITICAL CONCEPTS IN CRIMINOLOGY](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/92/s63752b6.jpg)
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:0415450055
- 页数:512 页
PART 14 Procedural fairness, ethics and accountability 1
55 In search of restorative jurisprudence J&OHN BRAITHWAITE 3
56 Responsibilities, rights and restorative justice&ANDREW ASHWORTH 20
57 Restorative justice for children: in need of procedural safeguards and standards&CHRISTIAN ELIAERTS AND ELS DUMORTIER 41
58 Family group conferences and the rights of the offender&KATE WARNER 58
59 Ethics, universal principles and restorative justice&GEORGE PAVLICH 69
60 Semi-formal justice: combining informal and formal justice&DECLAN ROCHE 86
PART15 Indigenous justice 99
61 Restorative justice: a good idea whose time has gone?&HARRY BLAGG 101
62 Reviving restorative justice traditions?&CHRIS CUNNEEN 119
PART 16 The role of shame in restorative processes 139
63 Shame, restorative justice, and crime&JOHN BRAITHWAITE. ELIZA AHMED AND VALERIE BRAITHWAIT 141
64 Strategy for community conferences: emotions and social bonds&SUZANNE M. RETZINGER AND THOMAS J. SCHEFF 162
65 Reintegrative shaming and restorative justice: interchangeable,complementary or different?&LODE WALGRAVE AND IVO AERTSEN 179
66 Shame, shaming and restorative justice: a critical appraisal&NATHAN HARRIS AND SHADD MARUNA 196
67 What is the place of shame in restorative justice?&GABRIELLE MAXWELL AND ALLISON MORRIS 210
PART 17 When parents feel ashamed 219
68 Parent-child dynamics in community conferences:some questions for reintegrative shaming, practice and restorative justice&JEREMY PRICHARD 221
69 Relevant others in restorative practices for minors: for what purposes?&LIEVE BRADT, NICOLE VETTENBURG AND RUDI ROOSE 239
70 Supporting young offenders through restorative justice: parents as (in)appropriate adults&CAROLYN HOYLE AND STEPHEN NOGUERA 263
PART 18 A place for proportionality? 283
71 Not not just deserts: a response to Braithwaite and Pettit&ANDREW VON HIRSCH AND ANDREW ASHWORTH 285
72 Not just deserts, even in sentencing&PHILIP PETTIT WITH JOHN BRAITHWAITE 301
73 Is restorative justice compatible with sentencing uniformity?&MICHAEL M. O'HEAR 318
74 Restorative justice, sentencing and the Court of Appeal&IAN EDWARDS 337
PART 19 Restoration, retribution or 'restoration through retribution'? 353
75 Reparation and retribution: are they reconcilable?&LUCIA ZEDNER 355
76 Revisiting the relationship between retributive and restorative justiee&KATHLEEN DALY 382
77 Restorative justice and punishment&RICHARD YOUNG AND CAROLYN HOYLE 401
78 Restorative punishment and punitive restoration&R. A. DUFF 431
PART 20 Some concerns from an optimist 449
79 Worries about restorative justice&JOHN BRAITHWAITE 451
Index 489
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