- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:SSAGE
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:1412978572
- 页数:317 页
1.Asset Forfeiture 1
Types of Asset Forfeiture 2
Asset Forfeiture in American History 2
Recent History: Acts and Legislation 3
Asset Forfeiture and Police Budgets 5
Pro: Arguments Supporting Asset Forfeiture 6
Funding Police and Saving Taxpayers 7
Restoration to Victims 8
Con: Arguments Against Asset Forfeiture 8
The Taint Doctrine 9
Constitutional Rights and Pivotal Cases 9
2.DNA Evidence 13
History of DNA Typing in Criminal Justice 14
Specialized Processes to Enhance DNA Testing 15
The Misunderstood Science of DNA Testing 16
DNA Storage 17
Developing Felon Databases of DNA 18
Conducting a Mass Screening of Ordinary Citizens 18
Admissibility of DNA Evidence: History and New Tests 19
Current Legal and Ethical Issues 20
Who Should Be in the Database? 20
Database and Familial Searches 20
Touch/Transfer/Low-Level DNA Samples 21
Post-Conviction Testing: Access and Timeliness 22
Pro: Support for Expanding DNA Databases 24
Con: Opposition to Expanding DNA Databases 25
DNA Dragnets 26
Future of DNA Evidence and New Scientific Techniques 27
3.Double Jeopardy 31
History of the Double Jeopardy Rule 32
The Attachment of Jeopardy 33
Same Offense 34
Exceptions to the Double Jeopardy Clause 35
Separate Sovereignties 35
Petite Policy 36
Government Appeal 37
Termination Without Acquittal or Conviction 38
Application in Non-Criminal Proceedings 38
Pro: Arguments in Favor of Double Jeopardy 39
Con: Arguments Against Double Jeopardy 40
4.Drug Laws 45
Drugs: The Stalled Movement for Decriminalization 46
History: Changing Frames for Drug Laws 46
The 1960s and 1970s: Cultural Strife and Moral Dissonance 47
From the Reagan Era Onward 48
Pro: The Prophylactic Features of Criminalization 49
Con: Criticism of the War on Drugs 50
Hints of a Slowly Shifting Drug Policy 52
Challenging the Punitive Approach to Drug Enforcement 52
International Parallels 54
Conclusion 55
5.DUI Penalties 61
Relevant Databases 62
Effects or Influences of Drugs on Driving 63
Control of Impaired Drivers 63
Measuring Blood Alcohol Content 64
Implied Consent Laws and Administrative Sanctions 65
Zero Tolerance Laws 66
Standard Criminal Penalties for DUI 67
Nontraditional DUI Penalties 67
Locking the Ignition 68
Pro: Arguments for Strong Impaired-Driving Laws 69
Con: Enforcement and Sanctions Are Inadequate 70
Questionable Deterrence 71
6.Exclusionary Rules 75
Building the Exclusionary Rules 76
Fourth Amendment Context 76
Fifth Amendment Context 78
Sixth Amendment Context 78
Fruit of the Poisonous Tree 79
Limiting the Exclusionary Rules 80
The Current State of the Exclusionary Rule 83
Pro: Arguments in Support of the Exclusionary Rule 83
Con: Arguments Opposing the Exclusionary Rule 85
7.Expert Witnesses and Hired Guns 89
Quality of the Science 91
Expert Witnesses in Criminal Cases 92
Psychiatric/Psychological Evaluation 92
Physical Evidence Evaluation 93
Medical/Biological Evidence Evaluation 94
Documentary and Computer Evidence Evaluation 94
Acoustical Evidence Evaluation 95
Traffic Accident Reconstruction 95
Financial Evaluation 96
Hired Guns 96
Pro: Arguments in Favor of Using Expert Witnesses 97
Con: Arguments Opposing the Use of Expert Witnesses 98
Conclusion 99
8.Eyewitness Testimony and Accuracy 101
History of Eyewitness Identification Research 102
The Research of Loftus and Wells 102
DNA Testing and Factors in Eyewitness Error 103
Pro: Variables Leading to Accurate Eyewitness Testimony 104
Estimator Variables 105
System Variables 106
Con: Variables Leading to Mistaken Eyewitness Testimony 107
Estimator Variables 108
System Variables 109
Lineup Presentation Method 110
Administrator's Behavior 111
Conclusion 112
9.Gun Control Laws 117
History of Gun Control and Gun Rights 117
Foreign Examples of Gun Control 119
Gun Control Laws and the Constitution 120
Recent Landmark Cases 122
Types of Gun Control Laws 123
Keeping Guns out of the Hands of Criminals 123
Waiting Periods 124
Safe Storage and Distance 124
Major Federal Gun Control Initiatives 125
Gun Rights Legislation: Conceal and Carry 125
Gun Laws: The Empirical Evidence 127
Pro: Arguments in Favor of Gun Control 127
Con: Arguments in Opposition to Gun Control 128
Conclusion 128
10.Insanity Defense 133
Procedures Involved in the Defense 134
History of the Defense 135
The M'Naghten Test 135
Irresistible Impulse 136
The Durham Test 136
American Law Institute Test 137
Guilty but Mentally Ill 137
Insanity Defense Reform Act of 1984 138
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Postpartum Psychosis 139
The Supreme Court Gets Involved 140
Pro: Arguments in Support of the Insanity Defense 140
Con: Arguments Against the Insanity Defense 142
A Case in Point 143
11.Jury System 145
Mechanics of the Jury System 146
History of the Jury System 147
The Supreme Court Shapes the American Jury System 149
Fair Cross-Section Requirement 151
Pro: Arguments in Support of the American Jury System 153
Con: Criticisms of the American Jury System 154
12.Mandatory Sentencing 159
A Brief History of Mandatory Sentencing 160
Describing Mandatory Sentencing Today 161
Rationale for Mandatory Sentencing 162
Effectiveness of Mandatory Sentencing 163
Pro: Arguments for Mandatory Minimum Sentencing 165
Protecting the Public 165
Sentencing Equity 166
Con: Arguments Against Mandatory Minimum Sentencing 167
Discretion and Bias 168
Rigid and Expensive 169
Future Issues in Mandatory Sentencing 170
13.Miranda Rights 173
The Law Prior to Miranda 174
Ernesto Miranda 176
The Miranda Ruling 177
Court Specifies the Language of the Warnings 178
The Aftermath 179
Congress, the Court, and the Problem of Miranda 180
Subsequent Caselaw 181
Berghuis v.Thompkins: A Critical Change 183
Pro: Arguments in Support of the Miranda Ruling Con: Criticism of the Miranda Ruling 184
14.Plea Bargaining 186
The Development and Spread of Plea Bargaining 188
Plea Bargaining in America and Internationally 188
Pro: Arguments in Support of Plea Bargaining 189
The Issue of Coercion 190
In the Shadow of Trials 191
Plea Bargains as Contracts 192
Substantive Justice 193
Con: Arguments in Opposition to Plea Bargaining 194
Diverging From the Shadow of Trials 194
The Contract View Fails the Public 195
Hawks and Doves 196
Result of an Overadversarial System 197
15.Polygraphs 201
History of the Polygraph 201
Polygraph Groundbreakers: Larson and Reid 202
Procedures of the Polygraph 203
The Use of Polygraphs in the Criminal Justice System 204
The Admissibility of Polygraphs in Criminal Cases 205
Daubert and Sche f fer: A Split in the Federal Circuits 205
The Exception: New Mexico 207
Pro: Supporting the Validity of the Polygraph 208
Rehabilitation and Recidivism 208
Con: Questioning the Validity of the Polygraph 209
The Error Rate 209
Poor Research Standards 210
No Uniform Training Standards or Procedures 211
16.Restorative Justice 215
Basic Premises of Restorative Justice 216
Conflict as Property 217
The Work of Braithwaite and Zehr 217
History of Restorative Justice 219
Victim-Offender Reconciliation Programs 219
Victims' Rights Movements and Indigenous Justice 220
Restorative Justice Interventions 221
Victim-Offender Mediation 222
Family Group Conferencing 222
Sentencing Circles 223
Community Restorative Boards 223
Restorative Community Service 223
Pro: Arguments in Support of Restorative Justice 224
Offender Agreements and Recidivism 225
Con: Arguments Against Restorative Justice 226
Whose Justice? 226
Due Process, Fair Sentencing, and Mainstreaming 226
17.Sentencing Disparities 231
Inconsistencies in the Research 232
Methodological Flaws in Sentencing Research 232
Variables Used in Sentencing Research 233
Theoretical Premises of Sentencing Disparity 234
Ethnicity and Disparity in Sentencing 235
Disparities in Sentencing and Sentencing Guidelines 236
RDS and the War on Drugs 238
Crack Versus Powder 238
Pro: Positive Outcomes of Racial Disparity Research 240
Con: Negative Outcomes of Racial Disparity Research 241
18.Sex Offender Registry 243
The History of Sex Offender Legislation 244
Contemporary Sex Offender Registry Legislation 245
Wetterling Act and Megan's Law 245
Inconsistent Procedures, Specific Types of Information 246
Sex Offender Levels 246
Updated Legislation 247
The Tier System 248
The Legality of Sex Offender Legislation 250
Two Cases of Constitutional Challenge 251
Pro: Arguments in Support of Sex Offender Registration 252
Con: Arguments Against Sex Offender Registration 253
19.Three-Strikes Laws 257
The History and Development of Three-Strikes Laws 258
The Klaas Murder 259
The Legality of Three-Strikes Laws 260
Pro: Arguments in Support of Three-Strikes Laws 261
The Deterrent Effect 262
Con: Arguments Against Three-Strikes Laws 264
Burdensome Costs and Racial Disparities 264
20.Victim Rights and Restitution 269
Victim Rights Overview 270
Restitution Overview 271
Typical Victim Rights 272
Receiving Information and Notification 272
Reasonable Protection and Separate Waiting Areas 272
Availability of Transportation 273
Participation and Attendance in the Justice Process 273
Restitution and Return of Property 273
Victim Services and Applying for Victim Compensation 274
Expectation of Compliance and Legal Remedies 274
State Legislation for Victim Rights and Restitution 275
Federal Legislation for Victim Rights and Restitution 275
Proposed Victim Rights Amendment 277
Pro: Arguments for Constitutional Victims' Rights 278
Con: Arguments Against Constitutional Victims' Rights 279
Conclusion 281
Index 283
About the General Editor 317
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