The essentials of Greek and Roman lawPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Russ VerSteeg
- 出 版 社:Carolina Academic Press
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9781594605567;1594605564
- 页数:249 页
Chapter 1 Background and Beginnings of Athenian Law 3
§ 1.01 Introduction 3
§ 1.02 The Earliest Greek Law 4
§ 1.03 The First “Lawgivers” & Written Laws 6
A. Introduction 6
B. Draco 8
C. Solon 9
D. The Impact of Written Laws 10
§ 1.04 The Evolving Vocabulary of “Law” 10
§ 1.05 The “Reinscription” of Laws 11
§ 1.06 Justice & Jurisprudence: The Role of Law 12
§ 1.07 Chapter Summary 13
Chapter 2 Legal Procedure, Institutions, and Organization 15
§ 2.01 Private & Public Arbitration; Deme Judges 15
§ 2.02 The Vocabulary of Athenian Legal Procedure 16
§ 2.03 Litigation Procedure 18
§ 2.04 Pleading & Forms of Action 21
A. Diamartyria 21
B. Paragraphe 22
§ 2.05 Organization & Personnel: Judges, Courts, & Calendars 23
§ 2.06 Cases Involving Non-citizens 25
§ 2.07 Graphe Paranomen 26
§ 2.08 Juries 26
§ 2.09 Evidence 28
§ 2.10 Legislation 29
§ 2.11 Sychophancy 30
§ 2.12 Remedies, Damages, & Punishments 31
§ 2.13 Appeals & the Finality of Judgments 32
§ 2.14 Dike Exoules 32
§ 2.15 Chapter Summary 33
Law in Literature: Jurors and Juries — Aristophanes’ The Wasps Introduction 36
Ⅰ. The Noble Juror 36
Ⅱ. Debate 37
Ⅲ. Procleon’s New Role 38
Ⅳ. The Transformation 39
Conclusion 40
Chapter 3 Personal Status 41
§ 3.01 Citizenship 41
§ 3.02 Foreigners & Metics 43
§ 3.03 Slaves & Freedmen 44
§ 3.04 Chapter Summary 45
Chapter 4 Property 47
§ 4.01 Introduction 47
§ 4.02 Real Property 48
§ 4.03 Mines 49
§ 4.04 Resolving Ownership Disputes Relating to Personal Property 50
§ 4.05 Chapter Summary 51
Chapter 5 Family Law 53
§ 5.01 Introduction: Power & Control 53
§ 5.02 Marriage & Divorce 54
§ 5.03 Children 56
§ 5.04 Chapter Summary 58
Chapter 6 Inheritance and Succession 59
§ 6.01 Intestate Succession 59
§ 6.02 Adoption & Wills 61
§ 6.03 Chapter Summary 62
Chapter 7 Criminal Law 65
§ 7.01 Introduction 65
§ 7.02 Homicide 66
A. General 66
B. Categories 66
C. Procedure 68
§ 7.03 Theft Crimes 70
§ 7.04 Sexual Conduct 71
§ 7.05 Criminal Battery 72
§ 7.06 Hubris 73
§ 7.07 Religious Offenses 73
A. Introduction 73
B. Laws Related to Festivals 74
C. Impiety 74
D. Atheism 74
§ 7.08 Miscellaneous Crimes 75
A. Arson 75
B. Prodosia (Betrayal) 75
C. Deception of the People 75
D. Eisangelia 75
§ 7.09 Chapter Summary 76
Chapter 8 Torts 79
§ 8.01 Introduction 79
§ 8.02 Battery (Dike Aikeias) 79
§ 8.03 False Imprisonment (Dike Heirgmou) 80
§ 8.04 Defamation (Dike Kakegorias) 80
§ 8.05 Dike Blabes 81
§ 8.06 Chapter Summary 81
Chapter 9 Trade, Contracts, and Commercial Law 83
§ 9.01 Introduction 83
§ 9.02 Lease Contracts 84
§ 9.03 Loans 84
§ 9.04 Breach of Contract 85
§ 9.05 Commerce 85
§ 9.06 Taxes 86
A. Introduction 86
B. Liturgies (Compulsory Philanthropy) 87
§ 9.07 Chapter Summary 87
Law in Literature: The Iliad, The Trojan War, and Contract Law 89
Introduction 89
Ⅰ. Contracts in the Iliad 89
A. Achilles-Calchas 89
B. Hector-Dolon 90
C. Agamemnon-Achilles: The Rejected Offer 90
D. Hera-Hupnos 91
E. Priam-Achilles 91
F. Lessons Learned 92
Ⅱ. Contracts That Shape the Myth as a Whole 94
A. Princes’ Contract 94
B. Paris-Aphrodite Contract 95
C. Conflict of Two Contracts 95
Conclusion 96
Chapter 10 Background and Beginnings of Roman Law 97
§ 10.01 Introduction 97
A. Public Law & Private Law 97
B. Periods of Roman Law: Pre-classical; Classical;& Post-Classical 98
§ 10.02 Early Roman Legal History 99
A. Laws of the Kings 99
B. The Laws of the Twelve Tables 99
1. Traditional Background 99
2. Content of the Laws of the Twelve Tables 100
§ 10.03 The Role of the Praetor & Aedile in the Development of Roman Law 101
§ 10.04 Legal Interpretation: Advocates, Jurists, & Emperors 103
A. Background 103
B. Advocates & Jurists 104
C. The “Schools”: Sabinians & Proculians 106
D. The Role of the Emperor 107
§ 10.05 Justinian & the Corpus Iuris Civilis 107
§ 10.06 The Reception of Roman Law (Receptio) 108
§ 10.07 Justice & Jurisprudence: the Role of Law 110
§ 10.08 Chapter Summary 111
Law in Literature: Discovering More About Legal Philosophy Cicero’s De Legibus and Natural Law 113
Chapter 11 Legal Procedure, Institutions, and Organization 119
§ 11.01 Introduction 119
§ 11.02 The Roman Constitution & Significant Republican Legislation 120
A. Introduction 120
B. Legislative Bodies 121
C. Legislation 122
§ 11.03 The Three Chronological Phases of Roman Procedure 123
A. Legis Actiones 123
B. Formulary Procedure (Per Formulam) 124
C. Extraordinary Procedure (Cognitio) 125
§ 11.04 Criminal Procedure 126
A. Introduction 126
1. The Early Criminal Courts — Quaestiones Perpetuae 126
2. Evolution of the Courts and Criminal Jurisdiction 126
B. Juries & Jurors 127
C. Criminal Procedure & Affirmative Defenses 128
§ 11.05 Evidence 129
§ 11.06 Chapter Summary 131
Law in Literature: Quintilian’s Institutio Oratoria Book Ⅻ 133
Introduction 133
Ⅰ. Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria, Book Ⅻ, § Ⅲ 133
Ⅱ. Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria, Book Ⅻ, §§ Ⅳ—Ⅵ 134
Ⅲ. Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria, Book Ⅻ, § Ⅶ 135
Ⅳ Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria, Book Ⅻ, § Ⅷ 137
Conclusion 138
Chapter 12 Personal Status 139
§ 12.01 Introduction 139
§ 12.02 Citizenship 139
A. General 139
B. Capitis Deminutio 141
§ 12.03 Slaves & Freedmen 142
§ 12.04 Chapter Summary 145
Chapter 13 Property 147
§ 13.01 Introduction: The Most Significant Categories 147
§ 13.02 Additional Categories 148
§ 13.03 Legal Titles Connected with Things 150
§ 13.04 Methods of Acquisition of Property 152
A. Mancipatio 152
B. Traditio 152
C. In Iure Cessio 154
D. Occupatio 154
1. General 154
2. Thesauri Inventio 155
E. Specificatio 155
F. Accessio 156
G. Usucapio 157
§ 13.05 Iura in re Aliena (Rights in the Thing of Another) 158
§ 13.06 Chapter Summary 159
Chapter 14 Family Law 163
§ 14.01 Power & Control: Paterfamilias 163
§ 14.02 Marriage & Divorce 164
A. General Considerations 164
B. Types of Marriage 165
C. Divorce 166
§ 14.03 Adoption 167
§ 14.04 Tutors 168
§ 14.05 Curators 169
§ 14.06 Chapter Summary 169
Chapter 15 Inheritance and Succession 173
§ 15.01 Introduction 173
§ 15.02 Intestate Succession 173
§ 15.03 Testate Succession 175
§ 15.04 Chapter Summary 178
Law in Literature: Caesar’s De Bello Gallico 179
Introduction 179
Ⅰ. Caesar’s Background in Law 179
Ⅱ. Foreign Laws and Justice 180
A. Judges & Legal Procedure 181
B. Marriage & Family 181
C. Safety & Security for the Community 182
Ⅲ. Principles of Caesar’s Jurisprudence 183
Conclusion 185
Chapter 16 Criminal Law 189
§ 16.01 Criminal Liability & Elements of Crime 189
§ 16.02 Homicide 189
§ 16.03 Theft Crimes 191
§ 16.04 Vis 192
§ 16.05 Sexual Conduct 193
A. Adultery & Stuprum 193
B. Incest 194
C. Lenocinium, Prostitution, & Homosexual Activity 194
§ 16.06 Iniuria 195
§ 16.07 Crimes Against the State 196
A. Perduellio & Maiestas 196
B. Res Repetundae 196
C. Peculatus & De Residuis 197
D. Ambitus 197
E. Counterfeiting & Forgery 197
§ 16.08 Miscellaneous Crimes 198
A. Stellionatus 198
B. Kidnapping 198
C. Sale of Runaway Slaves 199
D. Castration & Circumcision 199
E. Gambling 199
F. Crimes Related to Religion 199
§ 16.09 Chapter Summary 200
Chapter 17 Torts: Obligationes Ex Delicto and Obligationes Quasi Ex Delicto 203
§ 17.01 Classification: The Law of Obligations 203
§ 17.02 Obligationes ex Delicto (Delicta) 204
A. Introduction 204
B. Furtum (Theft) 204
C. Rapina (Robbery with Violence) 205
D. Damnum Iniuria Datum (Property Damage) 205
E. Iniuria (Personal Injury) 206
F. Miscellaneous Delicts 206
§ 17.03 Noxal Liability & Liability for Damage Caused by Animals 207
§ 17.04 Obligationes Quasi ex Delicto (Quasi Delicts) 207
§ 17.05 Chapter Summary 208
Chapter 18 Trade, Contracts, and Commercial Law 211
§ 18.01 Introduction 211
§ 18.02 Verbal Contracts 212
§ 18.03 Literal Contracts 213
§ 18.04 Real Contracts 213
§ 18.05 Consensual Contracts 214
§ 18.06 Innominate Contracts 216
§ 18.07 Contract Damages 216
§ 18.08 Obligationes Quasi ex Contractu 217
§ 18.09 Real Security 218
§ 18.10 Business Entities 218
§ 18.12 Taxes 219
§ 18.13 Chapter Summary 219
Law in Literature: A Unique Combination of Both Greek & Roman Elements of Law: Terence’s Phormio 221
Introduction 221
Ⅰ. Plot Summary 221
Ⅱ. Legal Procedure 223
A. Overview 223
B. Greek and Roman Legal Procedure Generally 223
C. Manipulation of the Law 223
Ⅲ. Slave Law 224
Ⅳ. Family Law 224
A. Family Law Generally 224
B. Epikleros and Questions of Athenian Law 225
Ⅴ. Contracts & Commercial Law 226
Conclusion 227
Index 229
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