- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:0415575400
- 页数:212 页
Introduction 1
PART Ⅰ Legal decision-making and legal reasoning 7
1. Locating the problem in law: the conjoined twins case, Re A 9
2. Justifying legal decisions in hard cases: different approaches 16
PART Ⅱ Developing an alternative approach: the importance of process 47
3. Alfred North Whitehead's philosophy of organism 49
4. Lessons from organisation theory 64
5. Towards a process reconstrual of 'the middle' 77
6. Two ways of thinking; two types of knowledge 89
7. Michael Polanyi's 'tacit knowledge' 100
PART Ⅲ Exploring formal legal contexts 111
8. Legal institutional knowledge 113
9. The judge as institutional actor and decision-maker 127
10. Legal contexts as practices 139
11. Chaos and complexity 144
12. Closing the gap: narrative and the law 154
PART Ⅳ Integrating law and process 171
13. Law's institutional becoming: creativity, novelty, change 173
14. Law as process; legal decision-making as an actual occasion in concrescence 189
Conclusion 197
Bibliography 199
Index 205
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- 《Law:its origin growth and function》by James Coolidge Carter 1907
- 《彼得潘》JAMES M.BARRIE著;徐应昶译 1933
- 《心脏移植 英文版》(美)James k.Kirklin等编著 2002
- 《国家为什么会失败:权力、富裕与贫困的根源》戴伦·艾塞默鲁(DARON ACEMOGLU),詹姆斯·罗宾森(JAMES A.ROBINSON)著;吴国卿,邓伯宸译 2013
- 《成功英语阅读策略 F级 上(适用于高中三年级)》(美)Diane Lapp James Flood著;中方主编 2004
- 《别为借口抓狂》James M.Bleech,David G.Mutchler著;叶静妮译 1998
- 《天生赢家》(美)詹姆斯(James,M·),(美)钟沃德(Jongeward,D·)著;田宝,叶红宾译 2013
- 《语海寻规:语言学的实证方法》麦杰(James Myers)主编 2012
- 《华盛顿广场》(美)Henry James著;(美)Gina D. B. Clemen改写 2009