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  • 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9041125866
  • 页数:654 页

Introduction 1

Part One: The Rome Ⅰ Regulation REGULATION (EC) No 593/2008 17

Chapter Ⅰ Scope 33

Article 1 Material Scope 33

Article 2 Universal Application 55

Chapter Ⅱ Uniform RulesArticle 3 Freedom of Choice 57

Article 4 Applicable Law in the Absence of Choice 86

Article 5 Contracts of Carriage 101

Article 6 Consumer Contracts 124

Article 7 Insurance Contracts 156

Article 8 Individual Employment Contracts 177

Article 9 Overriding Mandatory Provisions 195

Article 10 Consent and Material Validity 210

Article 11 Formal Validity 221

Article 12 Scope of the Law Applicable 247

Article 13 Incapacity 258

Article 14 Voluntary Assignment and Contractual Subrogation 273

Article 15 Legal Subrogation 290

Article 16 Multiple Liability 293

Article 17 Set-Off 297

Article 18 Burden of Proof 301

Chapter Ⅲ Other Provisions 307

Article 19 Habitual Residence 307

Article 20 Exclusion of Renvoi 315

Article 21 Public Policy of the Forum 318

Article 22 States with More Than One Legal System 332

Article 23 Realtionship with Other Provisions of Community Law 335

Article 24 Relationship with the Rome Convention 345

Article 25 Relationship with Existing International Conventions 347

Article 26 List of Conventions 350

Article 27 Review Clause 351

Article 28 Application in Time 352

Chapter Ⅳ Final Provisions 353

Article 29 Entry into Force and Application 353

Part Two: The Rome Ⅱ Regulation REGULATION (EC) No 864/2007 357

Chapter Ⅰ Scope 371

Article 1 Scope 371

Article 2 Non-contractual Obligations 393

Article 3 Universal Application 396

Chapter Ⅱ Tors/Delicts 400

Article 4 General Rule 400

Article 5 Product Liability 431

Artiicle 6 Unfair Competition and Acts Restricting Free Competition 451

Article 7 Environmental Damage 462

Article 8 Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights 481

Article 9 Industrial Action 488

Chapter Ⅲ Unjust Enrichment, Negotiorum Gestio and Culpa in Contrahendo 498

Article 10 Unjust Enrichment 498

Article 11 Negotiorum Gestio 513

Article 12 Culpa in Contrahendo 522

Article 13 Applicabililty of Aricle 8 533

Chapter Ⅳ Freedom of Choice 535

Article 14 Freedom of Choice 535

Chapter Ⅴ Common Rules 553

Article 15 Scope of the Law Applicable 553

Article 16 Overriding Mandatory Provisions 559

Article 17 Rules of Safety and Conduct 569

Article 18 Direct Action against the Insurer of the Person Liable 586

Article 19 Subrogation 593

Article 20 Multiple Liability 596

Article 21 Formal Validity 600

Article 22 Burden of Proof 602

Chapter Ⅵ Other Provisions 606

Article 23 Habitual Residence 606

Article 24 (Exclusion of Renvoi) 613

Article 25 States with More Than One Legal System 616

Article 26 Public Policy of the Forum 619

Article 27 Relationship with Other Provisions of Community Law 631

Article 28 Relationship with Existing International Conventions 639

Chapter Ⅶ Final Provisions 646

Article 29 List of Conventions 646

Article 30 Review Clause 648

Article 31 Application in Time 651

Article 32 Date of Application 651
