![MENTAL HEALTH AND CRIME](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/92/s652869b.jpg)
![MENTAL HEALTH AND CRIME](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/92/s652869b.jpg)
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:ROUTEDGE
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:1904385389
- 页数:228 页
1 Mental health and crime 1
2 Crime 7
3 Mental disorder 19
4 Are mental disorder and crime related? 33
5 Types of crime 44
6 Mental disorder and violence 52
7 Symptoms and causality 78
8 Causal mechanisms, criminology and mental disorder 91
9 Human rights and mentally disordered offenders 99
10 Deprivation of liberty 111
11 Mental disorder and detention: a perspective from prison 118
12 The intersection between penalty and therapeutic detention: indeterminate sentences for public protection 125
13 Medical treatment: offenders, patients and their capacity 139
14 Individual and personal consequences: the case of smoking 147
15 Impossible paradoxes 153
16 Treatment, mental disorder, crime, responsibility and punishment 159
17 Fitness to plead 163
18 Dangerous and severe personality disorder 175
19 Culpability and treatment: chasing dragons? 187
20 Conclusions 193
References 202
Index 220
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