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运用全面创新管理提升中国中小企业的创新能力  英文
运用全面创新管理提升中国中小企业的创新能力  英文

运用全面创新管理提升中国中小企业的创新能力 英文PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:许庆瑞等著
  • 出 版 社:杭州:浙江大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9787308105705
  • 页数:507 页
《运用全面创新管理提升中国中小企业的创新能力 英文》目录

PartⅠ Theoretical Research on Innovation 1

Chapter1 Development via Innovative Firms 3

Chapter2 Status of SMEs’Innovation 29

Chapter3 Auditing Innovation Capabilities in SMEs 43

Chapter4 Theoretical Background and Research Design 75

Chapter5 Framework of Total Innovation Management for SMEs 89

Chapter6 Mechanism of Leveraging Innovation Capability via Vision and Strategy 117

Chapter7 Mechanism of Leveraging Innovation Capability via Technology Innovation and Its Management 133

Chapter8 Mechanism of Leveraging SME’s Innovation Capability via Organization Innovation 153

Chapter9 Mechanism of Leveraging Innovation Capability via Market Orientation and Related Elements 169

Chapter10 Mechanism of Leveraging Innovation Capability via Corporate Culture and All-Involvement Innovation 187

Chapter11 Mechanism of Leveraging Innovation Capability via Entrepreneurs in SMEs 211

Chapter12 Mechanism of Leveraging Innovation Capability via Networks and All Time-Space Innovation 227

Chapter13 Pathway of Building SME Innovation Capability through Cluster Innovation Systems 251

Chapter14 Innovation Policy for SMEs in China 269

PartⅡ Case Studies 281

Case A Sunyard System Engineering Co.,Ltd.(Sunyard) 283

Case B Hangzhou Focused Photonics Inc.(FPI) 309

Case C Hangzhou Honyar Electric Appliance Co.,Ltd.(Honyar) 349

Case D Fujian Haiyuan Automatic Equipment(s)Co.,Ltd.(Haiyuan) 369

Case E SUPCON Group Co.,Ltd.(SUPCON) 387

Case F Jinfuchun Group Co.,Ltd.(Jinfuchun) 405

Case G QP Textile Chemical Industry Holding Corporation(QP) 419

Case H Uni-Power Guaranty in Zhejiang Province(UPG) 433

Case I Hangzhou“R&D Design“Corporation(“R&D Design“) 455

Case J Randv.com:Reality and Virtuality 473

Activities of RCID Project Team 485

Index 499
