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  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:369 页

1 Theoretical Issues Raised by the Privity Question&Peter Kincaid 1

Private or Public Justice 1

Flexible v.Formal Reasoning 2

Pragmatism v.Principle 3

Nature and Source of a Third-Party Right 4

Rights and Duties:the Question of Focus 5

Remedies 6

2 Summaries of Essays&Peter Kincaid 7

Chapter 3:Robert Flarmigan,“Privity-The End of an Era (Error)” 7

Chapter 4 9

(Part A):Peter Kincaid,“Privity and Private Justice in Contract” 9

(Part B):Peter Kincaid,“Privity Reform in England” 10

Chapter 5:Sir Anthony Mason,“Privity-A Rule in Search of Decent Burial?” 11

Chapter 6:Catherine Mitchell,“Searching for the Principles behind Privity Reform” 13

Chapter 7:Roger Brownsword and Dale Hutchison,“Beyond Promissory Principle and Protective Pragmatism” 14

Chapter 8:Stephen A.Smith,“Contracts for the Benefit of Third Parties:in Defence of the Third-Party Rule” 16

Chapter 9:Melvin Aron Eisenberg,“The Third-Party Beneficiary Principle” 18

Chapter 10:John Gava,“Is Privity Worth Defending?” 19

Chapter 11:John Swan,“The Rights of Third Parties to Contracts:A Suggested Basis for Recognition” 20

Chapter 12:Simon Whittaker,“Reciprocity Beyond Privity” 22

Chapter 13:J.L.R. Davis,“Privity and Exclusion Clauses” 24

Chapter 14:Anthony Jon Waters,“Privity,Property,and Pragmatism” 26

3 Privity-The End of an Era (Error) 28

Robert Flannigan 29

The Early Cases 29

Privity or Consideration? 32

The Entrenchment of the Doctrine of Privity 34

The Modem Cases 38

Privity Pro and Con 40

Privity and Contract Theory 48

Conclusion 59

4a Privity and Private Justice in Contract 60

Peter Kincaid 60

Introduction 60

The Law Commission’s Proposals 61

The Law Commission’s Justifications 63

Issues Raised by Justifications 71

Conclusion 80

4b Privity Reform in England&&Peter Kincaid 82

5 Privity-A Rule in Search of Decent Burial?&Sir Anthony Mason 88

The Nature of the Privity Rule 88

The Purpose of the Privity Rule 88

Suggested Justifications for the Rule 91

The Rule is not Accepted or has been Modified Elsewhere 93

The Justification for Departing from the Rule 94

Other Reasons for Departing from the Rule 95

Trust of the Third-Party Promise 97

Complexity,Artificiality and Uncertainty 97

Adverse Consequences for Commercial Activities 98

Criticisms of the Case for Departing from the Rule 98

Other Criticisms of Reform 100

Conditions According to which Third-Party Enforcement is Permitted 102

Conclusion 103

6 Searching for the Principles Behind Privity Reform&Catherine Mitchell 104

Introduction 104

The Proposals for Reform 108

The Law Commission Proposals and the Orthodox Account of Contractual Obligation 109

Can the Orthodox Account Justify Third-Party Rights in Contract? 114

The Crystallisation Test 120

The Law Commission and the Modem Account of Contractual Obligations 121

Conclusion 124

7 Beyond Promissory Principle and Protective Pragmatism&Roger Brownsword and Dale Hutchison 126

1. Introduction 126

2. From Bilateral to Trilateral Promissory Situations 128

3. The South African Regime 132

4. The New English Regime 142

5. Conclusion 145

8 In Defence of the Third-Party Rule&Stephen A.Smith 147

1. The Third-Party Rule Defined and Defended 148

2. The Real Problems in Privity Cases 155

3. The Law Commission’s Reform Proposals 166

4. Conclusion 170

9 The Third-Party Beneficiary Principle&Melvin Aron Eisenberg 172

Introduction 172

1. The Principle Governing Enforceability of Contracts by Third-Party Beneficiaries 173

2. Some Recurring Third-Party-Beneficiary Categories 185

Conclusion 198

10 Is Privity Worth Defending?&John Gava 199

Functionalism and Contract 201

Functionalism and Legal History 203

Contract in the Marketplace 209

Can Judges be Good Functionalists? 215

Contract as Part of the Common Law Constitutional Heritage 222

Does it Matter that Contract does not Matter? 226

Contract and Turbo-Capitalism 229

Conclusion 232

11 The Rights of Third Parties to Contracts:A Suggested Basis for Recognition&John Swan 233

1. Introduction 233

2. The Practical Pattern 235

3. A Principle for Recognition? 246

4. Conclusion 257

12 Reciprocity Beyond Privity&Simon Whittaker 259

1. Leasehold Covenants 263

2. Transferring Contracts of Employment 265

3. Undisclosed Principals 269

4. Package Holidays 271

5. The Death of the Parties:Privity and Personal Representatives 273

6. Freehold Covenants 274

7. A General Principle of Benefit and Burden Beyond Privity? 277

Conclusion 281

13 Privity and Exclusion Clauses&J.L.R. Davis 284

Introduction 284

The Benefit of an Exclusion Clause 285

The Burden of an Exclusion Clause 302

Conclusion 307

14 Privity,Property,and Pragmatism&Anthony Jon Waters 309

1. The History of the American Rule 310

2. Why the Need for a General Rule? 318

3. Can a Fuzzy Set of Reasons Constitute a Coherent Concoction?And Does It Matter? 320

4. Public and Private 325

5. The Nature of Contract 327

Conclusion 331

Appendix:Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 337

Bibliography 343

Cases 351

Statutes 359

Index 360
