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Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics Volume 136
Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics Volume 136

Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics Volume 136PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:edited by Peter W. Hawkes
  • 出 版 社:Academic Press
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:0120147785
  • 页数:333 页
《Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics Volume 136》目录

Real and Complex PDE-Based Schemes for Image Sharpening and Enhancement&GUY GILBOA,NIR SOCHEN,AND YEHOSHUA Y.ZEEVI 3

Ⅰ.Overview of PDE-Based Processes 3

Ⅱ.Sharpening by the Axiomatic Approach 21

Ⅲ.Sharpening by the Variational Approach 46

Ⅳ.Complex Diffusion Processes 61

Ⅴ.Texture-Preserving Denoising 87

Ⅵ.Conclusion 103

References 104

The S-State Model for Electron Channeling in High-Resolution Electron Microscopy&P.GEUENS AND D.VAN DYCK 113

Ⅰ.Introduction 113

Ⅱ.The Channeling Theory 124

Ⅲ.Calculation of the Eigenfunctions of an Electron in an Isolated Atom Column 130

Ⅳ.The S-State Model 160

Ⅴ.The S-State Model for Nonisolated Atom Columns 175

Ⅵ.The S-State Model in Case of Crystal or Beam Tilt 191

Ⅶ.Experimental Channeling Maps 201

Ⅷ.Electron Diffraction and the S-State Model 203

References 223

Measurement of Electric Fields on Object Surface in an Emission Electron Microscope&S.A.NEPIJKO,N.N.SEDOV,AND G.SCHONHENSE 228

Ⅰ.Introduction 228

Ⅱ.Direct and Inverse Problems of Measurement of Electric Fields(Potential)on the Object Surface in Emission Electron Microscope 230

Ⅲ.Model Experiments on Mapping of Electric Fields (Potential)on the Object Surface Using an Emission Electron Microscope 252

Ⅳ.The Effect of the Local Fields and Microroughness at the Object on the Imaging and Resolving Power of an Emission Electron Microscope 262

Ⅴ.Practical Applications of Microfield Measurement Using an Emission Electron Microscope 278

Ⅵ.Measurement of Object Surface Geometry(Relief)with an Emission Electron Microscope 291

Ⅶ.Conclusions 312

References 313

Index 317
