- 电子书积分:30 积分如何计算积分?
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:1599411830
- 页数:1224 页
CHAPTER 1.Introduction to the International Legal System 1
A.The Nature of the International Legal System 3
1.Piracy and Other Challenges on the International Law Agenda 3
2.International Law as Law 13
3.International Law and National Legal Systems 20
B.The World of the International Legal System 38
1.International Challenges and the Role of Law 38
2.The Role of Law in Shaping the International System 46
CHAPTER 2.The Sources and Evidence of International Law 59
A.Treaties 60
1.Formation 62
2.Interpretation 76
3.Performance 92
B.Customary International Law 108
C.General Principles and Equity 141
1.General Principles 142
2.Equity 150
D.Subsidiary Sources and Evidence 157
E.Peremptory Norms (Jus Cogens) 160
CHAPTER 3.Subjects of International Law 174
A.States 175
1.Rights and Duties of States 180
2.Elements of Statehood 185
3.Recognition 207
4.Self-Determination 220
B.Non-State Actors 224
1.Individuals 225
2.Communities and Groups 241
3.Corporations, Vessels, and Vehicles 247
C.International Organizations 260
1.Creation and Attributes of International Organizations 261
2.Law-Making by International Organizations 288
3.Responsibility and Control of International Organizations 294
CHAPTER 4.Jurisdiction and Immunities 303
A.Jurisdiction 303
1.Territoriality 312
2.Nationality: Active and Passive 341
3.The Protective Principle: Extraterritorial Conduct Affecting Important State Interests 348
4.Universal Jurisdiction 350
5.Enforcement 358
B.Sovereign Immunity 367
1.The Immunity of States 369
2.Immunity of State Officials: Head of State and Others 397
C.Diplomatic Immunity and Protections 406
1.Diplomats 407
2.Consuls 421
3.International Organizations 425
CHAPTER 5.Human Rights 438
A.Human Rights 438
1.Finding Human Rights Law Obligations 441
2.Global Human Rights Treaties and the UN System: Ratifica-tion, Monitoring, and Compliance 452
3.The Nature of State Obligations 459
4.State Obligations: Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 469
5.Limitations on Rights, the Margin of Appreciation, and Univer-sality 481
B.Accountability for International Crimes 499
1.Individual Criminal Accountability and the Growth of Interna-tional Tribunals 508
2.Beyond the Ad Hoc Tribunals: Mixed Tribunals and the Inter-national Criminal Court 533
CHAPTER 6.Earth Law: Common Spaces and the Protection of the Environment 551
A.The State of the World 553
B.Basic Concepts of International Environmental Law 556
1.The Polluter-Pays Principle and Environmental Economics 556
2.Equity Issues: Inter-generational Equity, Common but Differ-entiated Responsibilities, and Sustainable Development 559
3.Sovereignty over Resources and the Obligation to Avoid Trans-boundary Harm 570
4.Uncertainty and the Precautionary Principle 573
5.Procedural Principles: Notification, Assessment, and Partic-ipation 575
C.Inconvenient Truths: Ozone Depletion and Climate Change 578
1.Ozone Depletion 578
2.Climate Change 582
D.The Law of Common Spaces 601
1.Seas 601
2.Antarctica 610
3.Outer Space and the Moon 612
4.Rivers and Watercourses 617
E.Protection of Living Beings and Habitats 623
1.Species Conservation 624
2.CITEs 630
3.The Biodiversity Convention 632
4.Protection of Specific Habitats 635
F.Chemicals and Hazardous Wastes 643
1.Prohibitions on Chemicals: From Montreal to POPS 645
2.Chemicals and Hazardous Wastes in International Trade 648
3.Chemicals Management 651
G.Final Thoughts 654
CHAPTER 7.International Economic and Development Law 663
A.International Trade Law 673
1.The World Trade Organization: The Multilateral Trading Sys-tem 674
2.The WTO’s Management of Trade Disputes 679
3.Trade and the Environment: Conflict, Coherence or Both 684
4.Bilateral and Regional Free Trade Agreements and Customs Unions 692
5.The Offshoring Problem 697
6.Multilateral Versus Unilateral Enforcement Sanctions 698
B.Foreign Direct Investment 704
1.International Investment Agreements 707
2.The Foreign Investor’s “Right of Establishment” 721
3.Direct and Indirect Expropriation of Foreign Property 724
4.The General Problem of Enforcement 742
C.Develo ment——A Brief Survey 755
CHAPTER 8.State Responsibility 763
A.General Principles of Responsibility 764
B.Attribution 767
1.Control 769
2.Adoption 783
3.Due DiligencE 791
C.Circumstances Precluding Wrongfulness 793
1.General Defenses 795
2.Countermeasures 807
D.Consequences of Wrongfulness 821
CHAPTER 9.International Dispute Resolution 828
A.Non-Binding Methods 830
1.Negotiation and Consultation 830
2.Mediation and Good Offices 845
3.Fact-finding and Conciliation 848
B.Binding Methods 852
1.Arbitration 853
2.Adjudication 858
CHAPTER 10.International Law and the Use of ForcE 919
A.Resort to Armed Force 920
1.Developments Preceding the UN Charter 920
2.The United Nations Charter 926
3.The Crime of Aggression 972
B.Conduct of Armed Conflict 974
1.Developments Preceding the 1949 Geneva Conventions 974
2.The 1949 Geneva Conventions and Other Agreements 977
3.Enforcement of the Jus in Bello 987
C.Weapons Restrictions 1009
1.Weapons of Mass Destruction 1010
2.Conventional Weapons 1033
CHAPTER 11.International Law in National and Regional Systems 1047
A.United Kingdom 1048
1.Constitutional Considerations 1048
2.Treaties 1048
3.Customary International Law 1060
B.The United States 1064
1.Constitutional Considerations 1064
2.Treaties 1066
3.Customary International Law 1094
C.Argentina 1110
1.Constitutional Provisions 1110
2.Treaties 1115
3.Customary International Law 1116
D.European Union 1119
1.Constitutional Considerations 1119
2.Application of Treaties and Customary International Law 1120
3.EU Treaty-Making Powers 1130
4.Direct Applicability of EU Legislation in the Member States 1133
E.France 1142
1.Constitutional Considerations 1142
2.Customary International Law 1143
3.Treaties 1147
4.Secondary EU Law 1155
F.South Africa 1156
1.Constitutional Considerations 1157
2.Treaties 1160
CHAPTER 12.International Law for the Future 1163
A.Law in a Divided WorlD 1164
1.Cultural Diversity 1164
2.Regionalism 1179
3.Exceptionalism 1182
B.Law of Community 1186
1.Universal Law-MakinG 1187
2.Universal Rules, Norms, and Principles 1196
3.Community BuildinG 1205
INDEX 1221
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