- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:CRC PRESS
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:1420089021
- 页数:505 页
PART Ⅰ: Forensic Science and Investigation 3
Chapter 1: Introduction to Forensic Science 3
Chapter 2: Crime Scene Investigation 29
Chapter 3: The Nature of Evidence 53
PART Ⅱ: Tools of the Trade 71
Chapter 4: Separating Complex Mixtures 71
Chapter 5: Light and Matter 97
Chapter 6: Microscopy 117
PART Ⅲ: Patterns and Impressions 145
Chapter 7: Fingerprints and Other Impressions 145
Chapter 8: Questioned Documents 177
Chapter 9: Firearms and Toolmarks 203
PART Ⅳ: Forensic Biology 233
Chapter 10: Forensic Pathology 233
Chapter 11: Anthropology and Odontology 253
Chapter 12: Forensic Entomology 277
Chapter 13: Serology 291
Chapter 14: DNA Typing 319
Chapter 15: Hair 341
PART Ⅴ: Forensic Chemistry 361
Chapter 16: Illicit Drugs 361
Chapter 17: Forensic Toxicology 385
Chapter 18: Fibers, Paints, and Other Polymers 405
Chapter 19: Glass and Soil 431
Chapter 20: Fires and Explosions 453
PART Ⅵ: Legal Aspects of Forensic Science 481
Chapter 21: Forensic Science and the Law 481
Index 499
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